There are no known habitable exoplanets

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Everywhere you look, there are people claiming NASA found "Earth 2.0" or "planets better for life than Earth". But this isn't true. Kepler-22 b, Kepler-186 f, Gliese 667 Cc, Proxima Centauri b, the TRAPPIST-1 system, K2-18 b, and all other potentially habitable exoplanets likely can't host alien life. Even with things like the James Webb Space Telescope, we have yet to find any habitable exoplanets.

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edit: i changed it

ok so this video has been out for about a week now and a lot of the comments are mad at me for making clickbait, so i’m gonna try to clear that up in one comment
when i was writing this script a few months ago, i had just gotten recommended a bunch of ai generated clickbait bs that inspired me to make this. I put “there are no habitable exoplanets” as the title as a direct response to the titles of the other videos, which were saying stuff like “these are the most habitable exoplanets”
this video sat on the back burner for a few months until i finally got around to publishing it, and I didn’t bother to change the title
the title is not arguing that habitable exoplanets don’t exist. I say in the video that they probably do. If anything I should’ve added quotation marks to the title (there are no “habitable” exoplanets) to make it more in line with what i actually wanted the video to say (which was meant as a direct counter to the ai misinformation that’s everywhere)
but I forgot to do that, and overnight this became my best performing video ever, and now i’m scared to change the title for fear that the whole thing will just die
my goal isn’t to misinform people. I actively try to avoid clickbait as much as possible, and I research my videos for months before publishing them. When I made this title, clickbait genuinely wasn’t even on my mind, “there are no habitable exoplanets” was just my first automatic thought
(and if you check my other videos you’ll hopefully find this is true, my other video titles are usually very simple and non-clickbait. This video is very much an outlier)
So sorry if you feel clickbaited, but that honestly wasn’t my intention. I had no intent of making the video clickbait, and at this point i’m scared to change it because it could kill the video’s performance, and I feel as though this is an important video to get out to as many people as possible, since it’s directly countering popular misinfo
i’m not trying to make excuses, i need to hold myself up to a higher standard so i don’t become the exact thing i’m trying to stop, and ig i’ll just remember to revise video titles in the future
essay over


A majority of humans died on earth
Conclusion: Earth is the deadliest planet


After taking a look at housing prices they still seem more habitable than Earth


There is no easter bunny, there is no tooth fairy, and there are no habitable exoplanets


The funniest joke in the universe would be that theres another intelligent lifeform out there, but they see Earth as unfit for life because they think non-ammonia breathing lifeforms an impossibility.


>habitable planet orbiting the goldilocks zone
>it orbits a Red Dwarf
Every time...


I wonder if somewhere in the universe, there are aliens sitting on a frozen, radioactive hellscape with crushing gravity thinking "damn, the fact that this planet is so perfect for life is such a miracle it shouldn't even be possible"


As a resident from Keplar 22B, I'm glad our guise keeps eveyone away.


instead of terraforming other planets to make them habitable, we should look a bit closer to home and terraform Detroit.


This video is far better than most largely because the narrator is more interested in practical facts and scientific accuracy rather than self-promotion via BS and clickbaiting. How refreshing, thank you.


Remember: The Moon is also within the habitable zone of our star.


"Are you habitable because you're earth or are you earth because you're habitable"


the three reasons we havent found habitable exoplanets:

1. theyre hard to detect because theyre far
2. we have to consider a lot of factors which slims the chances way too much
3. we suck at finding earth sized planets around other stars


AI generated "education" content on YouTube is genuinely a huge issue, and a giant tragedy. I sincerely thank you for noticing the issue and attempting to fight it off. I also entirely agree with your point.
Do habitable exoplanets exist? I can say with near absolute certainty, that yes, they do
But when our sample size of "well understood exoplanets" is like, 4, with everything else being basically guesses, of course we haven't found any Earth clones yet.


There’s no girlfriend, there’s no half life 3, and there are no 100% habitable exoplanets.


Perhaps the real exoplanets are the friends we made along the way.


"Yay, we finally found a habitable planet!"
"How do we reach it?"


Random people: "Wow look how cool this planet is. It orbits a red dwarf."
The red dwarf:


even if theres water, life, and a magnetic field, i guarantee you we cant breathe any exoplanet atmosphere


Its so refreshing to find an astronomy channel that isnt AI, misinformation, and clickbait
