Flicking Knitting Style - How to Knit, how to purl and how to yarn over
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Flicking is a variation of the throwing or the english knitting method with the efficiency of picking. The working yarn is tensioned in the right hand. The yarn is wrapped with the index finger without dropping the right needle.
In this video I’ll demonstrate using the flicking knitting method how to knit a knit stitch, knit a purl stitch, and how to yarn over before a knit and a purl.
📚 Chapters
* 00:40 Tension
* 01:21 How to knit stitch - flicking
* 01:48 How to purl stitch - flicking
* 02:18 How to yarn over before a knit - flicking
* 02:56 How to yarn over before a purl - flicking
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In this video I’ll demonstrate using the flicking knitting method how to knit a knit stitch, knit a purl stitch, and how to yarn over before a knit and a purl.
📚 Chapters
* 00:40 Tension
* 01:21 How to knit stitch - flicking
* 01:48 How to purl stitch - flicking
* 02:18 How to yarn over before a knit - flicking
* 02:56 How to yarn over before a purl - flicking
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Knitting Help - Flicking
Knitting Help - Slow Motion Flicking
Flicking Knitting Style - How to Knit, how to purl and how to yarn over
How to Knit Faster | Flicking Tutorial
How I Knit: a flicking throwing hybrid style of English knitting
English style knitting - 'Flicking'
how I knit: flicking demonstration in knit, purl, and 1x1 rib
Knitting Help - Flicking Q & A
HOW TO KNIT FASTER | english style
Knitting Help - Slow Motion Flicking Knits and Purls
What's the difference in Throwing, Picking & Flicking Knitting Styles
How I Knit - Flicking
Knitting Help - Slow Motion Flicking While Purling
How to be a FASTER KNITTER; Picking and Flicking.
English 'Flicking' Knit and Purl
Throwing vs Flicking Knitting
How I Knit (Flicking / English Flicking!)
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