Near-Death Experience Expert REVEALS The Incredible Evidence For Life After Death!

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John Burke is the New York Times bestselling author of Imagine Heaven who has researched over 1000 cases of near-death experiences and how they correlate with the Bible. He has appeared in multiple documentaries and movies, including the recent award-winning box office movie “After
Death” and “The Case for Heaven.” John is a popular guest on hundreds of podcasts and news outlets, including Fox News, Glenn Beck, Megyn Kelly, and the ex-navy seal’s Shawn Ryan Show on You Tube. As a pastor and international speaker, John has addressed over 100,000 people in 30
countries on topics of leadership, spiritual growth, and the exhilarating life to come. His New York Times bestseller, Imagine Heaven, has sold well over a million copies and been translated into 12 languages, continuing to top the charts on Amazon the past 9 years. His other books include Soul
Revolution, No Perfect People Allowed, Unshockable Love, and most recently the bestseller Imagine the God of Heaven. John and his wife Kathy founded the multi-site Gateway Community Church in Austin, Texas which he led for 26 years. John is also president of GLI, an organization that equips young leaders across the nation.

Find John on social media:
John Burke Facebook page: type @johnburkeofficial
Imagine Heaven page: type @imagineheavenbook
Instagram: @johnburkeofficial

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I died during a brain surgery and saw such an amazing heaven. My doctors were blown away after what I described. And prior to that I had out of body experiences during brain testing. There were things I could see that weren’t physically possible. I’m so happy to know I’m not alone


I had a NDE back in June- and I can say with a surety that there is a God. The peace and comfort I felt during that time will forever stay with me. My only wish is that everyone gets to expierence that peace without having to pass away. Love the video- Thank you for sharing


You found NDE Jake . You are indeed soul searching. Happy for you brother !


I've been following this NDE expert for months me peace


I found God 15 years ago when I was at my lowest point. He gave me hope in recovery. Turning 40 I have so many questions about life & the hereafter! NDE gave me so much hope and a feeling that all would be well.


The evidence for a higher power is everywhere. These stories will never get the recognition they deserve because a secular society will suppress anything that leads to belief in God.


"Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live: And whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die. Believest thou this?"

Yea, Lord, I believe!


This happened to my dad. And he tried to go and he heard a voice tell him “not yet” and he came back.


This is a topic that needs a lot more funding and attention.


Did not want this to stop. Wow ❤
I was brought up Christian, I don't practice but I've always had a belief. Only a few weeks ago I begged out loud for help from the god that was personal to me & I received help in such a way, my life & thinking immediately changed. For the first time in a long time I felt lighter, stronger & I don't feel alone.


These stories are awesome especially the blind ones ❤God is great.


Im so glad you are moving into this sort of content. Im a classical liberal/libertarian so naturally I abhor authoritarian wokeness and I love freedom (and Trump) therefore I end up watching many conservative Christians and I love their love for God but sometimes I feel they dont delve into NDEs/ reincarnation and things more of that nature. I think the bible is incredibly important especially the new testament but so much has been removed and altered that Christians have to look inward (for discernment) and outward for further knowledge because much is witheld from us.


I have never had a fear of dying, as I have this deep knowing that there is no death!


NDE YT Channel will make youl a believer. Highly entertaining


If people like these stories there are a few channels here on YT that do nothing but people’s testimony. One channel is called NDE Heaven awaits. They post very often and it’s amazing how many people have had these experiences. I’ve only seen testimonies of 2 people that did not have the peaceful loving experience. They were shocking and a bit scary to hear. But no matter what all these people experience one thing is exactly the same for all of them, the experience totally changed their life. Every single person says they changed their ways of life after they experienced this. Thank you so much for sharing this with us.


I always thought that these stories were made up by religious ppl who just want to seem unique or “special” which I’m sure some are ..but I had a NDE that was very profound and changed my life forever. I had the whole hovering above my body and voice in my head talking to god and everything…it’s confusing since I was an atheist but ya..crazy stuff


Whe giving birth to my last child, I bled and passed for 4 minutes. I only remember peace that came down on me and the lack of pain. I found myself in a room bathed in white light. I remember begging God to save me from death when I was in excruciating pain before, as I have children to take care of. This prayer was before I fellt the ultimate peace. After ressuscitation, I woke up 12 hours entering the theatre. The Almighty Father is merciful and loving. May His name be glorified.


Wow!! Food for the soul. Best thing I've heard in a long, long time ❤😇


"The sound of colour and the sight of sound". . . Moody Blues


We do not do EEG during a resuscitation! Only cardiac monitoring! So you cannot say the first lady had a flat EEG.
