Purely positive person tells me how to train, here's my reaction.

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I react to a purely positive reinforcement person commenting on a controversial video.
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Hey dude. Love your work. For your interest, the guy is called David Mech. The whole “discrediting dominance” thing is a massive overstretch. The original research involved 3 male wolves from 3 different populations, put in a paddock together - who unsurprisingly fought. Mech later discredited this particular research, after subsequent tests showed that wolves living in families with parents and cubs were typically less aggressive. The original theory was one of a constant, linear structure - which was replaced with a more complex theory based on family structure. The point is, mech never said that wolves didn’t fight over mates and resources, never said that wolves didn’t have dominant and submissive roles and temperaments. He just discredited the original piece of research as a poor demonstration of natural behaviour in wolves - which it was.

The thing that’s really sad, is that ultimately these people who say dominant dogs don’t exist or that everything you should be stimulus based are the same people who say that the dogs who don’t fit their narrative are uncontrollable, brain damaged and need to be euthanised.


Also, "positive reinforcement only" trainers seem to always overlook the fact that dogs correct each other all the time.


The problem is, the dogs aren’t reading the same books.


As someone who owns a German shepherd I've tried positive reinforcement many times and what i noticed is that it works at first and then not at all anymore. Because my dog is very intelligent he instantly recognizes that he doesn't have any consequences for his actions and can just "work around them".


Dog behaviourist here, I'd class myself as a positive reinforcement but agree purely positive doesn't work. While the original dominance theory was flawed based on lone wolves thrown together in a confined space, later studies have proved dominance exists, just more like a democracy with an elected boss, who can be overthrown if they're not being a good leader. The theory translates to people too.
Sure, start with positive reinforcement but as long as you're not hurting the dog or causing fear, use other techniques too. Negative punishment and not letting them get away with the behaviour is invaluable too. The main tool you have is other dogs such as Prince as dogs will always read behaviour of dogs better than any human can. Keep doing what you do.


Hey, Beckman - childless, white female here. Haha. Just wanted to say that your methods have totally transformed our relationship with our dog in a really positive way. We were struggling to train our very energetic puppy, who had spent his first 6 months in a shelter and didn't connect with people. I guess that I felt bad for him, so I leaned heavily into purely positive training...and it did not work! His aggression and relentless energy were so bad that, sorry to say, we considered returning him to the shelter. Because of you, we have a dog that can walk on a leash and comes when called. He's calm when we need him to be. I am super grateful for you. Thank you for doing what you do and being who you are!


I am a Certified Behavioral Consultant..( Certified in dog training knowledge) / Master Dog trainer with 30 years of experience.
I use positive reinforcement. However, when dealing with reactive dogs, your methods are excellent !


SBDS (Spoiled Brat Dog Syndrome) and it’s rampant in our culture! Joel…. you’re doing a public service to both dogs and their humans 👊


I am a non-Karen Karen. A single woman in my 50s who never had children and now have my first dog. What 'attmpting' to train my dog made em realize is that I was not cut out for raising children. I am too soft. Thank you so much for your videos. I totally agree that all positive does not work. While positive reinforcement is needed, it is only common sense that without consequences the positivity will not work. Like my vet told me, giving a grade of 'A' on a paper that deserves a 'C' teaches you nothing. A grading system only works if you are given appropriate feedback in order to improve.


I got my first dog when I was 22 & newly married & we bought our first house. I wanted a Doberman & so I purchased my beloved Sabbath at 12 wks old. I went to training classes for a year & earned an AKC, CD & CDX on my beautiful boy. The greatest advice from my instructor was, "One good correction is worth a thousand nags." It spares the dog confusion & doubting the owner's leadership & empowers the owner to be in control. But best of all I had a 95 lb. loving, trustworthy companion, who gave me joy everyday of his life. I'm now 73 & have fond memories & lots of photos. Prince looks so like my Sabbath. ❤


Thank you for standing up to these people! I feel like these purely-positive people have completly confused discipline with abuse. Abuse is what creates fear, disciplin creates respect.


I never comment on things on the internet but I actually just about died when I heard “dogs are never trying to dominate you” 😂 dogs, much like kids, will absolutely try to dominate (or not listen to you if you don’t like the word dominate I guess) if you’re not assertive. Doesn’t mean youre not soft and loving. Just means you are in charge and command respect. It actually makes everyone less anxious and creates peace. Structure is so important!😊


I am a Professional Dog Trainer and International Competitor with over 40 years experience. While the 100% Positive training people may be well meaning, their ideology is driven by the spread of "New Age" style propaganda rather than actual wide scoped, real world training experience.

I am a proponent of Balanced Training and stand shoulder to shoulder with you in debunking the fraudulent ideology perpetrated by the "100% Positive Training" crowd.

Linda Werlein


What he said!!! I’ve raised 4 beautiful, healthy, well rounded, socially mature gorgeous children, and I know for a fact that pure positive reinforcement does NOT work for every situation, nor for ALL children! Dogs are no different. I have a very well behaved puppy due to a combination of positive and not positive reinforcement training. If I did all positive, he’d literally try to run the show! Enough said!!!!


"When I started this business, I read books. Now I train dogs." Best ending line.


I can’t tell you how much I enjoyed this. I trained dogs for 15 years, under a wonderful trainer who incorporated both positive reinforcement and more traditional methods, much like you. She is AMAZING. I was taken in, at first, by the “purely positive” training theory, but IT DOESN’T WORK in the real world with highly reactive and/or aggressive dogs, nor with certain ingrained behaviors, even some that are just plain annoying rather than dangerous. Or it could work…if the dog would live to 100 and you had 50 years to fix it…lol. Some of these people actually think that the word “no” or a 2-second hard stare is going to “break” a “dog’s spirit” and damage them irreparably. They have obviously never paid much heed to how dog’s correct each other and then go on as friends as if nothing ever happened. You are breath of fresh air, and these folks are DELUSIONAL.


I've recently come across your channel and I honestly find it the most reliable one when it comes to dog training. Honestly, for me you are actually using positive reinforcement - plenty of praising, positive attitude toward the dog, putting the dog on the track toward success. Also, Prince and other dogs as assistants - you can be the best dog trainer in the world, but you will never replace the other dog to show what is acceptable and what is not. Showing the dog that you are the boss is actually the best thing that can happen to both you and the dog - because dog will listen to you, will be much more happy due to guidance. Being a boss doesn't mean hurting a dog, it's all about being a reliable point in your dog's life.


My foundation was Cesar and teaching children's martial arts classes, strangely enough. But nothing educated me more than being at a busy dog park almost every day for 6 years with my dog as he grew from 9 months to 6+ years old. Nothing beats experience. I became the one who dealt with large dogs & multi-dog fights (not involving my dog). I could stop fights with my voice & body language, putting aside proper physical interaction. Nothing beats experience with hundreds of dogs over thousands and thousands of hours. I learned that most people lack leadership skills & projected incorrect emotions onto their dogs and harnesses were the root of most problems. Treats don't stop 2 or more 100 pound dogs from fighting when their minds are red-lined... being the boss with a bigger bark and no fear to correct any dog was required.


Bravo! I've been handling "challenging" Dobermans for 30 years and you are so right. Those who disagree never had a Doberman clamped to his/her leg. Asking nicely to let go doesn't work. Your videos and techniques are enlightening, thank you.


"Cesar Millan broke them" 🤣That's spot on. The Malamute video was amazing, I can't imagine people having problems with that one. I've helped many dogs of family and friends just with basic principles I've picked up from Cesar like energy, where your attention is, what you communicate through the leash, and the importance of the pack walk. I don't know how people could disagree with a guy that has a ranch with many species of dogs, donkeys, ponies, llamas, sheeps, ducks, and parrots that all pack walk together?? Now I have two Rotties of my own, picked up some leash walking tips from another video of yours that helped me dial them in (I call it brake checking 😀), and once I saw the Malamute video I was like "ok, this guy gets it.", and I've been watching all your videos starting with the ones that my dogs have the most immediate issues with. I take my responsibility as owner of two beasts seriously, and it shows when I take them to my kids soccer game and they're the best behaved ones there.

People who ignore this kind of dog advice always seem to have dogs they think can't do any harm...
