Саnnіbаl Frаt Воy? Тhе Dоwnwаrd Ѕpіrаl оf Аuѕtіn Наrrоuff | ТruеCrіmе & Makeup

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Hey guys!
Today's one is a bit of a head scratcher, it's just very random!
As always please let me know all of your thoughts, theories & opinions! Thanks for watching xoxo





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Hi my name is Danielle, welcome to my True Crime and Makeup series! I’ve been interested in true crime for the longest time now, what started with me watching true crime on TV with my Nan from a young age eventually turned into studying for a degree in Law & Criminology.
When I first watched Bailey Sarian’s series I was completely hooked, I loved how she had combined two of the things I’m most passionate about and delivered it so well. She totally inspired me to take the leap and do the same thing on my channel, so all credit for the idea goes 100% to her.
I’m from the UK and will be covering cases from both the UK and internationally, let me know if there are any cases that you’d like to see from me! More cases will be coming soon so please subscribe if you enjoyed this video!

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This is legitimately the only time I've believed that someone was legally insane at the time of a murder. I hope he gets treatment instead of just being jailed, since this is a truly tragic case.


So many signs of psychosis it’s sad he didn’t receive the help he needed.


This is a prime example of why people NEED to know more about mental health, as soon as you said he had high high’s and low low’s I suspected he had bipolar disorder. It’s said it got to such a scary degree


I don’t think I’ve ever felt sad and frustrated for both the victims and the criminal, but this could’ve been prevented 1000%. The parents should be tried… they knew something was going on yet didn’t get him the help that would’ve prevented this whole situation!! Thank you for covering this case! Hopefully people will be able to listen and watch out for signs of those who need help, and get them help! Prayers for the victims families!🙏🏽🙏🏽


It’s incredibly tragic that two people lost their lives in this case. However, Austin was also a victim. Literally no one helped him. There were MULTIPLE times he should have been hospitalized and his family just let him run off. They literally let him run into streets?? He was showing clear signs of mania and no one did a single thing to get him help. There’s nothing confusing about this case, he had a psychotic manic episode and was left to fend for himself. His decline was not a mystery so the events that took place shouldn’t have been a surprise to anyone.


it’s insane to me that austin’s dad didn’t feel comfortable with allowing his son to drive but had no qualms about bringing him to a gun show and watching him buy a knife. like ??? especially since it’s so recent i don’t understand how none of the people close to him caught this at any point that summer. severe ignorance, blows my mind.


just a note: many signs of schizophrenia appear during the college years, so if you are around austin's age and are experiencing similar things, please don't be afraid to ask for help and a diagnosis! it will help you and everyone around you!


Wow, this is the first time I feel so much empathy for the perpetrator.... If only they gave him the help he needed. Shame man. My heart also goes out to the victims. Such a sad story


He was lost in the dark, and the brief moments he came back to reality, he asked for help and spiraled downward. He must have been so afraid and lost, I feel so sorry for him. I feel sorry for the victims, and their family. Everyone failed Austin.


In this case Austin’s parents are to be blamed. Clearly he is losing his mind & his dad is taking him out for dinner 🙆🏽‍♀️ I mean in his case the signs were way too obvious.
He was drinking cooking oil & his mother took him back for dinner? Why everyone is so crazy about the dinner.
By not taking him to medical care they not only put their child in danger but the whole society too. Whatever happened was inevitable.
I am feeling so sad for that couple & the neighbour.


At one point during the attack he begged the officers to kill him "Kill me! I'm eating people! Kill me!"

A tragic case all round.
*Edit* I saw this on the Mr.Ballen channel. Thank you for the likes 👍 🤗


There were so many signs that he was suffering from psychosis and really needed mental help/intervention but the parents failed him over and over again. I feel sorry for him and the victims. Never would have happened if the parents had actually stepped up and acted like parents instead of passing him off to one another.


This case… Austin did not have a good support system. There seems like there was so much pressure to perform and be a certain way it’s no wonder his family was in denial about his obvious psychotic break. He was the perfect age for schizophrenia symptoms to begin manifesting and any competent doctor would’ve known that. They failed this kid, and as a result, completely innocent bystanders Michelle and John were failed as well. I fully believe if Austin had been appropriately diagnosed and treated he would’ve posed no threat. Not an evil kid…just very sick. Man this case is sad.


Aw... the fact he slept in his sister's room and with the dog to protect them. Poor guy. This is such a tragic case.


I can't imagine something scarier than experiencing reality slip away in the way it must have slipped away for Austin...he needed help so badly and cases like these are simply tragic because of how many warning signs there were


Has anyone else noticed that Danielle's eyeshadow always matches her nailcolour. So cool! 😎


It’s cases like this that make me understand why people thought mental illness was possession. My heart goes out to him. He should have been given help way before this happened. At first I was sympathetic to his parents, but since they KNEW he had always had problems since a young age (which they didn’t get him help for? I’m not sure) and the changes in behavior were so drastic and clear, he should have been given help LONG ago.


Heya, bipolar girl here. Before my diagnosis, I would experience the same erratic behaviour pattern. Huge highs, crushing lows, it felt like a massive pendulum. But what always used to terrify me was when I'd get auditory hallucinations. Them in themselves were never that scary but they always happened right before what I now know were psychotic breaks.... The last one I had, I had become convinced that a nuclear holocaust was about to hit London AT ANY SECOND. I hid for 12 hours in the deepest levels of Westminster station.
Years, tons of therapy and medication later, I have finally regained controle of my life and I thank the universe everyday that I never lost controle quite like that poor lost man did.


His mom though....'My son is acting a little strange.' He just drank from a bottle of cooking oil and tried to fight his dad. Cops come and he's literally eating a person.


Sitting here this case genuinely bought me to tears. My dad is schizophrenic and hearing this all is so close to home as I can recognise so many of the behaviours Austin is portraying in my dad. It’s so so sad he didn’t help help during his obvious deterioration.

The dog thing in particular made me sit bolt upright in my seat. My dad believed his house was full of spirits that were going to kill him. I once stayed at his house with my dog and he told me that night was the only night that he felt at peace and safe. He said my dog kept growling at nothing while sleeping with him and he felt she kept him safe. I let him take her for multiple days at a time because it was the only way I knew that he felt even slightly better.

The 15th of august (when Austin commits the murders) is also my mother’s birthday. I feel so weirdly connected to this case.
