Psychogenic Nonepileptic Seizures | Epilepsy

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The term, ‘non-epileptic seizures’, has a bunch of other names for it: non-epileptic seizures, pseudo seizures, schematic seizures. These are seizures that don’t have an EEG correlate, so the brain is not short-circuiting but clearly something is happening inside these patients. There’s usually a psychiatric component, there’s usually some deep seated psychological issue that’s going on. I always compare them to conversion reactions. So that your body is telling your brain or your mind that you’ve had enough, that you need to shut down for a while. And, whether it’s seizure, or you can’t move an arm or a leg, there’s some sort of reaction that goes on inside of you psychologically that says, ’I’ve had it, I need a rest, I’m overwhelmed by what ever is going on psychologically’. They’re treated by psychiatrists and they usually have a certain way that they look when we see them, or that people describe them. Now these non-epileptic events can present in many different ways. They can be just a zoning out, spacing out episode, a fainting to the ground, writhing and jerking on the ground. Sometime when we look at the non-epileptic events, we can tell by how they look whether they are a pseudo-seizure or a non-epileptic event or not. As you mentioned, there is a, frequently an underlying psychiatric component that comes up. Also the other important thing is, that we know is, many of these patients really do have regular epilepsy as well. Right. So, you can have, seizures, epileptic seizures and you can have pseudo seizures on top of it in the same person, they can co-exist. So, it’s really important from our point of view to know what we’re treating, so if the person comes in and they saying that they’re having lots and lots of seizures, we need to differentiate between the pseudo seizures or the non-epileptic and the real epileptic seizures. So, non-epileptic seizures, or psychogenic, non-epileptic events are seizures that can have many different causes. They need to be differentiated from regular epilepsy. The best way to do that is, to do video, eg, monitoring and capture the episodes and confirm them and then to work with a psychiatrist and psychologist to come up with a very aggressive treatment plan to deal with these type of seizures and make the patient feel comfortable that there is a plan in place to help treat them.
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i have them and they hurt real bad cause im just a little kid so i pray everyday for other people that have to deal with what i do thanks to everyone who has helped me through these things


I had one of these today and it was one of the scariest and most frustrating thing I've ever experienced, I went to the ER and they called crisis. I'm doing better now but it's nice to see that there's people who can explain this to me :))


The brain is fascinating. I do the zoning out thing. My therapist will ask a question and something happens and I stare off and become non responsive. She will ask what's going on and I can't talk. I really can't. I know I should talk and it even gets scary sometimes. Sometimes I wonder if I suffer from these. It's like a whole body sensation.


my friend had a mental break down on facetime last night and he ended up having a seizure. i was so scared because i didn’t know what to do and when it was over he could barely talk to me and he couldn’t move. he said his chest was in pain and his leg i believe. what really hurt me is that he didn’t tell anyone. he said he’s had them before when he gets really stressed or has a mental break down. i don’t know what to do and im trying to understand/find out what is causing this. he’s too stubborn to get help and thinks no one would care. im really scared


I have had these seizures for 5 yrs you make it sound so easy. Do the people in this video know that most states DO NOT HAVE Psychologist who treat these types of seizures or have even heard of them. Most Er doctors have never heard of them either.


Since 2015, I have been having non epileptic seizures on the background of epilepsy.I take anti convulsants for treatment.Before a non epileptic seizure, I get "worked up" or worried about something.This does not help, and the best solution is to think positively, and to take deep breaths.Easier said than done sometimes.Every time I have a fit, it is a setback for me to apply for a driving licence.It is a year since the last seizure in the U.K.The trouble is with my seizures, if I had one in a public place, people would phone the ambulances, when there was no need, I just needed reassurance and to calm down.


you can't call them pseudo seizures anymore, pseudo means false


I've had an MRI and EEG done by my neurologist and he was impressed by them, He said they where some of the best he's seen from any patient he's had. So he believes I don't have epilepsy or any type of seizures, But I had two before I saw him and one today. My brother said they last like a minute.


This is an old video that is not up to date with the latest research or terminology on functional seizures (also called non epileptic seizures). Pseudo means fake, this term should never be used in relation to these seizures. The term psychogenic has also been dropped. These terms have contributed to patients being mistreated and neglected in many hospital/clinical settings. These seizures are real. Just because an eeg cannot capture the disregulation, doesn’t mean the event is psychological. Many patients experience these events without any psychological or psychiatric indicators to explain these symptoms.


I am a Registered EEG Technologist and a pseudo seizure has no change is one’s brain waves on an EEG. It is strictly psychogenic not epileptic.


I have them myself and luckily my family and friends know what to look out for, I feel them coming on a few minutes prior, but sometimes I am in a place that I can not get help


I have epilepsy and my neuros think that I also sometimes have psychogenic seizures.


I got diagnosed with these on Friday and have an epilepsy history


I have none epileptic seizures had few while connected to electrodes the spikes were higher then the seizures that most epileptic patients had the video they showed me I was completely spaced out just plank stare no convulsions no response but my brain was going nuts


They are called non epileptic seizures and pseudo seizures is an insult
They are usually caused by psychological reasons such as stress and anxiety
Patients need counselling and learn how to handle stressful situations in future events
Deep breathing exercises and meditation help and looking at what causes the seizures rationally


Iv had a psycogenic sizures for years and they have ranged from stareing and head bobbing to seizing 30+ minuts and result n a TAI ( a mini stroke). Life has been sucky so far since iv had these damn things


A lot of pills that quack psychiatrists prescribe can give you seizures. LOL


I have these seizure, when I can't sleep or very stress . false I feel so bad that the doctor would say false


Does anyone know of any universities or facilities conducting clinical trials that are looking into the causes of Pnes that they can recommend?


What about hypoglycaemic seizures? Why should they be called PNES?
