'McGill Big 3' Keeping Your Herniated Disc From Healing?

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Do you suffer with lower back pain (maybe from a herniated disc) and have been trying to strengthen your core, but it doesn't seem to be working? Maybe someone recommended you follow Dr. Stuart McGill's "Big 3" & core stability training program... but you're stuck and not seeing the relief you want.

The inspiration for this video came from a message from one of my viewers. I decided to share my reply & thoughts here (for all of you to benefit from) on the McGill Big 3, my specific suggestions, and why I feel this viewer is stuck. And in fact... it's probably why a lot of people suffering with lower back, disc & piriformis problems are not seeing improvements with this approach.

So, if you’ve been strengthening your core, and feel like you’re not getting better- you’ll want to watch this video and open your mind to taking a different approach...

#drcharliejohnsonpt #corestability #McGillBig3 #herniateddisc #corestrengthening

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Thanks for watching! Want to pinpoint the source of your back, butt, or sciatica pain using simple self movement tests & a step-by-step approach without needing expensive images or a specialist?


McGill’s track record is unparalleled and based on real science. I trust his approach.


The big three helped my back pain that had been on going for almost 10 years. Also helps me to understand that neutral curve of the spine is where it needs to be to keep the disks from getting pushed into the spinal column and causing pain.


For me, McGills key advice in his talks is - if something hurts, dont do it. The big 3 are low impact that most people can do without making things worse. Also he is a big believer in walking to open things up. Really helped me, but took over a year to being fit again. And I have gone backwards at times, usually from lifting too much and / or leaning over


9:09 - McGill big 3 (excersices for Intervertebral disc muscles) + Bridging and clamshell (excersices for hip joint muscles) + substituting postures and movements that cause pain for ones that do not cause as much.
THEN, return to postures and movements that you previously couldn't do with confidence.

McGill's theory and your concern are not mutually exclusive.


McGill’s book is very empowering as he teaches you not to avoid painful tasks but gives you tips on how to live pain free


The back mechanic is an amazing book. It has really helped me narrow down the causal mechanisms of my specific pain, remediate my pain entirely, and improve my life several fold.

In my case, I was "stiff", but the mckinzie-based spinal movements which helped reduced the sizes of my L3-L4, and L4-L5 disc bulges > 70% size, alongside the big 3 and several other interventions to address my core instability/glute amnesia.

The big 3 was a small piece in my treatment plan amongst the totality of evidence based interventions that remedied my pain, and reduced my disc bulge size, halted degeneration/protrusions.


Sounds a whole lot like what Dr John Sarno spoke of decades back. That most chronic pain is due to that negative feedback loop and negative emotion. It's taken me about a decade to figure that out with my lower back pain. While everyday isn't great, I can do a lot of exercise, mtn biking, motorcycles etc and be relatively pain free by soothing my brain and telling myself I'm safe.


You are so right. I have been in this cycle for 3/4 years. Have accepted now that I’m “disabled “ Only way to be pain free is lying down. Tried yoga. Walking. Pilates. All aggravated pain. Putting me back for weeks.


In his book, McGill emphasizes the uniqueness of each instance of back pain and underscores the idea that your pain serves as a guide to identify and address the underlying issue. He outlines several solutions tailored to different cases: a) Big3 for core stability, b) cat-camel for flexibility, c) hip restoration coupled with walking to alleviate tension from other muscles, and d) cobra stretches to correct disc form. The recommendation is to concentrate on the approach that best aligns with your specific case.


Problem is that you keep going to these doctors, physios, chiropractors and they keep telling you need to strengthen your core and I keep showing them my shredded 6 pack and then they say, yeah but there are those tinny tinny core muscles deep inside responsible for stabilization, they must be weak! And that gets into your head after you hear it so many times. Have I been living in a lie for the last 5 years? Avoiding certain exercises or even worse doing them but being super stiff while doing them out of fear, hence not seeing the results further confirming the bias that those exercises are not efficient for me.


It’s sad you would try to simplify stuart McGill whole therapeutic philosophy into just the big three, strawmaning his arguments should be beneath a qualified specialist like yourself


Mcgill big 3 is only a small part to live pain-free.. you have to move and practice spine hygiene during the day all the time... If core stability hurt you..just stop... Try some walking and using bench decompresion + nerve floosing or just lying on the floor for period of time and then see how you feel... Then try suitcase carry or farmer walks... Everybody is different..you just need to find what is working for you!!! Mcgill big 3 is the most safe and effective excersise for most of the people with back-disc problem!!


This a great, although long winded, explanation of a negative feedback loop.

He’s not saying the McGill big 3 are bad. He’s saying anything can be bad if, in reality, it reinforces fear and avoidance for you personally.


Wow great video. You blamed one thing for someone’s issues. You must be a world renowned expert in your field. Keep up the great work.


Haven't watched this video but if it's saying that the McGill Big 3 doesn't work, I say you're wrong; it worked for me amazingly and continues to;


This goes along with " The myth of core stability" by Eyal Lederman. My back (herniated disc L4, 5 S1) improved tremendously after dropping core stability exercises(big 3 ). I just started relaxing and letting my back go through its natural range of motions and it made the biggest difference.


I love the mcgill big 3 and stuart but, its also good to know what to do when it doesnt work.


So what is your suggestion to help someone caught in this loop?
I’m looking into the neuroscience route as well as the McGill approach.


So the McGill big 3 are only a tiny portion of the McGill method. Its all about learning the proper mechanics in everyday activities and avoiding painful movements.
