Expert Explains Hellish Near Death Experiences

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What are Hellish Near-Death Experiences? How common are they and what do they reveal, if anything, about the afterlife. Dr. Steve Miller is leading researcher on near-death experiences. While he has been on my show multiple times, this is the first time we have discussed distressing NDEs. We hope this is both challenging and helpful.

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I normally don't listen to this kind of stuff because I know it's very real and it's frightening to think about for me.

I had an experience with demons trying to pull me down into what seemed like a hellish place and I screamed out for Jesus to help me and I felt Jesus pull me back up and fell back into my bed then I woke up. I was about 16. I will never forget how it felt, it was frightening. Now I'm 40.
I was not following God and knew I was going against him at that time.
My mom just started talking to me about Jesus because she was starting to understand who he was and I didn't care but I knew it was important to her.
I didn't value my life until I got pregnant at 19 and then I started on my journey of finding out the truth about God. I have surrendered my heart to Jesus and have so much joy in knowing what he did to save me. Now I want to help others. I'm not the best at being encouraging, more straight forward but working on it.


I have a question for Sean and Steve: Is research in NDEs a respected subject among non-Christian scientists? If not, why not? And how many citations from non-religious scientist does Steve get?


In a dream, in a vision of the night, When deep sleep falleth upon men, In slumberings upon the bed; Then he openeth the ears of men, And sealeth their instruction, That he may withdraw man from his purpose, And hide pride from man. He keepeth back his soul from the pit, And his life from perishing by the sword.

Job 33:15-18 KJV


Imagine if this God just cut to the chase and gave EVERYONE a NDE. Or else, gave everyone whatever experience or evidence was necessary to get them to become a born again Christian.

I've noticed that whenever I propose this, most Christians act horrified. ie, God revealing himself clearly and plainly is the worst possible thing that could happen, according to them.


Never mind demons, fire, and screams. Imagine being in a room listening your favorite music, and nothing else, FOREVER. That would be hell! Eternity can be an unimaginably blissful or an unspeakably dreadful thing, depending on where one spends it. Choose wisely while you still can.


Love your videos and I love it when you have Steve Miller on❤


"whether a believer or not a believer" - that's a bit of a shock isn't it? Isn't being a believer supposed to be enough? Also, why do non-believers often have positive experiences? What I'm told there is that well, they haven't been dead long enough. If they were really dead, so the idea goes, then they'd sooner or later go to hell if they're not professed Christians. The other version I've also heard is that hell can mimic heaven -- neither of these explanations that are the standard replies to these questions posed to born-again believers is really convincing. Among other things, the positive experiences of non believers are in the millions -- if not hundreds of millions world wide. So only if they actually see Jesus or God are NDEs authentic? I'm just asking as a believer since it suggests to me that there is little way to be sure of salvation or that belief is enough or non belief firmly prohibitive. Bit confusing doctrinally.


I was frightened by that scene in Ghost also.


The dark demons you described from the movie Ghost, I’ve seen twice. They do exist and serve the same purpose as the movie depicted. Nothing to worry though, JESUS rules over them all 😉


Hell is real and only Jesus can save us.


Is this a part of a previous video with Steve miller?


It all is REAL. Pretty disturbing when the writing is on the wall, but no one reads.


what was the religious backgrounds of those experiencing these hellish things?


Ignoring the the many problems of eternal conscious torment, if I give it to you that these people are in fact describing real experiences about a real hell it brings up a question/problem.
Supposedly, these experiences are coming from Yahweh as a warning sign to certain people about the consequences of their current lives. If these near death experiences do cause these life altering changes in people as Dr. Miller states and this God wants to maximise the number of people who follow Christ and go to heaven, why would Yahweh not give them to everyone? Just imagine just how compelling Christianity's truth claims would be if everyone had these types of experiences. More than anything, I think the biggest reason most people are not Christian is because they don't find the truth claims of Christianity very compelling. A couple of these near death experiences occurring to some people can be ignored or explained away. The experience happening to billions of people? Now that is bound to get a lot more people taking Christianity seriously.


What about folks with death experiences, that experience nothing euphoric or terrifying?


What a load of total bullshit ❗️The Hell the Bible talks about is not literal, when Jesus mentioned Gehenna, he was referring to a rubbish dump that was perpetually on fire & used it as an illustration of total destruction not of torment. Luke 16 is symbolic also the passages in Revelation. I & most normal people would not torture someone for all eternity & we are full of faults… so a loving faultless God would certainly not do it or allow it. Proverbs 11:1 says ‘ A false balance is an abomination to God but a just weight is a delight’. A person who is very evil for 80 years still does not deserve eternal punishment, this would be a false balance, which the Lord says is an abomination to him !


"Dear God, I know I am a sinner. I want to turn from my sins, and I ask for Your forgiveness. I believe that Jesus Christ is Your Son. I believe He died for my sins and that You raised Him to life. I want Him to come into my heart and to take control of my life. I want to trust Jesus as my Savior and follow Him as my Lord from this day forward. In Jesus' Name, amen."

Did you pray to receive Jesus Christ and begin a relationship with him?


This guy is a preacher disguised as a near death researcher. Lots of fear tactics on show here.


Gonna see if this video touches on your brain being active for ~10 minutes after death.


No one really want's to hear about it. I have talked about it with a few friends who are not believers and they say it was anything but biblical. The Christians I have told, unless they have had their own experience, have a look on their face as if I were making it up.
