This Vanilla Traffic Fix Was the WORST in Cities Skylines!

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Fixing Vanilla Traffic is a disaster all of it's own...can we succeed? Enjoy :-)

➤Buy Cities Skylines via my Affiliate link to support the channel too (you receive a steam key, I receive a small % of the sale):

➤Twitter: @biffa2001

➤Sunset Harbour Patch Notes:
Autumn Haze - West & Zander
Bonzai - Giants' Nest
Fool Me - Onda Norte
In the Sunset With Me (Instrumental Version) - Russell Vista
Little Apple - Giants' Nest
Sail - Dye O
Satsuma Beach - Giants' Nest
Stay Dazed - Baron Grand
Sun Melt Waves - Oman
The Rooftop - Gregory David
The Wave - Onda Norte
You Thought I Knew (Instrumental Version) - Particle House

Enjoy my Cities Skylines Gameplay. Can I play without mods in a new vanilla city? Can I still keep a good traffic flow without mods? Let's find out in my new Let's Play called, at the moment "Vanilla Snow!". Enjoy :-)

- Cities Skylines - Vanilla/Hard Mod/No Mods/Snow City

- Cities Skylines - New Tealand (Modded)

- Cities Skylines - Teaport City Build

- Cities Skylines - TeaVille City Build

- Cities Skylines - FIX YOUR CITY

- Cities Skyline Natural Disaster Comedy Short

Cities Skylines - Sunset Harbour DLC:

- Underwater Friends
Explore the new fishing industry with control over fishing boats at sea and fish farms, adding a new commercial element to your city.

- Water Water Everywhere
Utilize Water Treatment Plants that process waste water for additional uses.

- Find Your Route
Explore new bus systems, including the Intercity Bus Service for transit between cities.

- Fly In Style
The Aviation Club building encourages small plane owners to take part in recreational flying.

- Five New Maps
Find a spot for the perfect city to build! Sunset Harbor includes a variety of different maps featuring boreal, tropical and temperate locales.

#citiesskylines #biffaplays #VanillaSnow
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Biffa: “we have a lot planned for today, we are gonna expand massively on the left hand side”
Also Biffa: spends 50 minutes fixing six intersections and roundabouts 🤣


Hey Biffa, at the last episode of this series can you use all the mods that you usually use so we can see how much mods make a difference on traffic, beautification etc. aspect? Cheers!


For a name for the sinkhole, how about just “The sink” So people driving by can throw teabags in the sink, at least it also would deal with trash.


Being stuck on console vanilla, sometimes when it comes to slips roads I find if I build it initially with the basic dirt road I get a little more control. The Highway slip road automatically bends and snaps much more that the dirt road I find. Especially in tight situations like the area you were working on when the sink hole notice came in. Once I’ve built it with the dirt road I then just upgrade it to the highway ramp :)


Thank you for reminding me why I don't play vanilla Cities Skylines.

I would add a lot more pedestrian paths and transit options. It seems like there are many personal vehicles, so adding pedestrian bridges/tunnels across the highway may help.


Instead of having two highway offramps coming from the roundabout to a 6 lane road, just connect the two highway offramps to the junction directly with no 6 lane section at all.


31:50 for that problem you are thinking: just delete the 4way road and connect the seperate oneway roads direkt to the intersection if it is possible. that wouled help to stop at the one node.


48:45 -- Finishes tearing out the roundabout, acknowledges that the lovers of roundabouts go absolutely nuts because of it, and immediately an earthquake warning.

Coincidence? Unlikely.

Biffa upset the traffic gods. :)


I would suggest ripping out all of that quad network highway, setup your main roads, and then redo the connections to the highway. It is over complicated and taking up a lot of space.


I think there the garbage issue has something to do with a bug in disasters. Happens every now and then after a disaster has happened. You should look that up.


27:05 your turn-around-about could connect into the slip lane to the highway as well so that they don't have to go all the way back and then turn around again to use the slip lane


31:46 Instead of having that little piece of road, the highway roads could connect directly into the junction. I think that could work better


I wish they would do a road focused dlc, where they rework all roads, we should have more control over roads and have tram, bike lane versions etc of all the sizes from 2 to 6 and add 8 lane roads as well. The road system have always felt a bit clunky imo.

Imagine place your 2-4-6-8 lane road, then select another thing to then toggle / add bus, taxi, tram, or bike lanes.


I learned that some traffic problems could be related to when you overload an intersection. What I mean with this is that people wants to go from A to B and viceversa, but if the same intersection also handles C to D, E to F, then we have chaos. (Of course I'm simplifying the problem). The solution is to give more options and even move some entry points to a different place


Traffic episodes are always the most satisfying.


I wonder if he has forgotten than in vanilla you can use zones to ban certain traffic like heavy traffic etc, that way you can force them to take another route.


I tend to put a recycling center next to most of the transfer facilities, it helps collecting trash more efficiently, and in my mind it is more realistic (in a green society) having most of the garbage recycled and then the excess “unrecyclable” trash gets transported somewhere to be dealt with…


I've noticed that waste transfer facilities and a few incinerators for them to empty into seems to be the best combo for handling trash


Biffa I love this city, seeing the problems with vanilla traffic, I have started a vanilla snow map myself inspired by AntarTEAca I’m 40000 pop behind you atm but taking all the notes for future traffic problems. Thank you


@Biffa Plays Indie Games
40:20 instead of changing the length of the 6 lane road, why not have the 2 lane motorway all the way from the roundabout straight into the junction? that would get rid of the awkward stopping where the 2 lane motorway joins the 6 lane road.
you could upgrade the end of the 2 lane motorway to 3 lanes just before the junction.
and you could have a 2 lane motorway straight from the junction to the roundabout
