The Dark Side of Highly Vibrational People - Don't Mess With Them! #narcissism #narcissist #npd

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Narc Survivor is no stranger to narcissistic abuse. With a lifetime of personal experience and psychology research, he is someone who truly understands what it is like to fall victim to a sadistic emotional predator.

#narcissism #narcissist #npd

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Don't mess with a chosen one because they are the wrong one!


It's all right on the money.. I've done nothing but experience it all of my life and didn't even realize what was really going on for half of it. The holy Spirit open your eyes with discernment..


Yes, I can't be messed with...for sure


Great message and video! I loved the clip of the Irish dancer! 😉☘️


After 2.5 years of NPD awareness & education (TY NS), I am now 2.5 years in from being 100% narc free and these are the kinds of videos that help my soul stay narc free. I really want to see my dad and brother again in life, but not at the expense of seeing that horrific monster that birthed me and her evil, psychopath son! FaceTime w/my Dad is great and we’re closer than ever. Narc brother is probably reading this because they love to stalk and hoover, so this is for you….KMA. 😂. But yes, more videos like this, please Narc Survivor! I need my empathic muscle strengthening!


In addition -- Don't think ill of highly vibrational people while hoping they don't succeed.


Yea do more of these. Those longer vids are great but this is helpful too. I don’t always have an hour to dedicate to the longer form content.


It's a sad state of affairs for an empathic person who is trying to deal with a narcissist because they have to take on some of their abusers traits to survive the ordeal. In the worst case scenario the stress of it all can force the empath into using reactive abuse towards the narcissist which will make them look like the villain and the narcissist the victim. Nothing good comes from staying with a narcissist once you are out stay out.


Yes, I cut him off, not only was my intuition and gut screaming at me for a long time now, I had my suspicions that the narshole not only cheated on me with women, he was on the DL as well. Most Narsholes (especially the men) are bisexual. I do tarot readings and also pendulum dowsing and it was told to me by my spirit guides that I would’ve eventually have contracted a serious STD the longer I stayed involved with the narshole and also that he never truly loved me, I was only supply. On a psychological level this channel provides me with the added education to heal and move on 🙏💯
