How You Should Be Changing Gears on Your Bike/Bicycle

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If you're derialluer hanger is bent and you want a stronger hanger then the one that came with the bike. Wheels Manufacturing is one that I highly recommend to keeping your derailleur aligned with your gears.
Just keep in mind these simple tasks when changing gears.

1) As your pedalling click the appropriate shifter to make it easier or harder to pedal.
2) Keep the chain as straight as possible.
3) Never change gears uphill to avoid applying to much pressure on the chain.(It could break off)

Remember, Higher numbers on left you should be at high numbers on the right. And of course Lower numbers on left, you should be at lower numbers on right.

Do this and your bike will last longer.

*TIP.. If you ride. Like A LOT. You should replace your chain every 3-6 months(depending on how hard you ride). Your sprockets will last longer, without replacing them... Wait too long, and you'll have to change your chain, and sprockets(rear cogs).

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I wish a manual came with every bike purchase that explains this.


Its 3AM and I am doing all usual things that i do on youtube i.e watching random videos. I dont even own a bike!


Here we are 2 1/2 years later and you're still helping people like me... an old "newbie". This is the first time I've seen gearing explained and it hit a 10 on my understanding scale. Thanks!!!


I’ve been riding bikes for over 30 years and never knew the gears needed to match up like that. That explains so many issues I’ve had over the years. I always thought it was just bad luck. Thank you.


Hallelujah! Finally I found that video where someone mentioned the numbers on the trigger. Everybody else is talking about low, high, number of teeth, cross chaining and other technical parameters that adding just more frustration . And finally I found the guy who just pronounced that 1 on the left is used with 1-4 on the right. 2 with 2-8, and 3 with 5-8.
Thank you, Sports Shack.


This is the best explanation of gearing that I have ever seen. Thanks!


Thank you. My entire life I have only ridden a single speed cruiser, I finally got a budget mountain hardtail from Wal-Mart and had no idea what to do with the gears. This was very short get incredibly informative and super helpful!


I really appreciate explaining this gears speed changing ! It now makes a lot of sense. I always thought the big one meant faster


Duuude, you just changed aaand saved my life. Haven't used my bike since i bought it (almost a year ago), because i was afraid of breaking the chain cause i didn't know how to properly use the gears and everyone said to me "just don't cross them" and i was like "what the eff you mean?!".
Reaaaally dude.. Changed my life


I watched several of these gear changing videos and the others were confusing. Yours was excellent. Thanks for clear, concise explanation.


I felt like an absolute noob thinking that all 21 gears (3 front, 7 rear) are available for selection. Wish every bicycle had an instruction manual like this. Many thanks guys, this really educated me.


I knew that I wasn't supposed to strain the limits when I was in 1 or 3 up front, but I was never quite sure if it was in one direction or both. Really appreciate the breakdown and visuals with the overlays here. It made a lot of sense!


At last, a video that goes into the basic practicalities of gear shifting instead of endless theory about ratios and how gears work. Much appreciated. 👍


I bought my bike shortly after you uploaded this, strange that I couldn't find this when I needed it 2 years ago, but clear instructions w/a visual aid makes this one of the better vids in gear shifting.


Finally someone explaining the mechanics everybody needs to know, thanks!


Just got my new FX1 and I’m loving it. It’s been years since I had gotten on a bike, and I have already noticed I have done this bad angle shift. Thanks to this video I know how to correct it. Thanks for taking the guess work out!


At last, a sensible, well explained tutorial on gearing. Thank you. Now I understand.


Thank you Sports Schack, finally this chaging gears makes sense to me.The way you explained made it easy to follow and understand what's happens when you change gears!


One of the finest video on gear changing, very crisp, to the point and very well shot by giving live demo example. Nice angle of the shot as well which shows if gears are in straight line or not. Thanks.


Thank you so much for making this! Just upgraded to a Marlin 5 from a Huffy Nightrider (HUGE upgrade!) and I was getting confused with how the shifting worked. You explained very simply and having no issues now! Thanks a million!
