How to Deal with an Angry Teen | Child Anxiety

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How to Deal with an Angry Teen | Child Anxiety

No child should suffer depression and anxiety without help, seek professional help for you and your child and here’s some resources for educating yourself along the way:

When we think about teenagers and adolescents there's actually a lot going on for them. And we sometimes forget what it was like when we were teenagers.
Basically there's a couple of variables you want to think about when you're thinking about how to help your teenager.

One is a lot is going on physically for them in terms of changes. So not only do they feel all different on the inside, they might not quite know what to do with who this new person is, physically. So there's a lot of just changes in terms of how they look and also how other people are responding to them. Then the things that are going on emotionally are that they're trying to separate, become independent people and those teenage years are when they're trying to figure out who they are, figure out their identity. And if it's successful, really, to have some separation and independence from their parents.

When teenagers are acting angry it can actually be for lots of different reasons. Some of them are normal and what we expect, and some of them might be worrisome. So when you're dealing with an angry teen, first of all, you want to pick your battles, and when you're doing that you want to think about what's going on and understand that sometimes that anger is about asserting themselves, trying to separate in maybe the only way they know how, which may feel rejecting but is actually a way to try and be on their own. You have to know what's important is to still be that safe and secure home base, no matter how old your teen is. So when they're going out and testing out these new identities in the world, they know where to come back.

The anger may also be an expression of some other things that are going on with your teen. You want to think about, and really pay attention to if it's a sign of other kinds of problems. When you're dealing with an angry teen, it's often important to make sure you keep lines of communication open. What you want to do with that anger is sometimes turn it into talk and conversation and dialogue. Angry feelings sometimes automatically get people to shut down the communication when in fact you want to increase it, and understand and listen to each other rather than just criticize or disagree with each other.

Now, the last thing you want to make sure you think about is what else might be going on, and if that anger is actually about something that's more difficult for that teen. So angry teens may be kids that are having difficulties with substances; maybe they're abusing drugs, maybe they're actually trying to manage and self-medicate some other emotional problems that they're having. So you want to keep an eye on and think about if you need some other kinds of help to understand and then manage that angry teen.
Рекомендации по теме

oh boy i love when you try to communicate with older people, trying to help them to understand you, and they just call you a whiny kid who "does not know a real struggle yet" or something, especially when it is your own parents; this definetely NOT make not want to talk to them ever again and definetely NOT making me more depressed lol


Am i the only angry teen watching this???😂😂😂


Did anyone notice that JUST we, teens, are watching such videos? Would it ever come to adults' mind after an argue with their kids to tipe "angry teens" and try to figure out what's going on with their children without getting angry themselves ? I don't think so..


For years I did what you advise and I have raised a monster. All children are different, but the most important thing is discipline - I only wish I knew that before!!!


I'm not tired of being angry, I'm tired of not being able to control it.


... I am a teen... MOM DAD, WATCH THIS VIDEO


As a teen, I can tell you that this advice is legit the only real, accurate and genuine advice I have heard regarding teens. 100% she got it right.


my moms guide to dealing with an angry child. step one: belt, chancla, and ban fortnite


Turn them off and back on. That should correct it.


I am 15 and I am not angry ever. I am happy all the time.


Im a teenager, and this is 100 percent accurate.


There’s no way In hell I’m letting my dad watch this


Wow I love how adults act like they understand us and then say stuff like this.


Tell them fortnite might get banned because it ripped off PubG. Any teen will break down in tears.


I'm watching this to learn how to deal with my 19 year old boyfriend's temper tantrums because his parents were awful and unloving.


Its kinda sad when ur Mom needs to watch this


How to deal with howcast not posting enough


Not helpful. Thanks for trying anyways. 😔🤯 I'm about to give up he's so violent to me. I'm going to move and not tell him where I am. He's 19yrs old. It's been 2yrs since he started this new bad temper tantrums. He can't make it on his own but I fear for my safety on top of his. And I got a other son who is doing pretty good. He needs a better home life like we had before the abuse of his brother. Single mom I got away from the dad who severely abused me and them. My son is Not thankful at all. Cuz my son didn't know what happened as much as I did. Nothing is helping. I'm about to ditch him. Forever.


My parents would always obey me who got angry and I'm done confronting and avenging.


My 14 year old son is always angry and very disrespectful. Especially towards my fiancee. We have a very hard time with him. I dont know what to do.
