Herod vs. John: Historical Accuracy of Gospels

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Both the Jewish historian Josephus and the Gospels recount the story of Herod Antipas, his affair with his brother Philip’s wife, and how it led to the execution of John the Baptist. This alignment and historical background highlights the Gospel writers' accuracy and familiarity with the events of the time, underscoring the Gospels' reliability as historical records.

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Josephus quotes:

“Now, when [many] others came in crowds about him, for they were greatly moved [or pleased] by hearing his words, Herod, who feared lest the great influence John had over the people might put it into his power and inclination to raise a rebellion (for they seemed ready to do anything he should advise), thought it best, by putting him to death, to prevent any mischief he might cause, and not bring himself into difficulties, by sparing a man who might make him repent of it when it should be too late. Accordingly he was sent a prisoner, out of Herod’s suspicious temper, to Macherus, the castle I before mentioned, and was there put to death.”

(Antiquities 18.5.2)

“About this time Aretas (the king of Arabia Petrea) and Herod had a quarrel, on the account following: Herod the tetrarch had married the daughter of Aretas, and had lived with her a great while; but when he was once at Rome, he lodged with Herod, who was his brother indeed, but not by the same mother; for this Herod was the son of the high priest Simon’s daughter. However, he fell in love with Herodias, this last Herod’s wife, who was the daughter of Aristobulus their brother, and the sister of Agrippa the Great. This man ventured to talk to her about a marriage between them; which address when she admitted, an agreement was made for her to change her habitation, and come to him as soon as he should return from Rome; one article of this marriage also was this, that he should divorce Aretas’s daughter. So Antipas, when he had made this agreement, sailed to Rome; but when he had done there the business he went about, and was returned again, his wife having discovered the agreement he had made with Herodias, and having learned it before he had notice of her knowledge of the whole design, she desired him to send her to Macherus, which is a place on the borders of the dominions of Aretas and Herod, without informing him of any of her intentions. Accordingly Herod sent her thither, as thinking his wife had not perceived anything; now she had sent a good while before to Macherus, which was subject to her father, and so all things necessary for her journey were made ready for her by the general of Aretas’s army and by that means she soon came into Arabia, under the conduct of the several generals, who carried her from one to another successively; and she soon came to her father, and told him of Herod’s intentions. So Aretas made this the first occasion of his enmity between him and Herod, who had also some quarrel with him about their limits at the country of Gamalitis. So they raised armies on both sides, and prepared for war, and sent their generals to fight instead of themselves; and, when they had joined battle, all Herod’s army was destroyed by the treachery of some fugitives, who, though they were of the tetrarchy of Philip, joined with Aretas’s army. So Herod wrote about these affairs to Tiberius; who, being very angry at the attempt made by Aretas, wrote to Vitellius, to make war upon him, and either to take him alive, and bring him to him in bonds, or to kill him, and send him his head. This was the charge that Tiberius gave to the president of Syria.” (Antiquities 18.108–115)

“Now, some of the Jews thought that the destruction of Herod’s army came from God, and that very justly, as a punishment of what he did against John, that was called the Baptist; for Herod slew him, who was a good man, and commanded the Jews to exercise virtue, both as to righteousness towards one another, and piety towards God, and so to come to baptism; for that the washing [with water] would be acceptable to him, if they made use of it, not in order to the putting away [or the remission] of some sins [only], but for the purification of the body; supposing still that the soul was thoroughly purified beforehand by righteousness… Now the Jews had an opinion that the destruction of this army was sent as a punishment upon Herod, and a mark of God’s displeasure against him.” (Antiquities 18.116–117)

Marcherus is "on the borders of the dominions of Aretas and Herod.” (Antiquities 18.111).


Herod could literally have his own reality show with how much drama he went through and caused lol.


Thank you for your work. You helped in my conversion to Jesus, and now I'm sure Bible is real word of God.


Time for skeptics to move the goalposts again


Seeing how history lines up with the gospels is always a jaw dropping experience


Really interesting stuff ^^

Also an interesting fact: today, we have surviving coins with the face and name of Salome (the princess who danced at the party where they decided to kill John)


I hope you keep posting videos like this. We need Christians who are great teachers as well as memers. You'd be surprised how influential memes can be in proving a point.


This whole family loves the name “HEROD”


I just read again The Gospel according to John yesterday.
Jesus loves him, and so do I.
Keep spreading the good news!


I honestly can’t understand how Christianity critics can use the gospels not falling exactly in line with the historical narrative as a reason for it being fiction. If anything, I would expect the Bible to sensationalize the historical events.


Rocking and rolling, day in and day out. Excellent work as usual.


I love how you put the puzzle pieces together. I wish I could say that this is one of your best videos, but how can I do that when they're all winners?


In Mark 10:19 when the a young man asks Jesus what he must do to enter the Kingdom of Heaven, Jesus responds "You know the commandments", and the first he mentions is "Do not commit adultery". Jesus had a strong message to the people in that area about divorce and adultery.


love these videos!!! have watched all of them in one night!!!


Jesus, yesterday, today and tomorrow.


Anytime people ask “why isn’t there historical documentation outside the Bible of Herod killing babies in Nazareth?”
You have to ask them, do you think historians wrote about the big events like this, or Herod killing a few babies in a town of 500 or so population?


Hey man. Is this just your blessed insight or do you also rely on commentaries?
Because if you do I would very much like to also get these commentaries because I love how the puzzle pieces come together. Would you please tell me which ones if you do use them, if not then please write your own.


This video was amazing. I'm blown away with how great your information is and how well you deliver it


Can you make a video defending the early dating of the book of Daniel?


Herod could've avoided all of this simply by watching a kitchen sink installation tutorial by Testify. Shame he didn't.
