How to Fix Asymmetrical Jaw & Face (TODAY!)

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Me from front camera 😎
Me from back camera 🤢


people like you are rare. Straight to the point, giving advices and funny


1) 4:14 Masage
2) 4:30 Lateral jaw stretch
3) 4:50 Open n Hold
4) 6:57 Hang n Relax
5) 7:18 Neck lateral
6) 7:30 Neck side to side
7) 7:43 Neck up n down
8) 7:50 Neck Draw circle


I am just coming back to this video to say thank you so I have been doing these exercises for a few days since watching your video and my face has improved tremendously after struggling for so many years!! Thank you so much. You've literally changed my life.


I've been doing your exercises for like 2 days now and I can see a difference. Thankyou for these tips!


Not only very informative but also packed with hilarious humour :-D


Bro just summarized everything I discovered while being high and having really bad asymmetries from hard mewing, pretty much figured this all out while relaxing particular muscles in my face/ neck and am really surprised to know that I was 100 percent on the money.

Most of it was trial and error but usually I'd test out different things on my way home from work/ college.

I was someone who thought hard mewing was harmless but it just made the issues worse, the tension that had built up in the right side of my face was so much to the point where my right eye no longer sat looking forward and was somewhat cross eyed.

My perception of "flat" was also affected by my asymmetry.

Really happy that I can say I did it the wrong way just so that people know what not to do.



It's amazing how I was insecure and unhappy with my asymmetrical jaw before this video even tho I watched some other ones but yours made me feel so lucky to have this issues so I can start this journey with this funny man


1. Side Jaw Massage
2. Lateral Jaw Stretch
3. Open and Hold Stretch
4. Fix Overall Posture and Sleep on Back
5. Lateral Neck Stretch
6. Owl Neck Stretch
7. Up and Down Neck Stretch
8. Circle Neck Stretch
9. Side to Side Pout Stretch


The problem for me personally (everyones different so make your own notes to fix your assymmetry😊)
- chewing only on the right side of my face
- bad posture (standing and sitting/laying on one side)
- sleeping on one side (right side is under pressure the whole god damn night
- talking on one side
- uneven meowing

How to fix it;
- chew on both sides (chew gum on weeker side to build muscle)
- massage jaw muscles regularly
- jaw strech (twice on both sides)
- opening mouth strech
- sleep on both sides or even better sleep on your back (this one is really inportant)
- Hang on a pole
- Circle your head
- Talk straight out of your mouth
- Moving lips from side to side
- Training face to do facial expressions on both sides
- Don’t do hard meowing in the beginning

Btw. I love the humor in this video and the positive words in the beginning😻❤️!! Made me feel a lot better about my assymetry😌.


I have been doing these exercises for the past two weeks and I can attest that it works. My problem was eating on one side. I started eating on the other side( the bigger side) and as of now, when I take pictures, you can not easily tell that I had facial asymmetry. Though I myself can see that it's not totally gone ( I'm still chewing on the new side until it's completely gone), I really appreciate my new look. I even feel prettier 😃.


I've been mewing for a month now (thanks to you! I already found the right position and I can see a slight change), and I noticed that the teeth weren't symetrical in my case (I also have retainers that I thought might intervene).
I didn't know what to do with it, so I tried some asymetrical tongue positions to straighten it up. I found out by my own that it isn't the right decision since it didn't feel natural / healthy shape to keep my face in.
Luckily I fount this video and #4 actually made me sigh in relief.
Thank you for publishing all of this information in detail, and thank you for being an example that shows what works and what not.
You are my mewing-guru basically~


Thanks, your videos about mewing are the the most useful on YouTube.
I would like to share my transformation story. English is not my native, so I could make some mistakes.
I found out about mewing at the age of16 and did it for 2 years. But unfortunately there weren’t any changes, because I could only push with the front of the tongue. It was until I changed my posture. I had a lot of problems with my spine and a face asymmetry which didn’t let me keep my tongue properly. So I started going to therapy, doing stretches and straighten muscles that stabilize my spine and neck. People really underestimate the factor of a posture. Now I’m 18 I do mewing correctly for 2 months and I already got bigger results than in two years of unproper mewing with crooked back. My jawline got way more defined and it’s easy for me to hold my whole tongue on the roof of the mouth for the whole day. So it really works and very effectively, but you need to work on your body. It’s not a magic pill like some people think.


Not going to lie, I tried the open and hold when he started to do it, and that ghost face pop up just had me dying 😂😂😂


I love this video so much that I couldn't help subscribe-
I loved the parts where you mentioned one side of your face being higher than the other (that's exactly how my face looks) and the fact that it was caused by habits, NOT genetics
Both of those things give me so much hope, I can't stand being outside and like to stay at home, just because of my facial asymmetry
I would be 100% happier if I could just fix the asymmetry in my eyes, if nothing else


Matt I found your channel today, and I must say this video here is invaulable. It explained me so much about my situation, and also gave a ton of hope why I will look even better in the future. I had no idea that my posture literally affects my face, and why healthy people look so much better than people with poor posture is now so clear to me. People should know about this. Damn.


I realised few days ago tht my face looks exactly like as shown in the thumb nail, i freaked out so bad when i found it how can nobody told me all this time!! I can't be more relieved seeing this video that it is normal sometimes and can be fixed whoossh


Hey man thank you for all of this. Feels so much better already on day one after doing some exercise with it!


Asymmetric is completely normal untill you are going for a photoshoot especially on a-family occasions.. it sucks 😓😓😓


By the way, you're the ONLY person that talked about asymmetry as a minor thing. Every other YTber realted to this hasn't really said that.
