Dog Reactivity Training purely positive vs balanced Training

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In this episode Dog Reactivity Training purely positive vs balanced Training Thomas works with a dog on his last chance with his owner. He and his owner has worked with 6 other professional dog trainers on dog reactivity, how to stop my dog from attacking other dogs and no has been able to get Henry under control.

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Рекомендации по теме

Wow! Outstanding! What kind if collar is that? My dog is reactive on a harness/Leash. Would love too know exactly what you did here. And how got it too focus on you so well!

Ps: Your dog is something else, Really shows your capibility too guide the dogs you work with. I never seen anything like that.


I feel like I'm a much better dog owner when I watch your videos in the morning. I'm much more patient with my animals, and your vids help me stay focused on making their lives more comfortable. Very rewarding :D


Fellow dog trainer here 👋🏻 love your style. I’ve had a hard time finding other trainers with a similar mindset/training style as me and I’m excited to have found you! Great work 👏🏻👏🏻


Major props to the owner for not giving up. It took her six trainers to finally get to one that is realistic and able to help. I really respect her for being willing to continue seeking help, bravo 👏


*LOVE LOVE LOVE* how u're so in tune with what the dogs are thinking! It would be so great tho, if you would *please create playlists for multi-part videos* (so that the videos are lumped together in one place, seperated from all the others)... Please & thanks 😊


Amazing work! You're level of communication with the dog is off the charts. You're so in tuned and precise with your handling.


Love hearing the relief in the owner's voice as everything starts to make sense!


"he's looking at me like he took a bag of edibles" I'm dying lol


Thomas- awesome work! Really wish I had found you a year ago. Spent $6k on a 3 week course to become a dog trainer. They were “balanced” but for lack of a better term, they were mean spirited. You are the epitome of patience, kindness and empathy. A benevolent leader.... thank you! Any chance you are going to film some training at a shelter? I volunteer for a few shelters here in the Chicago suburbs. Thank you...


Amazing, and it all just make so much sense. Can we talk about that black shepherd though!? What a magnificent dog. I can’t believe how well behaved Henry was when she was there. Can’t wait for the next episode! ❤️


Our 8 months old dog reacts to other dogs on leash and these videos have been super helpful. I'm glad I discovered this channel


This has to be my favorite series. I've been waiting all day for this to come out. It's amazing how this dog reacts to your calmness. I've been trying this for a while now and it honestly is miraculous how simple it is and it WORKS.


I have watched so many of your videos and I learn something every time. You are such a good teacher. The techniques, the timing and the equipment give me confidence which gives my dog confidence and a better life for both of us. Thank you again and again!


You’re melting me with how sweet you are with Henry. What a cutie he is.


Yes~!!! Fantastic showing of what YOU can do and how balanced training just works! Thanks Tom, on to the next episode.


I just recently stumbled across your channel and am completely blown away. So amazing to watch you interact with the dogs! 💖 Love the way you educate the owners to improve their knowledge and built a healthy relationship with their dogs. Finally someone who truly implements balanced training including tools like e-collars and prongs in case needed and how to use them correctly 👌🏻⭐️ there are so many “trainers” out there using treats only, but would never take on cases like you do, probably because they know that their way of training will not help or even make things worse.often these people state corrections are equal to abuse, they should carefully watch your work and learn how it’s done 😬


Absolutely brilliant, and I can like FEEL the owner feel relief and hope as Henry progresses.


Tom must LOVE when people clue in with what balanced is all about. Love it!!


Great video. It is great to see Henry more relaxed and content. Glad the owner was able to get the help they needed.


People don't realize that prong collars are not meant to scare the dog into not pulling, but instead as a method of communication. I rescued a 9 month lab that was pretty much neglected by the owners and had zero control on a leash. He would pull so hard that his neck had a red mark from the leash (keep in mind the leash was loose, so it was just from pulling). When I got him I used a prong collar to teach him how to walk, and followed a lot of examples from your video, and now even though I am still working with him, I can take him out off leash at night to go to the bathroom and back, and he would stay next to me. Also, I do not need to use the prong collar anymore since he pays much more attention to me now.

You are awesome! Keep these great posts and looking forward to ep. 3!
