Weight Training Made Simple - Starting Strength Barbell Training

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Starting Strength training system is a weight training program using 5 basic weightlifting exercises: the squat, deadlift, bench press and overhead press. Young trainees also use a power clean.

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The simplicity of that program sounds really tempting. And since it seems to be working too makes it even more tempting. I have never been much of a gym type of guy and I have physically demanding work with lots of heavy lifting and stuff( for some 5 years now) with constantly changing shifts and hours. That could be a nice, simple and effective way to exercise at home :) The book might be a worthwhile purchase. Thank you for sharing Bryan :) Big thumbs up!


Starting Strength is a great program and you will get a lot of carry over to everyday life activities. To make your training even more applicable to what you might do in the field, you can incorporate some Strongman training as well (farmer's walk, yoke walk, sled drags, etc.). The disadvantage of barbell training is that you are stationary when you do the lifts. Out in the field, you may have to lift things while you're moving. I compete in powerlifting and can deadlift over 500 lbs with no straps but my grip would give out if I had to walk with it. Strength is also a skill and the closer your training is to your actual activity that you're trying to get better for, the more carryover you'll get. However, just being strong in general already puts you ahead of all the average joe's who don't do any form of strength training. Stay strong.


Sorry but you will hit a wall.im sure it works to a point. the whole thing to lifting is form. just my opinion.i went from 115lb. to 325lb.bench press but that was it.so i make sure i am doing the lifts slow and steady. your body will tell you if your doing it wrong. im 55 btw. thnx. for info. p.s. at our age watch out for hurting your joints.


I thought you were looking jacked lately. Keep up the hard work!


If you are obese the best thing you can do is lose weight because you carry all that weight on your frame daily. A vegetable and fruit program works good. Get a calorie counter like myfitnesspal.com and weigh-in everyday. Then, hit the weights for longevity & strength


Part of the gains might come from working out through the winter when you naturally gain weight??? Also, just doing these basic lifts will cause imbalances in your muscles. For example, you are doing lots of presses and no pulls?? Shouldn't you be doing a lot of pullups for example??? Doesn't mean I am not impressed by your progress. I plan on trying this program myself. Thanks for the info and keep up the good


I decided to make some lifestyle changes the past couple days. I quit chain smoking cigarettes 2 full days ago. no nicotine gum for 1 full day now. and I'm losing the patch today. Today I also started my workout routine. I just put my bug out bag to test. it has 50 plus pounds in it. mostly clothes, sleeping bag, sleeping bag liner, tent, food, etc... I took it out hill climbing. probably only about 2 or miles to begin with (I did just quit smoking). Took it down some variety of terrain (snowy grassy hills) as well just because I need to be prepared to take my pack off road too. But I figure I will push myself every time I take my pack out to go further. stay on the hills longer. etc.. This first day was great. I feel ripped everywhere. even my forearms feel great. can't wait to push myself. I even learned that my lashing system of my water bottle on my backpack is no good. My reusable zip ties broke. and my water bottle crashed and chipped a huge chunk of the plastic top off. it's still useable. Just learned that my water is gonna be hand carried when I hike too. 😁 I know the shape I have been in I'm gonna be sore tomorrow. I'm already feeling it in my shoulders. Just can't wait to be healthier.


The 90 lbs squat is a bit weak but your progression to 200+ is very good. Congrats on that. Your bench is good too.
Your coach is correct, dont rush. Maintain form and move up in weight gradually. Suffering an avoidable injury is no fun. 15 years after 2 injuries they still flares up every now and then.
Eat plenty of chicken, eggs, broccoli and avocado. After every month of workout take a week off the weights for good healing time but do some light cardio like a bike ride or something. Oh and one other thing that worked for me, between sets focus on your breathing. Slow, even breaths deeper than your normal breathing. Get more oxigen in your blood and to those muscles.
Carry on Brian. Your progress is impressive. 👍👍


Amen brother. Good topic, great advice. I am 59, and 10 years ago I was a smoker. I made a pledge to myself that when I turned 50 that I would not be smoking and would get into better shape. Fast forward 10 years, now I have been training with free weights as well as doing cardio, still not smoking, and man I feel better than I did when I turned 40. Weight training has a huge difference in my life.


All Good Points, Bryan, Good Luck with this. Have a great weekend   ATB Ter  God Bless


Weight lifting smart! I'm going to have to really think about, this Bryan. Got lots of weights, but have a knee replacement. Now what do you do about that one? Because I don't know. I'm so glad its working for you. I'm 61-year-old need a little change, in my weight lifting.


Great video! My wife and I joined the gym last August. Today I set a new best for me on the pectoral fly machine of 205lbs. When I started last August, I started at 60lbs, so I have made some great advancement. I'm also working on getting to less than a 9 minute mile on the elliptical, which this was a machine that at first I was lucky to make it 5 minutes on. Now, I can go a full hour and as you can see working on increasing my speed. The closest I have come to my current goal is 9 minutes and 28 seconds.

So like yourself, I can say based on last August to now, I have made some real improvements and gotten myself in better shape if something would go wrong. I still have a long ways to go, hoping to shed another 30lbs, to get down to 210lbs, which will be 90lbs less than when I started the weight loss. I feel better and I have went from a size 48 pants to size 38. I can know carry my pack fully loaded and have less weight on my joints than when it was just me carrying around my fat butt (although it isn't skinny yet, but I'm still working on it).

I have taken the pyramid approach to my working out, starting out at a comfortable weight doing 10 reps, then moving up a weight level until I get to where I can only do 3 reps of the weight. I work on that pattern until I can do 5 at my top and then I move up a level.

It seems to have worked for me so far and as you pointed out, some of the task that use to be difficult has gotten much easier.


Bryan, this is your most helpful video yet. Your gains are impressive, faster than mine but I am older and had a couple interruptions. The linear progression works! You quoted the hard stats benefits, let me add the secondary benefits: my balance is better- hiking on uneven trails is much easier, I dont hold the railing walking up and down stairs, my legs are stronger and my knees dont hurt-I go up and down stairs alternating feet and steps rather than 1 step at a time, dealing with packages, chores and bending or kneeling is substantially easier, and finally, I am taller- no I didnt grow at 64, I am not slouching any more, straight back, shoulders back, head up. Anyone in their 50s or 60s should check this out. Thank you so much for spreading the word.


I started at the same time Bryan did. I'm a bit younger than Bryan and so I saw even greater gains than he did. It works, folks. Learn the lifts and dedicate 3 workouts a week and you will get a much, much higher baseline of strength than you have now.


While I'm all for people getting stronger, I have to admit that I hate the saying "stronger people are harder to kill..", and I hear it more and more often because of people getting into 'Starting Strength'. It's simply not true. Yes, we should have enough strength to perform many tasks, but nothing about strength makes one harder to kill. We're all easy to kill. The saying should be "stronger people can lift heavier things.". Smarter, more motivated, and better trained people are generally harder to kill. Aside from that I think the starting strength program with a decent amount of cardio worked in would be great.


Very good subject boss . But please consult your doctor on this . I am not a gym man . I am a Marathon Walker type guy . so I power walk 35 to 45 min a day + 20 min Yoga +10 min Pranayam ( breath controlling system )for 4 day a week & 2 days 40 min Mardani khel (martial art from Maharashtra my state )in a week That's it
