Dog Reactivity Training purely positive vs balanced Training

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In this video Dog Reactivity Training purely positive or balanced Training? Thomas takes you through his process of evaluating a reactive dog with an owner who has come from Philly after trying 6 different trainers to address this problem. This dog attacks other dogs while on the leash on walks. After 6 trainers this problem continues as the owner discusses how this has been getting worse as her dog attacks other dogs at the dog park. Thomas discusses past dog training methods used and the owners experience with the past training experiences. This series will take you from in the door at the ACA through the behavior modification process to help build a stronger relationship between dog and owner. Thomas discusses the differences between purely positive dog training and balanced training and the effectiveness of both. We hope that this video helps owners to understand their dogs behavior and the most effective ways to address their dog training challenges.
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"Oh no he works with shock Hahaha." You reaction was priceless. I just love your videos.


Awesome. Her walk across the parking lot led by the dog said almost everything.

First time I met my moms full grown but young shepherd I was told by my brother “you can’t go in there she’ll bite you”.

My mom lived 1, 000 miles from me and frequent visits just weren’t possible so I’d only heard stories of how bad and mean Gypsy was.

I walked into my mom’s room and Gypsy stood at the side of the bed my mom was lying on baring her teeth, growling and barking.

I turned around and quietly softly but not timidly sat on her.
She quietly went to the floor with almost no effort.

My mom asked “What are you doing?” I said “Sitting on your dog” as I slid farther down and laid the back of my head on Gypsy’s chest.

My asked again “What are doing?” and I said “Watching TV”.

Gypsy was mine and she might have been a bit confused but she knew I was there for her.

When my mom got sick Gypsy came to me. She’d lived @ 9 yrs in a trailer with little room and now had 2 acres and 4 other dogs to run around with. Eventually my mom came as well.

I was told I couldn’t do it because she was too mean.

Gypsy wasn’t mean. She was insecure because my mom treated her like a human and she didn’t know how to be a dog.

She outlived my mom and I can still see her when I do a Google map search.

When I left the house and came home she was always in the front yard even though she could go freely into or out of the house so the google map people captured her on video as she stood up and followed the google car with her head. It’s cool as I always wondered what she did when I wasn’t home until the day i came home and she wasn’t out front. She’d stood her last post.

Dogs have a natural hierarchy but like all children they have to be taught and allowed to be dogs.

Like too many children today she didn’t learn the rules when she was young and people just judged her for her actions and put labels on her.

Who’s smarter the dog that comes to us, sits, rolls over and instinctively will coral a loose baby pig, , , or the the human who says “What?” when a dog barks?

There is definitely truth to being positive but there is more truth to being taught how to be who you are supposed to be. The trick is to teach without anger and without taking it personal.

Dogs and children need to know who’s in charge and know they are safe.

A good pack leader can do both and both dogs and children can feel that.

I was at a park the other day with my 4yo granddaughter who loves to pet dogs and teaching her not to just run up to them. I prefer to let people walk their dogs in peace but cute little children have the same affect on many dog walkers as dogs have on children walkers.

A woman had a Beautiful large American bulldog and said Mayah could pet him but I could see her apprehension as Mayah and I approached. She was in the middle of saying the dog wasn’t good with men and might be aggressive as the dog quietly started sniffing me and licking my hand. The look of peoples faces as they have ‘OMG my dogs not attacking you’ moments is always kinda funny.

Dogs know people.
Too bad more people don’t know dogs.

Sorry so long.
Between 2019 and 2021 I lost my mom and all 5 of my dogs from old age etc including Gypsy Magic. My oldest was Austin a 16yo golden lab quiet daddy of my pack. I miss them all but I have not replaced them.

I use to have a zoo with 10 dogs, 6 cats, ducks, chickens, pigs, snakes, etc Even had a gator come visit on his own etc. I have one white fuzzy cat left. His name is Fuzzy. He comes and goes using Gypsy’s doggie door which I put in specifically because she had never been potty trained AND she needed the freedom. It was funny teaching all the other dogs they could freely go in and out the door without me walking through first but Gypsy had no problem. Great dog. The doggie door is too short for me but my 4yo granddaughter still loves it.


"I can't be seen as a person who correct my dog with aversive tools"
"oh I'll just have to put down my dog, humanely"


I so so so appreciate your balanced training. I adopted my dog almost a year ago, and learning how to be flexible between positive and balanced training has been essential. I wouldn't have been able to make any progress without changing how I view training. My dog is young and came from a puppy mill which trained him to see most things as a threat or competition. Using balanced training has given him the best life possible, where he knows he safe, but I'm in charge. thank you!!


"He'll often turn around, take a treat, and then go right back!" LMAO that made my day (because I understand!!)


My dog is totally changed with e collars. She walks off leash. We pass 20 deer a day - within 100 feet - no chasing. Before e collar; I actually threw a roasted chicken to get her to come to me! LOL. Life is so much better for both of us.


Went to pull the trigger on a NO BAD DOGS hoodie and they're sold out. T-shirts too! That's not a bad thing and certainly a testament to the impact you're having on people! Keep up the good work man!


This is my exact situation as well! I'm so glad to have access to this information when I'm feeling hopeless


"Dog realizes you're paying him for good behavior"

Thank you! It's what I always say. It's not about the trade, it's about the respect and cooperation.
But it's hard, when everyone is so fixated on the "positive" way, and they see you as the villain


Such a refreshing explanation. The way you communicate with the owners is almost more impressive than with the dogs. This particular video highlights that substantially. You’re not condescending which is hard when you hear such silly concepts - something I probably need to work on! Making it about the relationship is so important and I’m very grateful for everything you do to help dogs! Looking forward to shadowing you in the near future 🙌🐾


oh my god. how adorable when he said: I'm not a trainer... I'm... an.. edu.. cator??"
this is probably the most crutial
part of training a dog. understanding that their an individual, and learning how to handle them from there.... what a great channel


Exactly!!! She's so right! I'm so tired of these all positive sugar coating trainers who think they are training cute lassie to get the newspaper!


I like your approach to educating the client of what you are hearing and seeing. I myself am working towards being a professional dog trainer. My favorite breed is rescue. I like to listen to what the dog is telling me how they feel about a situation. I learned this through walking dogs as a profession and working at a local shelter. All the dogs I worked with got adopted.


My dog is super reactive to other dogs, the behavioralist was more on the pack of sausage training than showing us how to build a relationship with our 2yo rescued German Shepherd, adopted last may. It was not all bad but I add a lot of your methods to the mix and as per this week we are starting to see major results! Thanks for your videos!


I’ve learned a lot (and continue to) from watching your YouTube vids. Much appreciated and keep it going. I’ve said your quote “No bad dogs” and truly believe it. Thanks man.


LOVE your videos. I volunteer at a rescue and really strugge with rescue only being open to positive/ force free. Great for a lab puppy that you know the background. It is very frustrating for shelter dogs, reactivity issues, strong prey drives, etc... wish shelter would be more open to ideas


Such great proof here that positive only doesn't work. Not saying it doesn't with some dogs. Great work and so well explained. I sure wouldn't have paid those other 6 trainers though. Thanks Tom : )


The way you build your relationship with a dog you just met give me goosebumps Tom :) I really appreciate your videos. Thank you for your insight. I have a Rottie Mix boy whom I rescued at 9 weeks old this June and I'm trying to solidify our relationship inspired from your way of doing it with your dogs! I must say it's working wonderfully. Keep doing what you are doing Tom!! Big hugs from Canada~


This guy lacks an ego which is probably the most important thing because when a human ego meets a behavioral problem the trainer doesn't know how to solve, abuse will happen because the trainer will not admit that he doesn't know what he's doing. If he's doing something that doesn't work, he will ask himself "why isn't this working? what can I do about it? How can I change what I am doing to help this dog."


You have taught me to readdress my relationship with my dogs, it's far more structured and the training I do with my own trainer alongside what I've learnt from you, I am happy to say I can see real improvement. Keep the videos coming. Please do a video with a chihuahua, I'm sure I haven't got the only stubborn pair? Thanks Tom
