A Description of Jesus From A Near Death Experience #jesus #nde #neardeathexperience #faith

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When Jesus appeared to me in a waking vision while i was in my living room. Suddenly, was down in a hole that I was diging myself with a shovel. It was dark and I was exhausted and I just kept saying "if I just keep working I can get myself out of this". Then a comforting light filled the darkness and I stopped working to see where it was coming from. So I looked up and saw a glowing light from him and only a faint outline was visible. He said "are you ready". Asking me if I was ready to stop living a life that ends in death. Suddenly I was standing in my living room again. I was freaked out, I didn't know what was going on. I thought I was going crazy. Shortly after I acknowledged Jesus as my savior and lord shortly after that. Life has been a 180° change ever since. Long term sins that I just accepted as part of who I was just melted away and are continuing to do so. Praise God for his love, his changing power and his righteousness! Read the bible, Call out to him, he will show up in some way that will bring the light of truth, for he is the truth.


I too had a vision of jesus whilst I was fully awake and he looked exactly how he has been described on this channel.


Amen I see him the same way❣️Hallelujah ✨🙌🏻✨✝️


This is for all those who don’t believe him and also who don’t believe Jesus died on the cross and rose from death to life.
We had just bought a home and both me and my wife lost our jobs.
He appeared to my wife in her dream Easter week 2005…same long white gown shoulder length hair and stretch out his hands to her and said look at me. There was the scar in both his wrists.
He said to ask for what she want.
That morning I ask him and got a contract in that same afternoon and been continuously blessed by Jesus
With many blessings and miracles.
Please stop doubting Jesus and believe! His time of return is very close. Where will your soul be???


Jesus appeared to me in a dream on April 14, 2024 at around 02:30 am. Let me tell you!! He was over 300 ft tall with dark brown hair, he opened heaven through a cloud and I could see flowers of every color!! I looked away to see if anyone else could see him and he then disappeared. Then this enormous wave took me under! I think he was telling me to focus on him and not on the storms in life. This was the third time I receive revelation from Jesus, he audibly called my name "Glenda" in my mid 20's before I had given my life to him and showed me a vision of the third heaven light shining through and I fell on my face faster than lightning. I was utterly consumed with love and peace! All Glory is to you Abba Jesus Christ!!!!


In 2017 I died and met Jesus face to face and He sent me back here


He might be telling the Truth! Many have seen Jesus in visions and near death or emergency experiences! He's appeared to people that don't believe in him, too!


That's the same description of Jesus that I met in my dream last February ..


Everybody that has said they’ve seen Jesus have all described Him differently especially His eyes…. I’ve now heard He has every color an eye can be. All I know when He returns His hair will be white as wool and His eyes blazing of fire. Jesus is the only King of Kings and Lord of Lords


Certainly a different Jesus than John described in Revelations.


Many of you will, not believe him, but who cares, its your soul, one day each of us individually will answer,
It's not for his benefit that when he lies he receives awards or anything, none of you have paid or rewarded him,
Accepting JESUS CHRIST as your personal savior is for your own benefit, not your wife, mother, sister, cousin, brother, father or any of those,


He came to me he presented as as we know him very blue eyes I was in a shop recovering after major surgery for cancer it's been 4 years I said to my wife can you see him she said I can't see what you can see I see a normal person I said no it looks it's Jesus she goes I can't see it I said well it is in I want to go up and talk to him she said no don't go he was with other people then they all got up and left I felt so complete amen


Jews and arab are different. So he looks Jewish decent 😊


Hog wash ! Revelation describes Jesus . Don’t believe this . Blueish. Green . That’s. Funny ! That’s when his body Language told on him . Colten Burbo. - here we go . Don Piper. Told his NDE So many times. He couldn’t remember it any more .


The Bible says know one can see his face.right????


Read the Book of
Revelation as John describes Christ, then compare the two. I also had an evil spirit try to fool me into believing i was seeing the
Saviour. The real test was i noticed this entity did not have wounds in its hands and feet. 😮


What is wrong with Semetary-trained preachers? As if Jesus came from the line of Ishmael! What? These guys try to get a PhD in three verses from Paul, twisted into lawlessness and out of context, to reject Torah, reject the clearer teaching of Jesus in Mt5:18, 7:23, 25:1-13, James1:25, Revelation12:17 & 14:12…all because their only focus is salvation/me/me/me…like foolish virgins who had no Light.

Salvation has ALWAYS ONLY BEEN BY GRACE…so we pursue transformation and conversion through obedience to the perfect law! Psalm19:7 — Hence the firm warnings AGAINST LAWLESSNESS!

Lawless teachers twist Paul and Torah today, just as they did in 2Peter3:14-17, unto their own destruction…tho in good company!!! On a wide road!

The last thing Jesus said in Revelation22 was to wash your robes…exactly like Paul taught men to teach and wash their wives in the water of the Word! Eph5:26

Half of the Church/The Lost 10 Tribes of Israel are Mt25 gold-diggers with no Light, and rejected!

🕎 Rev 14:12 Saints,
or perishing! ✝️


Yeshua is a Jew who was born in Nazareth of Judea. He is NOT of Arab decent. Yes, it does matter in that the Jews are God’s chosen ppl and Yeshua came through THAT lineage. Please consult your Bible.


This is ridiculous, he gave us a word. The king James Bible, and exact representation of him. Jesus doesn’t appear to anybody he will leave his throne to rapture his church and that’s the only reason he will leave his throne if you Bible true also people say they go to hell and come back is a lie also because Jesus holds the keys to death and hell so they would have to go to Jesus first to get those keys and Jesus is not gonna do that for anybody, this is pure against pride, pure arrogance, and pride


He didn't have white woolly hair, burnish bronzed feet and eyes like a flame of fire?
