Pure Positive VS Balanced Dog Training.

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Anchorage, AK – July 13

Chicago, IL – Aug 10

New York, NY – Sep 7

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Happy to see you going after Zack's training directly, especially after he's attached you personally so frequently


Your intelligence is an inspiration. You can't expect everyone to understand but it's a blessing how many people do.


Truly, you do not need to respond, clap back or highlight . Your method is what we come here to see. You are amazing. Gratitude.


YES! Finally someone speaking the truth, well actually Cesar Milan also says this just in a different way. And it is the same with horses. All you have to do is watch animals, any animal, in the wild and you will see how the animals are taught and kept in check in the packs, dens or herds. Thank You Dog Daddy.


No because I only watch you- We love you DD- Keep being the best.


Your smart & intelligent. I love watching how u interact with ppl. Stay focus & strong. Your a winner!


EXCELLENT job of getting to the crux of the matter while conveying a wealth of information in just a minute & a half. Short & sweet & to the point, boiling the issue down to its absolute essence. Much love & respect!!! God Bless!!! ❤


I get far more enjoyment and pleasure from watching you help reactive/ difficult dogs and their owners !!
Keep up the good work my friend!! 🤗👍


My dog never was, we tried 2 trainers both recommended euthanasia for this 9 month old rescue. Their reasoning? Because my Toby is so damaged and so fearful of even the outside he's never be comfortable or live a happy life. Toby is going to be 4 years old next month. I was never going to euthanize a 9mo old pup that never had a chance in the first place. Basic positive training methods DID NOT WORK for a neglected abused extremely fearful dog. A vet behaviorist was my lifesaver i don't trust basic trainers unless it's to teach tricks or basic leash learning not for dogs with serious behavior issues.


Zak is only attacking you out of jealousy because your methods work and his don’t. I have used your methods with my own dog and I can honestly say that they 100% work! Teaching a dog is very similar to teaching a child, if you only use positive reinforcement they will walk all over you. Keep doing what you are doing Augusto, your the best 👍


I like how you explain how his method fail rather then focusing on his personality or style.


You're the best dog trainer I've ever seen ❤❤❤. Nobody has your natural talent and your love for all animals shines through. I will never listen to anyone who has the nerve to critize you. To me if another dog trainer is putting you down, they're jealous and trying to get clout by even bringing your name up. What they should do is say thank you, Dog Daddy, for giving dog trainers a platform to teach and educate people on different methods of training a puppy and adult dogs. Dog Daddy is the best hands down. ❤❤❤


So true. It’s hard for a dog because everyone he meets, including other dogs, acts differently. Some people smile and send good vibes, some people ignore and walk on by, others are scared and take evasive action. My dog doesn’t like people with their hoods up. He thinks they are a different species. He’s never had a bad experience but has made his own decision. Don’t take it to heart what Zac says about you. He’s only jealous. Keep the higher ground and ignore him. Just let people make their own minds up :) keep up the good work. I hope we see you in England one day :)


I heard my husband watching one of Zak's videos a while back (before I knew how he was coming after you and telling others to come after you and anyone you work with). The experience I have with dogs is only that I have had one for 12 years and I used to work at an off leash dog daycare and boarding where we went through training classes to learn things like how to handle a large pack of dogs, prevent fights and other basic things. So I'm no expert, but I'd say I have slightly more experience than the average joe. So when I heard the things Zak was saying to do in this video I was making comments like, "that doesn't work!" or "what if the dog isn't food motivated?!" and "this guy has probably never even seen an aggressive dog because it is just common sense you'd just be rewarding the aggressive behavior!". As you said, it would only work if you can control your environment 100% of the time. My staffy mix would never have been able to go out in public had I used his methods. My husband and I looked into him more and realized that he just refuses to work with the overly aggressive ones like you work with and he will tell people the dog needs to be euthanized! God forbid you touch a dog or pop the leash to get its attention off of a trigger, but having a vet inject poison to kill the dog is okay. 🤦Zak is nuts and doesn't like the competition. He hates that you are so successful and that hurts his business. Now when my husband and I are walking our dogs in the woods on our property we will mockingly say, "Yes!" like Zak does when one of our dogs does something slightly wrong/silly.


Zac’s methods never worked for my heeler mix. Made her learn to not listen to me. But thanks to you dog daddy she’s been better!! She’s only 5 months so lots of work ahead !


I’ve never been so confident with my dog (Large GSD) as I am now. I learned everything from you Dog Daddy. It worked right away, and I was amazed!!!! You are the real deal!!! ❤❤❤ Love and Respect for Dog Daddy
Zak is hot dog puppy trainer at best. He’s also a bully and weirdo


don't waste your breath and energy on him. he doesn't deserve it and your energy is better used elsewhere. love you DD


You are #1 in my eyes, Augusto. Much love and respect always.😊💜


I don’t wonder. He’s an obvious fraud of sm lookin for those clicks, using drama, going after the real deal, without enough sense to be embarrassed. DD is the real deal, making the world better for dogs instead of scamming dog people. TY DD👍🏼


Now that’s a balanced approach if I’ve ever heard one, Augusto. You are direct, clear, non-confrontational and effective. You are credible, especially without sunglasses. You have a sincere and honest face.

