How To Make Your Jaw Wider ? - Looksmaxxing (blackpill analysis)

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This video will talk about why having a wider jaw matters and how to get a wider jaw, hope you guys enjoy this one.
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If you guys want the honest answer, it's chewing. Chewing hard foods for a long time, or just chewing hard gum will do wonders for the jaw. However, don't go from nothing to suddenly chewing hours a day, that's dumb and can lead to TMJ. Slowly build tolerance, get your muscles of mastication used to harder chewing. It's a muscle after all.

Benefits of long term hard chewing: increased bigonial width, more angularity of the jaw, it even stretches the skin out slightly leading to a more hollow cheeks looks (other factors are needed of course) and gives the added of a leaner facr and more popping cheekbones, especially if they're already somewhat prominent. It even has the ability to change the actual mandible bone itself over time leading to things like increased ramus length and a decreased gonial angle. It's a skeletal muscle, meaning it can impact actual bone. And don't forget it's the strongest muscle, pound for pound. Increasing it's mass has a monumental impact on the face

Routine: 5 minutes of hard gum chewing (falim or mastic). Chew with the back molars as well as the first molars, incisors and front teeth for a bit. This is for the definition of the whole jaw. Add 2 minutes a week, you choose your limit


1. "Human mandibular shape is associated with masticatory muscle force"
2. "Effects of mastication on mandibular growth evaluated by microcomputed tomography"


PRO TIP IF YOU DO HARD CHEWING: after chewing you should massage the masseter muscles to avoid them building up tension as this can shape the face in an unfavorable way or slow results. Look for a tutorial for this on yt


3:21 wow, that guy's jaw implant even changed his eye color.


When your jaw is wide just because of the chewing muscle look disgusting and soft not sharp, the key of wider jaw is the bones


JESUS CHRIST loves you. JESUS CHRIST died for our sins. He wants to have a closer relationship with you. JESUS CHRIST is coming soon. you can have a closer relationship with JESUS CHRIST by becoming a born-again Christian and also by reading your Bible daily. Heaven is real.


If your jaw looks narrow from the front you are recessed, if it looks like it begins to narrow but not really than u are somewhat forward grown, usually square faces have the most forward growth aka ante face but ante face is not must, many chads and usually the high class high appeal chads have classical face ( somewhat downward growth yet still straight project nose with good cheekbones and good jaw, overall taller skull similar to Superman or Batman from the comics) My example for classical face is Noah Mills he has insane harmony extremely high class look, dude has average to above average features but combination of symmetry and ratios makes him the most paid male model of all time, Gandy is at the moment the most paid male model while Noah Mills is all time. He looks good yet human and friendly yet aggressive. He is not appealing to young girls tho but for sure he can get some young ones but mostly girls 25+ i would say and depends on the country, what matters is features, combination, symmetry (Harmony), recession, big skull, angular (Bones), Colouring and health ( Race and being Healthy)


Mouthbreathing is also an important habit that need to be included in this video. It destroyed my face and my side profile


If you're short, balding or otherwise unattractive your jaws ain't going to fix it for you. All the lame dudes who know women want to talk to, trust me it's not just your jaw that's holding you back. There are always things you can do to help and if you actually give a damn you will be doing them.


Boosting testosterone will help more than chewing


So what’s the best actual answer here? I tried jaw filler to improve mandible asymmetry and thought I was going crazy when it didn’t look as good only a week later but it seems this video explains why.


what i do which gave me significant masseter growth, i mew and chewed on a mouth piece ...and walla works exactly like it says, it increase my width..


Why do you guys keep talking about the jaw 24/7? The eye area is the lethal part of attraction but you guys are downplaying and are putting so much emphasis on the jaw. A guy can have a good wide jaw with forward growth but if his eye area is utter s**** he'll loose massive attraction points


mewing only and effective way naturally


I naturally have a wide jaw but its rounded how can i make it angular and sharp


I have a problem with an attractive but feminine face i just wanna look more sharp and masculine 😭


God I am so happy that I have a fat ass jaw, however you still need to get to low bodyfat or it looks rounded and terrible. In my profile picture I am at 16% bf and I want to go below 10% to really get this hollow cheeks look


I without chewgun and other expensive tools have obtained good results by simply moving the jaw to the right and applying pressure with the hand trying with the jaw and the muscles of the masseter to move it to the left ... same thing on the other side, what do you think ?


My friend, I have a question, please answer it. I am 19, about a month ago. I turned 19. Does mewing work for me? I have been doing the exercise for two months. I am sorry for the translation. I am an Arab person and I use Google ♥


hard diets not only have good effects on jaw but teeths on too i have rarely seen any person in my country with bad teeths because mostly we eat hard foods + breastfeeding also work hand to hand mostly all childrens are breastfeed upto 2-3 years


How long will chewing take to see results
