Man Dies & Learns We Have It Completely Backwards! (Powerful NDE)

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Bill Letson had an NDE (Near-Death Experience) after contracting the flu. He flew through a star-filled realm and met three beings and God in Heaven. An NDE (Near-Death Experience) occurs when someone dies, is revived, and knows there is life after death. For Bill, his NDE (Near-Death Experience) was a life-altering experience that changed him forever.

0:00 - Intro
3:29 - Near-Death Experience (NDE)
12:57 - What was the dark place?

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Here is a video of an NDE where someone pops out of Hell.


My 17 year old daughter died in a car wreck on the 31st of last month, and I miss her very much. Thank you for reassuring me that I'll see her again. I needed this very badly


My daughter passed in January and I believe in God and I want to see her so bad again and I just hope he's right. I want to see her again


My Grandmother’s mother lived to 105yrs old. When my Great Grandmother was dying, she briefly had died. She was bought back to life. When she had come around, she asked for them not to resuscitate her. When they asked why, she had said that she saw ‘what was on the other side’..

She said she couldn’t explain it but she said it was BEAUTIFUL. She said that if she does again, ‘please let me go’..

That has stayed with me till this day. I wonder what she saw and felt. It must have been ‘out of this world’ ..

Rest In Eternal Peace - Great Grandma. I know you are there waiting for me and the rest of us. I LOVE YOU EVEN THOUGH I ONLY MET YOU ONCE ..


I died of heart failure a year and half ago. My wife performed CPR on me and saved my life. While I was dead I saw my mother and sister. We hugged and smiled at each other. The glow and the love is so beautiful. I was angry when I came back. My wife could not understand why I was not grateful but I felt no pain there. All I can tell you is that this is not it.


Mom died at 56 in 1987. I'm now 66 and I look forward to the day that I see her again. I've missed her so much. Love you, mom. Until we meet again.


My dad passed away in 2012 . He comes to visit me in my dreams. Once he told me that heaven and hell are the same place . He said some people can forgive themselves for things they did, or had happened to them ( forgive others, so they dwell on it for ever. My dad had visited me about 10 times by then. He told me that the journey back and forth was hard . That is why some spirits stay here . He said he wouldn't be coming back . He said he loved me and we would be together again.
A year later, I had a dream. I was walking along a creek by our house when I came around a bend in the creek, my dad was sitting on a log, smiling. I asked him why he came, I thought it was too hard? He said said he loved me and I'm worth it. He said look who I bought with me, my mom ! They visit at least once a month . I never want to wake up . I'm blessed by god .


My father died of cancer in 1979 - he was not really a believer and was afraid of death. He was in hospice in a Catholic facility though he was not Catholic. The day he died, his spirit passed through me and in that instant the sensation was so filled with JOY, RELIEF AND PRIDE, he said "I DID IT"! with such happiness! Five minutes later the hospice called to let me know he had passed. NO DOUBT IN MY MIND! I lost my husband 9+ years ago, I'm soon to be 80, still working, living....but ready to go when my time comes. Got a lot of people and cherished animals to see again and welcoming my next adventure!


Thanks for your testimony, myself was in a 12 day coma, all 5 major organs shut down, and I gratefully went and experienced Heaven Myself, and all I can say quickly is that, it was the most Beautiful, Amazing place I could ever imagine, far more Amazing than We could ever imagine hear on earth, I love you all, and God Bless all of You!🙏


My mother had a near death experience before she passed away in 2000. She told me that she was allowed to come back to share a message. The message was " The only thing that matters is love". She was an amazing person that had a profound affect on anyone she met. I'm grateful that she was my mother and my best friend. I miss her so much and I know we will be together again.


My heart sank for Rando. God bless you !
When my father passed away, he was heavily sedated with morphine and was basically out for the last 6 hours of his life.
We were 30 people in the hospital room when he was taking his last breaths.
Suddenly, he opened his eyes and looked at the corner of the ceiling. Gave the biggest smile we all had ever seen, while looking at that corner. Everyone in the room all turned at the same time at the ceiling. Obviously we didn’t see anything, but who knows what or who he saw. Lasted about 3-5 seconds. Closed his eyes and he was gone. It was something we will never forget. Somebody came to greet him and take him away. Miss you dad, my best friend ❤❤


My mom had a NDE and she said it was beautiful and wasn't afraid to die, thank you God for giving me 30 years after her NDE.


April 3rd 2024 my daughter murdered in Italy.she was 27 years this is So painful, every day I pray to jahowah GOD and Jesus for peace.


I have a terminal disease and people think I'm crazy but I'm at total peace with it. I even have a sense of humor about it which people find really strange (except for my family). I'm excited to meet God and Jesus of course, but really excited to see my sister (who passed in 1982) and hug her tight. She comes to see me frequently! I know without a doubt she's safe and happy.


Thank you for sharing. I lost my 22-year-old son a few years ago. I few months after his passing, he visited me in a dream. The experience was very overwhelming but gave me peace. In my dream, we talked about how he died. He came to me to let me know that he was in a great place. His body was healthy, and he no longer needed to wear glasses. He also said that when my time comes, he will be right there waiting for me. ❤


Lost my dad last week through alcoholism, pneumonia and a type of brain damage due to drinking and falling over a lot he was only 54😞 I needed the reassurance that hes in a better place and at peace now. Thank you for this.


My oldest son died in 2015. I'm looking forward to seeing my baby again. ❤


“We have not lost anyone. They have just slipped out of the physical and gone home” ❤️


My dad passed away when I was 17 while in hospice. I'm 45 and I still remember waking up from a deep sleep to a feeling of complete warmth and peace. The phone rang immediately after and it was my sister letting me know he passed. I have no doubt Dad woke me up and said goodbye.


My sister died for about 3 minutes when she was 2 due to diabetes complications. She was being flown on the flying doctors and had died mid air. After coming to she told my mum and her mother my aunty, that she had seen our grandfather and he told her he had to come back to mummy. She said she could see them crying for her she was floating right above them calling out but they couldn't hear her. At this point my mum and aunty weren't sure who she was talking about the man that she had seen. Later on she saw a picture somewhere of our grandfather and had gotten really excited exclaiming that was the man she saw. I have so many experencies first hand and with family that I am certain this isn't all thats in store for us. I hope and pray we all get to return to where we come from ❤
