Hellish Near-Death Experiences

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What are Hellish Near-Death Experiences? How common are they and what do they reveal, if anything, about the afterlife. Dr. Steve Miller is leading researcher on near-death experiences. While he has been on my show multiple times, this is the first time we have discussed distressing NDEs. We hope this is both challenging and helpful.

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My brother went through this distressing near death experience… about 30 years ago, it was horrifying, he went down a spiralling tunnel to what he described as hell.
My Christian sister and husband were praying as his body was seemingly dying, he miraculously came back and converted to a born again Christian immediately and serves God zealously.


I've had an NDE, and it changed everything for me.If it helps to anyone, you are immortal and God is real, I was skeptic until something happened to me, I'm a 50 years old man who has gone through unimaginable pain after losing everything I loved, my whole family lost. You are loved in such magnitude that is impossible to describe with words, only few go through these experiences but it will change you completely, be kind, be grateful, don't lie, gift a smile or a simple glass of water to someone in need, everything we think, speak or act affects the whole universe, be blessed because someday you will understand these words.


After a Suicide attempt at the age of 18 I read the book of Dr. Moody: NDE and the book made me pray to ask God for His evidence and He answered me - I met Jesus and repented! That was 1977


When my grandma was in the hospital, as she was slowly passing away, my dad and brother were staying with her overnight. Both my dad and brother were suddenly woken up by my grandma moaning in pain and horror when she suddenly sat up and exclaimed, “the gates of hell have opened to me!”

My dad tried to get her to become coherent again and, when she came out of it, grandma vehemently denied anything happening. However, she talked to my dad over the next few days almost nonstop about what it means to give your life to Jesus. She dedicated her life to Him, repented of her sins, and passed away a few days later.

That experience almost certainly saved her soul (and woke my bother up to the reality of heaven and hell).


My sister is a bad alcoholic (at night) and she most definitely has demons. She drinks every night until she blacks out. When she is drunk, I hear her whispering to them and it's creepy. They sort of take her over every night. She has told me lately that she has been awakening on the wrong side of her bed (and other strange things going on in her bedroom). Even her DOG is freaked out and wakes her up frequently. I wonder if she's LITERALLY being attacked or levitates during the night. I love her very much, but she's really scary when under the influence. She also says she doesn't believe in the Bible. She was a science teacher all her life and she believes in things like evolution. I'm going to step up my prayers for her. She needs Jesus Christ in her life.


Interesting. Before I truly repented, I had a series of nightmares that all ended the same. I would wake up unable to move or speak and a large shadow would be standing before me. It didn't have a face but i could feel that it got some kind of prideful kick out of scaring me. I would start trying to yell for my husband and wake up to him shaking me telling me it was just a dream. This went on several times until I realized I needed to call Jesus, not my husband. A few more times I could not call Jesus very loud, and then once with complete confidence I called Jesus. I have not had that dream again. Its been close to a year and my walk with God has grown.


As a Christian, I spent7 years in night terrors, trying to battle demonic oppression by quoting Scripture and just believing that God would help me survive them, but not understanding how to stand against it myself. Finally, I was sent by my MD to a Christian counselor who helped me identify my victim mentality and lack of forgiveness toward someone. After praying through these issues, I had the next vivid "dream" in which I was empowered, through the blood of Jesus, to actually confront satan/demonic being, expose it and demand he/it leave! Since then, I have learned to grow in doing "spiritual warfare" (studying and applying Biblical principals, such as Ephesians 6), not just for myself, but for others. I never seek out any contact with evil, but when confronted, the victory is ours through Jesus Christ.

Thank you, Steve, for writing this book! We love & pray for you and your family.


A few years back my mother in-law passed from cancer. We were at her bed side as she took her last breath and my wife saw line ups of people waiting to greet her into heaven. These people greeting here were clapping and celebrating. It was so powerful to here her say "look at all these people there to greet you mom!"


At 18 I had a distressed NDE after using some illicit drugs, unknowingly. I was raised Catholic but not saved, I went through the black spiraling tunnel and KNEW it was taking me somewhere bad, frightened, and then realized I falling into hell. I screamed JESUS HELP ME, and stopped spiraling and finally came to consciousness, praying the Our Father over and over…it’s real guys.


I’m a retired nurse. I’ve had 1 patient with a good NDE who begged me to never let them resuscitate him again and bring him back from that beautiful place and one who told me he’d been to a bad dark place. Both of my parents could see people they loved calling them.


44 years ago when I began reading the Gospels, I didn't need to have an NDE to be convinced. Conviction of my sin and hell as a reality for those who reject Christ became so real to me at times, it was unnerving. It was like looking into another realm because that's in fact what it was - God was allowing me to see it with the eyes of my spirit. Then at other times I would bury it because I didn't want to give up my sinful lifestyle. Thank you Jesus that His love and grace won me over.


About 50 years ago, I thought I was about to die from a drug overdose . I tried to walk to a hospital, but eventually, I gave up and lay down behind a building to die. I thought a few personal family things, everything was getting dark as I said what was almost a quote I heard in some church . I said, " Forgive us, for we know not what we do." Many years later, I figured those words had saved me that time because I suddenly felt better and walked to the city park. Today, I do know Jesus, I do love Jesus, and I'm sure he spared my life many other times also. "Thank you, Jesus."


I was a drug addict and overdosed. I died. My heart stopped for 4 minutes. I was falling really fast down into complete darkness. I was screaming but couldn't stop it. Then i snapped back into my body and woke up. The doctor and Jesus had saved me. I know I was falling into hell. Years before that, I had a vision of Jesus showing me heaven and hell. And I could feel what the people there felt. Hell was horrible, the worst thing ive ever felt! I didnt experience a burning fire pitt, instead it was just total darkness and complete separation from God. Some might think thats not so bad but it was soul breaking, it felt so awful. And my shoulders and arms were so sore when i woke up. Its like I was a rope in a game of tug a war, God and the devil fighting for my soul. Today I am a born again Christian. I repented and turned away from a sinful life.


Sean I appreciate you letting your guest speak at length answering questions and looking for natural breaks in conversation before asking another question. Great topic


I have a friend who had a similar hellish experience during or following a drug overdose. I assumed his experience was merely a hallucination. However, at the time, he was no stranger to hallucinations due to his lifestyle. This experience was significant because it was life-changing and he was born again after that. Now I'm thinking that his experience was a NDE.


My mother told the story again last week she has told me all my life. She was a nurse standing bedside to a man on his deathbed who was so weak we could barely lift a finger. As he was in the process of passing on he suddenly shot directly up in a sitting position screaming “get the snakes off my legs! Get the snakes off my legs!” Then fell back on the bed lifeless. Needless to say that’s a terrifying story to hear as a 4 year old, but also as a 40 year old. I’ve had my own death experience and I found it to be very peaceful.


I had a NDE a few years ago. Unfortunately, it didn't last very long. I did get to feel the love of the Father. His love is deeper and wider than any mortal mind could contain. That was the thought I had when I was there. It was like I was soaking in an ocean of love. To some degree, I think that gave me strength at a time when I was very sick.


I have been to outer darkness, it was horrible! 2 people saw me dead for 2 hours, said i looked so peaceful, and I was screaming the whole time. Jesus Christ brought me back. That was almost 30 years years ago. Just live right, do right, do good, help people, etc. Thank you Jesus for bringing me back. I found out this is all true.


How grateful one should be to have been given a warning of what might lay in store if one does not heed the warning.
A gift from Providence. The Light loves life.


I would think that any NDE experience which leads a person into the arms of Jesus by allowing them to see hell would not be from Satan. On the other hand, one that leads a person to be complacent and to teach others a false idea of Jesus, that would have Satan's fingerprints all over it.
