Exoplanets: Are There Other Earths?

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Is Earth the only living needle in this haystack of planets?

Are there exoplanets like Earth? We live in one of a hundred billion of galaxies, each with hundreds of billions of stars. And now, thanks to modern astronomy, we know that the Milky Way is home to perhaps a hundred billion planets! In the past two decades, these exoplanet discoveries have spawned new questions about our universe, and if there might be another Earth, or other life, somewhere out there.

In part 1 of our two-part series on exoplanets, we'll look at how astronomers find exoplanets, and what it means to call them Earth-like. We'll trace the history of planetary science back three thousand years and examine Earth's changing status in the cosmos. We were once the center of the universe, and now Earth is just another rock in the sky. What does that mean for us?

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Joe Hanson - Host and writer
Joe Nicolosi - Director
Amanda Fox - Producer
Katie Graham - Director of Photography
Andrew Matthews - Editor and Motion Graphics
Kate Eads - Production Manager

Filmed at Onion Creek Productions in Austin, TX

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NEW VIDEO! Is Earth the only living needle in this haystack of billions of planets?

#science   #space   #astronomy   #exoplanets  


As Arthur C Clarke said, "Two possibilities exist: Either we are alone in the Universe or we are not. Both are equally terrifying."


your channel is perfect for classroom use 


"Then there were 9, and then there were 8" RIP Pluto


The very existence of life on Earth shows that life is possible on at least one of those billions of Earth-like planets. Not to mention the possibility of unfamiliar life growing elsewhere. I doubt we'll find anything in my lifetime, but that tiny, minuscule chance is one of the things I live for.


Why do we assume that 'lifes' requirements for other planets will be the same as what spawned life on earth? o.o just because earth is the only planet with life we know doesn't mean that there won't be life in areas creatures on our planet would find impossible to survive o.o  i think life exists but i think we 'limit' our chance of discovering it if we keep such a narrow belief in thinking that life could only possibly exist if it mimics earth o.o.

I also think its kinda silly that we often assume "intelligent" life will possess the same cultures or system of beliefs that we have. i think when and if we discover new species that are 'intelligent' we'll find that they're as diiverse as a species . after all even our own species is quite diverse in its own concepts and beliefs.


For me, I enjoy all of the new discoveries. Even here on Earth. I love to find new things, learn new things. So learning new things about the exoplanets and the galaxies is great to me.


space is probably my favorite thing to look at in science its so amazing


learning about the universe makes me so happy


Awesome illustrative material at the beginning! 5/5! Awesome video :)


More significant, I say. To find other life would increase our reach - we'd know then that we're part of a much bigger community which stretches across not just borders of countries on our planet, but across the void, too: the community of LIVING THINGS.


Congratulations on you wonderful channel, I really enjoy it. About this video, I think you are pretty much narrowing the odds here. The Goldilocks zone is referred to oxygen-based forms of life, or life as we know it. What if there were some others?? Maybe life could have developed in those gassy, freezing or scorching hot planets. In my point of view, we have to consider ourselves as almost deaf and blind about everything out there to hear and see. Great channel again, keep up with the good work!!


Galileo didn't give us the telescope, although he did improve the design. He was the first person (who had access to a telescope) to think of pointing it at the night sky. But, all in all, he wasn't much of an astronomer.


I have a love hate relationship with the knowledge we've been accruing about our increasingly small place in the universe.  On one hand, it supports the arguments made by Sagan's cosmic perspective (that we have more things in common than we have differences, and we need to band together as a world to have any chance of survival in a very hostile reality).  On the other hand, when I'm still up at 4 am, the absolute vastness of time and space, and my complete and utter insignificance within them weighs heavily on my mind.  But it's pretty amazing and awesome none the less, so I'm cool with it :-)


Your channel really changes my look on life and the universe and even us. I'm subscribing to you and please make more videos soon!


Not too big, not too small. Not too dim, not too bright. Not too hard, not too soft. With conditions just right. We wish and we long and we're hoping in time, a planet that's earth-like with life we shall find...

I honestly expected you to finish off your little ditty with a rhyme when you started out with "not too cold or too hot" but you didn't, so I made one for you! ... yeah, I need to get my loopy self to bed.


Your videos are amazing. these are videos I'll get my kids to watch to learn about world around them. please keep making them.


And then there were eight. Thanks NDT! Lol


OH. MY. GOD this is the best series ever ;u;


Another Great Channel! keep up the good work guys!
