Computer Fundamentals - Routers VS. Modems - What is the Difference Between a Router and a Modem? PC

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So what's the difference between a router and a modem? What do you need to setup the internet at your house or business? WIFI connections use wireless routers. This is the device that broadcasts the WI-FI signal from your internet throughout your home or workplace. Put in the center of your houses technology. Not on the other end of your house away from your electronics. The Modem communicates with your internet service providers network. Cable modems plugs into your providers infrastructure via a coaxial cable. Most of the modems already have a built-in router inside of it. That means you'll save space, but usually your ISP will charge you a fee for that.

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Instructor A Morgan
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Thanks for "dumbing it down" for us old folks!


Thanks for the explanation, this is so helpful to me


I seriously am tech dumb. Thanks for this.


Hey, wow! I can’t believe I’ve never seen your channel before. Do you have any idea just how talented you are at explaining yourself? You jump straight into your explanation. Thank you ever so kindly. Basically I’m for the UK, and I have a hub where everything is all built into one. So when I hear people talking about modems and routers I look a little bit confused. Thank you do much for your time and explanation in making this video. I have to subscribe to you channel now. Happy new year 2023. All the best 🍷⭐️🎉💫🌟🌟🥳


Thank you, very informative! Broke it down so an ignorant dude like myself could understand.


If you can afford it, I highly recommend getting your own separate modem and router. Just make sure the modem is compatible with your Internet Service Provider.


Thank you, this was useful. I know which one to get.


What if the modem/router has a coax lock on it in the basement, can I run a Cat6 to a second router upstairs. I find a range extender not sufficient


Bro will you make poco x2 vz redmi note 9 pro max which is best mobile


Combined really sucks, sometimes I only want to use an ethernet without the wifi signals flying through the house and my brain


Bro, can you please explain the connection between the telephone & computer/device?


So basically I need a modem and a router if I want multiple devices connected🥲
