Simple Ways to Make Better Contact and Get EFFORTLESS Distance

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In today's video we're going to look at some ways to achieve better contact and increase your smash factor. When you improve contact, you'll notice your distance effortlessly improving too!

A lot of it comes back to maintaining good balance and not letting your weight drift out towards your toes. Once this happens, your body will make all kinds of unconscious adjustments like pulling your arms in or coming out of your posture.

🔍 Identifying Swing Challenges:
We start by analyzing Aaron's swing, a solid player but facing inconsistency issues. From fat shots to misses far offline, we pinpoint posture and balance disruptions nearing impact as key culprits.

🛠️ Practical Drills for Improvement:
In today's lesson we're using a PVC pipe, but you can do this drill at home using a broomstick or even your driver. The key is having a long enough object that it extends beyond your grip and around the lead side of your body. This will prevent you from flipping your wrists through impact and ensure you make a powerful rotation through the shot.

💡 Key Insights: Hitting "at" versus hitting "through"
Learn the difference between hitting "at" versus hitting "through" the ball, and how mastering the latter can revolutionize your game. We emphasize the importance of fluid, continuous motion and share tips to overcome ingrained habits hindering your progress.

🎯 Achieving Consistency:
Witness Aaron's transformation as he implements these techniques, resulting in tighter impact patterns and improved balance. Whether facing challenging lies or daunting water hazards, mastering these principles will empower you to play better golf with confidence.

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Hi I'm Zach, thank you for visiting my channel. My goal here is to help you play the best golf of your life while having as much fun as possible!

I'm a PGA-certified golf instructor and have been coaching since 1997. I've been named a Golf Digest "Best Young Teacher," a GolfTips Magazine "Top 25 Golf Instructor," and Southern California PGA's Teacher of the Year. I've worked with golfers of all ages and levels, from 4-year-old beginners on up through touring professionals. My students have included nationally-ranked juniors, touring pros, celebrities, and CEOs, but wherever you're at on your golfing journey, my goal is always the same... to help YOU play your best golf!

I started playing competitive golf at a young age, ultimately reaching #3 in the California junior golf rankings - just behind another promising young golfer named Tiger Woods. I also played collegiate golf at the University of Southern California and professional golf on the Omega Asian Tour.

Рекомендации по теме

This is the best swing advice I've come across so far. I've been chicken winging forever. Didn't realize the butt of the handle is supposed to miss the lead side and not point to your belly button. It's so simple!! Now I'm rotating all the way through and no chicken wing! Striking it so much cleaner and easier. Thank you Zach!!


The magic move training video is the most understandable and most important golf swing series I've ever watched! I paid for it years ago and it took me from a 13 to a 4 in a matter of weeks.. I still watch it anytime I start to struggle.. can't recommend it enough!


I’ve seen the hockey drill done by many teachers. For some reason this lesson resonated with me. I was compressing the ball better than I have in a while on the range today. Thanks coach.


I’ve have been very inconsistent with my golf game lately and I had no idea why. Watching this video made me realize how handsy and very flippy I been with my swing. I tried this at the range on Friday and made so much better contact and compression once I got the hang of this exercise. Thank you Zach.


Effective coaching and logic helped me understand the most critical part of the swing


Just did a lesson and was definitely bracing and bending my arms through impact instead of hitting through. Hitting Home Depot tomorrow to get a PVC pipe!


Your comment hitting at versus hitting through is so on the money. Visually using the the pvc pipe to explain is very helpful. Thank you Zach.


Hello Zach. New subscriber here. I'm getting back into golf after a 5-year absence due to lower back issues. Somehow, I was able to play to an 8 handicap with all my swing flaws (mostly fat/thin shots). However, I want to start fresh this time around. The student in this video is similar to me. I typically swing too hard and dive into the shot forcing weight onto my toes. I'm guilty of taking the club back inside and rotating my forearms early. I think the advice in this video will get me started on the right path. I look forward to using your guidance as I get back into the game. I'm going to check out your training series! Thanks much!


GREAT LESSON ! I’ll be doing this drill immediately, makes total sense.
Thank you Zach 🤙


It's amazing, everything I am thinking about and working on, Shazam you post a video on the subject.


One of your best! Informative both visually and cognitively


Very helpful ... especially for iron play, I presume. Thanks.


8:20 min mark was key for me ..when you show how NOT to follow through, i have a feeling i may be guilty of that on my bad strikes..which have recently gotten to be too many 😬🤷🏼‍♂️🤦🏼‍♂️👍🏼✌️


Thanks a lot. From France. Would you tell us the same for driving ?


Really love how he’s goes right into the lesson and drills. Can’t wait to try this!!! Thanks Zach!!
P.S. what kinda shoes are you wearing?? NOICE!!


Well, your swing student is certainly a very natural golfer. And, he has the ability to get down to a very low handicap. But, you are right to highlight his head position at impact. Such is his natural ability, he could still improve despite this; but, he, also, could just as easily injure his neck. He does have a slight lordois of his cervical spine at address, which can be easily fixed by just simply pressing back with the base of his neck as he gets into the address position. And, of course, if he then raises his position, at address, by pressing back with the base of his neck, to look up at the target, this will ensure that his posture will be perfect. Stretching and strengthening the base of the neck is key. When builds this into his game it will make it much easier for him to cock his head to the side; and, press down slightly with the left of hid head slightly as he cocks it to the side. And, this will ensure that he drives thru the shot, without his head dropping down and getting stuck in the follow thru.


This is amazing swing advice!! My fiancé has been trying to fix his chicken wing. I want to get him this pvc pipe. How long is it so that I can surprise him with it after work?


I accidentally hit a pure 7 iron 185 today at the range. Even had to get out a laser to measure the target. I couldn't replicate what you are describing here, and what was in my head, but I know the good shots do exist.


Excellent do you have a driver explanation video?


Who would have thought that just finishing the golf swing is all that’s needed to hit better shots.

Took me years to understand that the golf swing finishes after contact, I stopped my swing at contact for years and had no control of the ball.
