Why Palpatine Believed Destroying Alderaan Destroyed the EMPIRE - Star Wars Explained

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Composer: Whitesand (Martynas Lau)
Year: 2017
Title: Eternity

Additional Music Terminus by: Scott Buckley
Released under CC-BY 4.0.
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I have no doubt the Star Wars universe had its own version of Machiavelli to spout "It is better to be feared than loved" which Palpatine would most certainly agree with. But, like many, he likely ignored the rest of the quote: "But it is better to be loved than hated."


Vader knew Tarkin had gone insane and, really even as a Sith he should have stopped him. The fact Vader stood by and watched proves how truly lost he was at this point. Seeing Obi Wan again was the highlight of his day


I find it ironic that Palpatine's downfall was ultimately due to his hubris, just like what he said about the Jedi before him


Putting Tarkin in charge of the Death Star was one of the few times Palpatine made a critical mistake. He trusted Tarkin as a loyalist, but underestimated Tarkin's arrogance, pride, and irrational mind.
Palpatine basically gave Tarkin the authority to deactivate an armed nuke for him, but Tarkin stepped out of line and ordered it to be launched.


Obviously it is a mistake. Alderaan is one of the most important planets in entire galaxy. Also it was unprovoked.


The big problem in Tarkin's theory (apart from it being psychotic) is that there is nowhere to run, you can't move the planet somewhere else, nor can you evacuate all inhabitants before the Death Star gets there. Since flight is not possible, the only instinctual response to being cornered is fight. So this superweapon galvanized the rebellion. Its why Thawn proposed a bigger imperial navy, it has greater reach and just the right amount of intimidation factor.


At least in Legends one of the consequences of Alderaan was it caused fractures in the Imperial ranks. Many defected to the Rebellion and others became more loyal to sector admirals than the Empire or Emperor that gave rise to the Warlords after Palpatine's death. Some of the most beloved Legends characters were former Imperials form whom the destruction of Alderaan was to far.


The Tarkin Doctrine already had me feeling like the man was holding the Empire back from being truly effective. But after this video, he's basically the rebellion's savior. He gave them exactly what they needed, public proof of what the Empire really was.

He asserted himself prematurely, exposed his Emperor, and then died swearing "I got this" 😅

That's one hell of a way to wrap up managing a multi-decade project 😂


Also don't forget Storm troopers that were from Alderan joined the alliance as well so the rebellion got trained soldiers and fighters to help train the rebellion which helped as well


It's funny how Tarkin was the one to fan the flames of the rebellion in the biggest way.


“The more you tighten your grip, Tarkin, the more star systems will slip through your fingers.”

—Princess Leia Organa


Palpatine has stated he did not want to rule a galaxy of the dead so you would think you would have to have direct permission before you take out a planet no matter how evil your Emperor is


The instant you destroy an Imperial planet that is not in "active" rebellion to your empire, and then the weapon you used to destroy that planet is wiped out, most planets will realize they could be next and are better off joining the Alliance. It was a double blow to the Empire's reputation from which it could never recover.


Tarkin's arrogance that destroying an important planet like alderaan would make the rebellion too afraid to rebel anymore literally blew up in his face.

Fear makes people do two things, either cower or bold. Alderaan just made the rebllion bolder since they probably figured with the death star the empire would just blow up planets on whim since they blew up alderaan which was a core system plemt that had significant poltical influential in the galtcia commuity.


Palpatine may have been a psychopath but He was a psychopath in control, who always thought before he acted. This And this alone was all tarkin’s doing.


I think of it like this; if my enemy has a big weapon, I might refrain from attacking. But if they start using it on random bystanders anyway in an attempt to frighten their enemies, we will certainly attack, and we will have allies.

If your enemy is crazy enough to kill innocents, they are certainly crazy enough to attack you anyway. So you might as well take your chances. Add to that that a lot of people would value the lives of innocents out of moral grounds, and suddenly my faction grows.

Deterrance policies only work if there are alternatives. And random violence is never a good deterrant, as the whole point of fear is to avoid being attacked. If you strike first without provocation you lose your leverage.


Tarkin: "Do you have another target? Then NAME THE SYSTEM!"
Leia: "No pls"
Vader: "How about Tatooine? We know she was delivering the plans there. And I hate that planet."
Imagine of that happened. It would mean a lot to the main chars, but nothing to the rest of the galaxy. Except for podrace fans.


Palpatine should have read "The Prince" by Machiavelli. He was specific on how to use cruelty. And blowing up Alderaan was the step too far.


I know this isn't popular... but Palpatine almost certainly knew Tarkin's plan. Or at least had a really good idea of them. The reason Tarkin was placed in charge was that Tarkin performed the Ghorman Massacre. Created the Doctrine of Fear. And was very likely to take just the very action he did.
And Tarken knew Palpatine had just disbanded the Senate. Likely by direct communication with Palpatine. And both knew Alderaan had been aiding the Rebellion.

I suspect Palpatine had planned for backlash... but not open rebellion. Because he'd have a Death Star to keep planets in line. He didn't count on some kid in a snubnose derailing his plans.

Something that he kept doing over and over .


Lord Vader reminded Governor Tarkin that Alderaan was foremost of the inner systems and that Tarkin should have consulted Emperor Palpatine.
