The TERRIFYING Last Minutes of Jeff Buckley

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Jeff Buckley was a talented musician. He was fast becoming a household name and was about to record his second album when suddenly tragedy struck. He entered the fast-flowing waters of the Mississippi River and was never seen again. But was this terrible incident an accident or was there a deeper mystery behind it?

Jeff Buckley was born on November 17, 1966, in Orange County, California. His parents were both musicians. His mother Mary Guibert was classically trained on the piano and his father Tim Buckley was an award-winning singer who released nine albums before he tragically passed away at the age of just 28. However, his father left the family before Jeff's first birthday and showed little interest in raising his two sons. Despite this lack of involvement, Jeff seemed to have inherited his father's musical talent and followed a musical career of his own.

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I’m a huge Jeff Buckley fan. I saw him in concert in 1995. I will never forget him.


I was working in a record shop in 1994, putting the 'new release' albums out, when one of them caught my eye...mainly because of the good looking man's jacket!! I thought he must be good if he wears something like that, so I played it on the in-store system. Hand on heart I was transfixed & have been in awe ever since. Saw him at Reading festival & in 1996 his music played when I had my Son. Nothing has ever made me feel so many mixed emotions as his music does & I thank him forever for giving 'Grace' to unrivalled masterpiece. He left a legacy that will outlive us all ❤


I'm from Baton Rouge, La. and nobody swims in the Mississippi river. That is one scary huge dangerous river.


"I don't need to be remembered." Incredibly haunting and sad.


Im from Memphis and nobody swims in the Wolf River or Mississippi. This indeed was odd behavior. Something obviously was going on with him mentally.


Jeff was so beautiful. He is dearly missed.


'And I couldnt escape from the nightmare that sucked me in and pulled me under, pulled me under..'
-So Real.


I remember when this happened. what a stupid, horrible waste of an amazing musician.


If you read about how strange & very little jeff slept in the weeks leading up to his death literally screams manic or schizophrenic type of behavior. Also, you just have to look at almost any point on the miles & miles of the Mississippi river in any state & you instantly know it's not a place to swim. After all this, just listen to sketches & it's pretty clear he knew what he was going into the water for.


The fact Robert Plant admires him speaks volumes


I just came across your video about Jeff and I want to thank you for relating all the important details about his life, his work and his untimely heartbreaking death. I remember when I heard Grace for the first time. I had no idea who he was then. But I did recognize a brilliant musical genius when I heard one. I was devastated upon hearing about his death. Anyway I just wanted to say thanks for sharing your research into Jeff's life and letting his music speak for itself.


Ok everyone, here's the facts as I know them (via a reputable source, who saw the autopsy report): as stated, he had NO alcohol or drugs in his system. He got pulled down by the wakes of two boats, and the undertow (or current) of the river. His foot was also caught in tree debris which is why he didn't surface for all those days. It needs to be remembered this is a massive river, with a powerful current, and it's incredibly easy to drown, especially if you're not a good swimmer (though accounts differ to just how good of a swimmer he was) and takes only moments....and if you're pulled down by a riptide or undertow, yes, it can happen silently (I've seen a story about a woman who drowned in a public pool and no one knew for days due to cloudy water and she had gone under silently). This source also said he was NOT ever diagnosed as bipolar (sure, arguments can be made wether or not he was and just never diagnosed), so we need to be careful asserting that as fact...This isn't to say I have an issue with him being bipolar if he actually was, just a reminder that to do so isn't fair to him, fans, his friends and family, and people who have actually been diagnosed. I can understand some people needing to "blame something" and needing to believe "there has to be more", the truth is, sometimes stuff happens and his passing was indeed just a tragic accident. It's also never surprised me that it happened: he was impulsive, spontaneous and that made him slightly reckless. He decided to swim in a dangerous river, what else can we expect? Also, it's been said he wasn't warned about the river, and if it's true he did it before, is it really a surprise he would think he'd be ok? Anyway, just thought I'd put that out there as food for thought


I loved him so much, I was so disturbed by his death. Such a beautiful man and such a unique voice. Who knows what could have happened if he had lived.


Wading into the Mississippi or any Southern swamp area is like taking a vacation in Afghanistan. Why.


I've watched the mississippi River from afar.. it's massive & pulls whole ass HUGE trees down it like it's a stick! 😮


Jeff didn't refuse to go to his 'dad's' funeral . He was a kid. He wasn't asked to ( is "invited" the right word?)


Sony be like “hey we spent money on this guy. We gonna try and get some back”


Jeff, you are the tear that hangs inside my soul - forever.
An incredible musician in the truest sense.
"we cast our funeral-rose and sigh, and bury the need to prove"
We never got to hear the music that was unwritten....we wanted more but Jeff gave us more than we deserved.
Quite possibly MY highest regarded musician of ALL TIME.
Rest In Peace Scotty.


Exquisite guitar player truly talented musician😢


Sounds like maybe he had a death wish, especially if he was depressed. Very sad. 😢
