What are Psychogenic Nonepileptic Seizures (PNES)

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Psychogenic Nonepileptic Seizures (PNES) are very common and yet very often missed. In this video we will explain what PNES. This is a part 1 of 4 part series on PNES.

Part 1: What is Psychogenic Nonepileptic Seizures (PNES).

Part 2: How to Diagnose Nonepileptic Seizures (PNES)

Part 3: Causes of Nonepileptic Seizures (PNES). Hint, NOT Stress!

Part 4: Treatment of Psychogenic Nonepileptic Seizures (PNES).

The whole series:

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#DrOmarDanoun #Epilepsy #PNES #PsychgenicNonEpilepticSeizures
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Phone: +1-313-916-8443

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Not even 60 secs in & Im in tears b/c after 20+ years of gaslighting/guilt/shame by doctors and family, Ive spent the day seizing, debating going to the ER, and talking myself out of all the that those feelings. I should know its not my fault, and trying to control the seizures only makes them worse, but hearing it from a medical professional is healing. Thank you.


I was diagnosed with pnes around 5 years ago. When they began, my local ER was no help. They thought I was faking or on drugs!!


I'm 16 and have just recently been diagnosed with PNES. This video brought me to tears, so thank you so much Dr.


Thank you for spreading awareness of PNES. Doctors and medical field need to take these more serious and study more


Love this Video...I am the 10% with epilepsy AND non-epileptic seizures.


My doctors and nurses called them pseudo seizures, which really bothered me. The neurologist finally called it PNES. She said it was due to anxiety and put me on a lot of Clonazepam (Klonopin). I was still having anxiety and seizures, until I was put on Adderall for my ADHD and all my anxiety and seizures went away. Well for now at least.


As an ER nurse, I try to be extra compassionate and give extra attention to my PNES patients. Giving them that extra TLC makes them less likely to seize on me, which in turn makes my shift easier.


My boyfriend had this. He would be taken to the hospital and they said he was faking it. His body would kinda jerk up almost as if he could t control it. He would. Try to say not safe or not fake in a breathless voice. It made me so mad that they treated him like he was a liar wasting their time. Shame we dont talk anymore cause id love to show him this


Thank you for watching. Please ask me any questions about psychogenic nonepileptic seizures PNES or epilepsy


I have suffered from very strange "seizures" since i was 19. The symptoms are difficult to explain. They usually occur in clusters when I am very tired or on the verge of sleep. I am enveloped by a strange feeling of deja-vu and temporarily forget the time and date. It usually results in depression and anxiety. I always am able to keep on top of it, that is present a front to people around me so they don't know what I am going through at the time. It is such an unreal experience I find it difficult to articulate the sensation. Can anyone else relate to this?


I think functional neurological seizures are the best title for the diagnosis because it helps to group it with the other functional neurological disorders that are all treated similarly, that is, a strong combination of cognitive behavioral therapy and physical therapies.


You are the best Dr that I will never get to meet but watching your videos is great


I’m only 40 days into my PNES diagnosis and I’m trying to learn as much as possible. Thankfully the absolute worst seizure’s I’ve had multiple times per day 2-3 days in a row…. Was at the epilepsy testing hospital. I’m really hoping I don’t have anymore seizures that are that severe when I’m out living life or at home alone…. It’s terrifying cycling in and out of awareness when it’s happening . It’s so painful, exhausting, and shatters your confidence in your body working properly.


I've been suffering from PNES since I was 19 and the treatment I got was just being told I had pseudo seizures and shuffled out the door. It took 10 years for someone to actually treat me and diagnose me properly. It came back with a force in the last year or so and it's destroyed my life.

Thank you for creating this content. This will be something I show people who need to know what's up with me. Great work man and thanks again!


Thank you for this video and will share it with my narcolepsy group as some were misdiagnosed or presently have this as a co-morbidity. It has become more of a discussion especially because of hypnagogic jerks or cataplexy.

Most importantly, thank you for your kindness and understanding.


I was told when I had PNES the first thing the doctor told me was your not having seziures than "they are fake seziures" and it took me a well to understand what I have


What if I have Wilson’s disease, but I’m having non epileptic seizures. My doctor is saying they aren’t related? And I think they are. What should I do?


Hi Doc thank you for the videos I was diagnosed with PNES a year ago however I'm an over the road truck driver why do my seizures come and go I can go several months without having one then BAM all of a sudden I start having them again and it will stay with me for several months why is this


I'm 14, I got diagnosed with PNES when I was about 12 and a half. I'm a freshman now, and this past week the school was like "Hey, you're malfunctioning again, move you legs, get up and walk, or we will send you to a mental hospital!" Even though I couldn't walk or control my legs. And they put me on medication for it so, hey, here we go i guess
