How To Ignore People

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Today, we will be discussing how to ignore people. We will also be talking about the six types of negative people we should ignore and how to ignore them.

According to the research by social psychologist Dr. David McClelland of Harvard, the people you habitually associate with determines as much as 95 percent of your success or failure in life. It’s a fact of life that some people hold us back, while other propel us forward. Which is why in this video we will be talking about 6 types of negative people we need to ignore and more importantly how should we ignore them.

The 6 types of people we should ignore are -
1. The hopelessly hostile drama queen
2. The person you have failed to please a hundred times before
3. The naysayer who always dumps on your dreams
4. The manipulator
5. The stubborn one who insists you should be someone else
6. The unforgiving friend who refuses to forgive you for your mistakes

Ignoring negative people doesn’t mean you hate them, or that you wish them harm; it just means you care about your own well-being. Because every time you subtract negative from your life, you make room for more positive.

Check our other video.
These 5 Kinds Of People Will Make You Rich And Successful - Don't Avoid Them -
Music - Enchanting Inspirational Music - Royalty Free - This Moment
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"Sorry you're feeling bad but I've got some work to do." That is some savagery, right there.


“People hate when you treat them the way they treat you”


The older I get, the less I care what people think about me.
Therefore, the older I get, the happier I become!


“You think you’re being nice but you’re not living true to yourself.” (Being a people pleaser.)

This is completely true and I’m 21 and just now learning this because everyone— especially jobs, will encourage these people pleasing behaviors and make it feel like a positive quality.


"It's better to be disrespected for who you are than respected for who you are not."


"Ignoring negative people doesn't mean you hate them, or that you wish them harm; it just means you care about your own well-being"
I found this concept impressive. Perfect for people-pleasers, and I think their description was quite accurate too. They suffer because of the toxic relationships they create themselves and someone needs to tell them. Thanks for having done that.


It hurts even more when you start to wonder if you are the negative person


I just want to thank whoever put the time into creating this masterpiece. I recently just broke it off with my best friend of 4 years. In reality, she is extremely manipulative and a toxic person in general. I felt guilty and blamed myself for HER behavior. I was afraid I made the wrong decision until I came across this video. Thank you for this 💕💕


I’m kind of a gloomy person but I’ve found hanging out with negative energy people can really bring you down to a really low point


“The sun is all alone too but it still shines”


It's very hard when negative people happens to be the close ones in your life such as your family, you can't get rid of them.


One of the best perspectives that I’ve found this far. It’s difficult to allow yourself to ignore your own parents even when it’s better for you.


Sum up:
1) Avoid people that dramatize too much
2) Avoid people who you can never please
3) Avoid people that try to push you down by laughing at you and your goals
4) Avoid manipulators
5) Avoid people who complain that you have changed over the years


A man with positive attitude cannot be stopped
A man with negative attitude cannot be helped...


It’s not just drama queens, there are many drama KINGS as well.


This video showed me that I could be the drama queen sometimes and that's why some people ignore me sometimes. Thank you for this video, I wanna change myself for the better. ❤


I loved the sentence "it's better to be disrespected for who you are than to respected for who you are not and feel hollow inside"


It’s interesting how all these people can sometimes be just one person.


I needed this 4 years ago. Better late than never I guess.


I literally did this in high school.
I ignored everyone and everything.
It kept me sane.

Socializing, simply for the sake of being deemed as "normal, " just wasn't worth it to me.
The best part is when insecure people talk behind my back, shaming me as a serial killer or something like that.
People who lack strength, need others to make them feel "secure." I'm secure in myself.
And this troubles most people I deal with, because they can't feel secure in themselves. They need others to hold their hand.

They shame me, because I'm stronger.
They fear me, because I'm better.
Normies are babies that need to be coddled. lol
