What If You Lived on Kepler 22-b?

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635 light-years from where you are sitting, way out in outer space, lies a planet. The first planet to be discovered inside the habitable zone of a Sun-like star. Its name is Kepler 22-b. When a planet is located within a star's habitable zone, it means that there is a chance that liquid water exists on its surface. And where there's water, there’s also the possibility of life. Human life. What would the weather be like over there?

00:00 Could this be Earth 2.0?
01:10 Exoplanets
04:10 Kepler 22-b might have an ocean
06:30 Growing plants
08:14 How would we thrive?

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It's sad that our governments would be willing to spend billions of dollars on trying to find another suitable planet for human life, yet they don't want to invest money into saving the planet we already call home.


watching these type of videos make me feel thankful to our Earth.


The smell inside that spacecraft after 600 years is something I wouldn't even want to contemplate.


I like how a majority of the video is background information 90% of the audience already knows and 10% is the actual title what a very quality video I’m very entertained


What’s funny is that we’re only seeing what it looks like 635 years ago
I mean it’s remarkable that we might have another place to live
But at the same time what it looks like now is something we will never know for another 635 years


Fun fact: if aliens on Kepler-22b looked at Earth right now, they would see us in Middle Ages (more specifically, during Polish-Teutonic War of 1410-1412)


In an environment with a stronger gravitational pull, you wouldn't want to "bulk-up, " you would want to bulk-down. Bulking-up will only add to your mass, and make you even heavier. And if Kepler is as much as 2x gravity, it would be pretty much impossible to live on that planet. Upon arrival, your heart would have difficulty pumping blood, since your blood would weigh twice as much. Standing would be difficult, stroke would be likely, and breathing would be labored.


My fascination with space led me to this amazing channel. Thank you for the informative videos!


No planet can compare to what we have right now. We must take care of it.


If NASA finally finds an exoplanet that is exactly like earth which have life on it, we still don't know if it stayed the same because what we're seeing in outer space have happened in the past.


theres literally people on kepler just watching youtube videos about earth


Dankjewel voor de tip marko ik heb altijd al gedacht die enquêtes kunnen niet goed zijn


It’s crazy that what we’re able to tell is from data that’s 635 years old, and if we could leave tomorrow & travel at light speed, ANOTHER 635 years would go by, making a total of 1, 270 years gone by.


I’d love to go to space but I’d also be terrified of dying out there 💀


I've just discovered this channel omg it just leaves me in imaginations
Keep it up 😘😘


What is important is that wherever there is life, it evolved to fit into that specific planet or satellite. Even our proteins are based on levorotatory peptides. Every molecular structure for every organism on this planet is designed by 4 billion years of adaptations to a majority water surfaced ferrous core, rocky planet of 5.972 x 1024 Kg in mass and a gravity of 9.807 m/s2 influenced by single satellite with a mass of 7.34767309 x 1022 Kg and gravity of 1.62 m/s2 revolving every 27 days 378, 000 Km distant in a goldilocks area 146-152, 000, 000 Km from a star with a mass of 1.989x1030 Kg and a gravity of 274 m/s2 and a surface temperature of 5, 778 Kelvin. Any even slight variation in any of the above parameters will affect the morphology and biochemistry of the life forms even before we get to atmospheric gasses, shape and mass of organisms and how they respire and utilize gasses, In short, we cannot survive on other “exoplanets” and extraterrestrial beings cannot survive on earth. There are some things that would be held in common between organisms on earth and organisms on subsurface Europa, tau Ceti e, Proxima Centauri b or Wolf1061c (V2306 Ophiuchi) . Alien life forms would be carbon based but the amino acids that make up their protein structures could easily be dextrorotatory (right-handed) rather than left-handed (levorotatory). Our skin shades were determined by sun exposure and more than 10, 000 years ago all skin tones were dark. What if the “aliens” were from a planet or satellite, like Europa, where heat is generated from within? It is certain that any other life form that evolved via information transfer with ribonucleic acids would NOT have information units compatible with human genes. In addition, just as the parameters mentioned formed earth life, so also did life change the earth. In short we are stuck with earth and these silly dreams about colonizing space is totally stupid.


I love learning about new things from this channel. I never know what you’re going to talk about next and I love that 😅


Imagine after humans reach there and see it is already destroyed, what we saw from the earth was 635 years ago, Safe journey again back to🌎


Imagine people on Kepler looking to us and saying “oh a small us” 😂


Just remind everyone, we are far far away from reaching the speed of light, and whether we can achieve the light speed remains questionable 😅
