Up Some Other Way: Calvinism v Traditional Baptist Doctrinal Statement

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Is the church able to identify what REALLY is a problem?
Do the members of the church care about things that matter?
Is the "church polity" reforming the church with doctrine contrary to the Scripture and the long standing doctrinal statement?
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Thank you for sharing and standing up. You have no idea (or maybe you do) how deeps the tentacles of this run. My husband and I have been going deeper and deeper into this rabbit hole for several years, trying to learn as much as we can. The more we learn about what Calvinists believe and teach, the bigger the pit in our stomach becomes. If I could wash my brain of all of MAN's teaching and doctrine and then lock myself in a room with just my Bible for a year, That's what I would do.


Thank you for your boldness in explaining clearly the doctrine of Calvinism. May God continue to grant you wisdom and guidance through His Spirit. God’s word is supreme. You’ve almost inspired me to learn Greek at age 59! From my regular reading this morning found Numbers 11 clearly describes the work of the Spirit of God in Moses and the 70 elders.


I praise God for you, sister! You clearly know and love Jesus Christ, are a Berean, and are bold and courageous enough (by His Spirit within you) to serve God NOT men! Hallelujah for you! Keep standing FIRMLY on Truth: the Word of God, Christ the Lord! Keep prophesying (speaking to men for their strengthening, encouragement, and comfort per 1 Cor. 14:3), sister!


Blessed by God to bring Truth to His flock. Thank you intruthbygrace🙏❤


I would LOVE to hear from you some more. You've really done so much for my spiritual life for the better.


This is so important to share. I'm so sorry for the pain of this experience. I'm praying you sister


I did the same thing for 2 yrs then ended up at the local Baptist church..I haven"t heard anything like that but I've only been going for 2 months..now I know what to listen..frances chan quit his church n started a home church where like minded people praise God n jesus n help n love each other..wish we had 1 near me


“I have more insight than all my teachers, for I meditate on your statutes. I have more understanding than the elders, for I obey your precepts.”
‭‭Psalms‬ ‭119:99-100‬ ‭


About 22 years ago my kids attended a Christian school and I went to the church one time and they talked about this as their doctrine and it truly shook me up! I said to myself "if this is correct then what I believe is wrong? If this is correct why even bother to tell people about Jesus? Why pray fur the unsaved? It rattled me at the time. There are verses that talk about election but like you after days of wrestling with it I had to say that it didn't mean elected for salvation! This video you made out of love for the people in that church and the love of the TRUTH was very powerful and moving.


Your testimony is a wonderful witness as to how subtle the devil truly is. I've always listened to your videos with great admiration and held you in high regard with your ability to discern the truth....and then you share this! Wow. Stay encouraged. Be blessed.


So glad you made this video! God had you in this church so that you would expose the hidden deeds of darkness! Bless you for having the courage. Someone gave me a Calvinism book years ago. I knew something was off before even opening it. There is only ONE gospel. ✝️


I am so glad you have spent 8 years studying the bible. Many blessings to you for your hard work and persistence. I am a 66 year old wife and mother of three. After searching for many years for a Christian church that was not comprised.by culture we now are members at a reformed church, a PCA Presbyterian church with many millienial families as members. It is so wonderful to see the young people flock to the church, hungry for God's wisdom. I myself was called by God in fact rescued by God before I believed in Jesus. At my transformation, which happened when I was alone late at night in my kitchen, the Lord in one fell swoop made me believe in Him, desire Him, and humbled my proud arrogant spirt. Why He saved me, why He spared me I don't know. But as soon as the stores were open the next day I was scrambling to purchase a bible. However, I do not meet many people who have been saved so abruptly as I was. I guess God figured I needed a real knock on the head so to speak. But when meeting other Christians it is not so important how they were saved but it eventually becomes to what degree they are sanctified?. How much work are they willing to put into bible study? Do we take our faith seriously or do we take it for granted. Are we willing to study God's character so that we may copy it? I don't wish to say anything that would upset you but I bet if I asked people at my church how they were converted to Christianity most would say choosing to believe seemed to be their path. Even though they artend a reformed church. I think somehow the issue is two sides of the same coin.
My conversion was similar to Paul in that he certainly did not believe when God struck him blind on the road. None of us deserve God's forgiveness.
Now at this stage in my life, I try to improve my character and learn about the Lord's teachings so that I may be ever ready when He wishes to send me into battle. He saved this wretched sinner for a reason and I owe Him a lot! Your sister in Christ, Karen


That's how subtle the enemy/devil is. Con in the unsuspecting with solid doctrinal statements, then feed them garbage. This is indoctrination of the worst kind. Thank God for his word where all things can be verified. God bless you Grace. So thankful for your teachings.


I really enjoyed this Iove your passion. You got me realizing some things about some things.


WOW! As Batman used to say, "BIFF! SOCK! POW!"
Guess you told them a thing or 7...
I have not seen or heard a Statement of. FAITH, since I joined the church, many many decades ago. (At least 6...) So thank you for this. During your sermonette, I kept seeing so much light, and feeling great peace. It's been way too long. And I need a communion too. Half century, at least. I've really missed that. I've really missed an active church life, but mine died and went away. Too bad, it was a very good church at one point. Mom was a Southern Baptist pianist and organist for about 40 years, in addition to being a fed for 33. Guess where I grew up? Lol.
Sorry, distracted. This was superb, and someone appreciates your hard and convicted work. Your diplomacy was only superceded by your candor and honesty. Your faith is obvious. YOU should be the pastor, from what I've heard.
You haven't sent any babies to hell, I'm sure! That's just sick. Thank God for you, and may you find a home fitting your hunger and thirst for the Lord!
God bless and keep you, and jeep his hand of protection over you.


You are exactly like me. Study, Study, and find a church with the biblical beliefs as I understand them to be.
So many churches with doctrine that does not match the teachings of the Bible.


You said, “there is a simple recipe for human error. “You take the Bible and you hold men in admiration and use the teachings of those men you hold in admiration as the lens through which you see the Bible.” I agree that the Bible speaks for itself and we should not see it through the lens of man or in this case woman.
And why did you do this in such an unbiblical way?
15 "If your brother sins against you, go and tell him his fault, between you and him alone. If he listens to you, you have gained your brother.
16 But if he does not listen, take one or two others along with you, that every charge may be established by the evidence of two or three witnesses.
17 If he refuses to listen to them, tell it to the church. And if he refuses to listen even to the church, let him be to you as a Gentile and a tax collector. Matt18.15-17
This reminds me of the way the liberal mainstream media uses mass media to try and destroy people.
Jesus told us how to treat a brother and this is not it.


Awesome, thank you. I'm just beginning a search for a church with sound doctrine. This gives me courage.


Thank you so very much for this message! I have not understood this so well, and I sure needed the insight. It's so easy (wow, that's scary to think!) for these concepts to creep in unaware. Thank you, sister!!! ~~ Cathy


Gotquestions and carm are calvinist as well.
