Unity: Skinned Mesh Renderer transfer between identical rigs - a method
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Unity tutorial for transfer of Skinned Mesh Renderers between identical skeletons.
The Skeletons must be identical and this includes having identical bone names.
This demo uses Synty models, many of which share the same skeleton. I have had several requests to share this especially from Synty users.
Steps with time stamps:
t = 3s: Highlighting the 'Target' Rig.
t = 7s: Highlighting several 'donor' meshes, in any orientation that have been added to the scene.
t = 13s: Create an empty GameObject
t = 16s: Add the BoneDonor* script to the empty GameObject.
t = 21s: Set the target on the BoneDonor by dragging it to the inspector.
t = 23s: Lock the inspector (so you can drag many objects)
t = 30s: Select all donor meshes and dragged to the list on the BoneDonor script.
t = 33s: Enter Play mode to initiate the action.
t = 40s: Drag the target rig to the project folder to save as a prefab.
t = 42s: Enter Edit mode.
t = 45s: Drag your prefab into the scene and inspect it.
The Skeletons must be identical and this includes having identical bone names.
This demo uses Synty models, many of which share the same skeleton. I have had several requests to share this especially from Synty users.
Steps with time stamps:
t = 3s: Highlighting the 'Target' Rig.
t = 7s: Highlighting several 'donor' meshes, in any orientation that have been added to the scene.
t = 13s: Create an empty GameObject
t = 16s: Add the BoneDonor* script to the empty GameObject.
t = 21s: Set the target on the BoneDonor by dragging it to the inspector.
t = 23s: Lock the inspector (so you can drag many objects)
t = 30s: Select all donor meshes and dragged to the list on the BoneDonor script.
t = 33s: Enter Play mode to initiate the action.
t = 40s: Drag the target rig to the project folder to save as a prefab.
t = 42s: Enter Edit mode.
t = 45s: Drag your prefab into the scene and inspect it.
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