The Real Reason Why Anti-Gravity Hasn't Been Invented Yet | Unveiled

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What's the TRUTH about anti-gravy tech?? Join us... and find out more!

In this video, Unveiled takes a closer look at anti-gravity technology! For decades, it has been one of the most highly anticipated future technologies out there... with scientists AND conspiracy theorists insisting that it's possible. But, if that's true, then why hasn't it been released to the public yet..?

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0:00 Intro
0:37 Anti-Gravity Explained
1:57 Anti-Gravity UFOs
2:39 Die Glocke
3:30 Is It Impossible?
4:53 String Theory
5:50 Maglev Technology
7:10 Ion Propulsion
8:39 Conclusions

#AntiGravity #CoverUp #UFO #UFOCoverUp #BobLazar #Element115
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since quantum physics has yet to explain gravity we will have to wait...i believe that the proof of existence of negative mass, which is still in theory, might help and also explain dark matter... if the normal mass gives gravity the negative mass would give anti-gravity...graviton may not exist at all and the mass itself is behind gravity so the higgs boson is what we should manipulate to make it work


Just couple centuries ago if someone would say that 300 people will fly in one vehicle for thousands kilometres, he would be laughed for this..


There is a lot of research on the subject of antigravity, and our current physics knowledge suggests that it is not possible. However, when we look beyond the confines a bit, some possibilities emerge. Primarily, it is possible for matter to be repelled instead of attracted. The main challenge is the rapid synchronization of particles or quantum entanglement. Imagine a object near the event horizon of a black hole is momentarily brought close to another orbiting object in space; there is a low probability that these two objects will repel each other because they weren’t synchronized yet. This implies that objects actually experience different flows. These flows are related to the observable durations in which matter interacts in our perceived universe. In other words, with a low probability, objects in different time flows will repel each other, and we might observe anti-gravity. Due to this synchronization, all matter in the universe has synchronized, giving rise to the gravity we observe. Now, let’s discuss how we can potentially overcome gravity. I believe achieving momentary success with anti-gravity is possible, but it may not yield the desired results. Instead, understanding how charged particles warp spacetime could be more beneficial.


"I wanted to be in an anti-gravity machine so bad! Maybe a different time, a different place." -- Gabriel Mann


cern proved that anti matter interact the same as ordinary matter and falls down


Ever heard of Dr Ning Li research on antigravity soon as she discovered antigravity her research and her disappeared aswell


I think gravity and magnetism are one and the same. The reason why magnetism only happens to certain elements without a load of charging power is because it's stronger then gravity


It comes down to the fact that we don't understand gravity.


i dunno if we here on earth have invented it but i am fairly confident that someone in this universe has done it.


I saw a science video covering that "if metallic hydrogen" can be made. That they think it could be a superconducting magnet at room temperature instead of superconducting magnets needing to be super cooled to have it's properties. Also I find certain properties of superfluidity facinating such as some liquid helium can climb up out of containers. I'm curious where those fields of science will progress because they are facinating.


at 7:51 that guy writing on the Board was one Decimal off, from Plack's Constant h.
It's actually 6, 626*10 ^ -34 Js not 6, 62*10 ^ -33 Js !!!


To achieve anti-gravity, we would have to manipulate the linear direction of space curvature in order to create a means of propulsion and understand the elasticity of space time in quantum scale.


I was about to say I think we probably close to it and the public probably doesn’t know ? Maybe CERN is close lol


Yo, you read my mind... I went on a DEEP DEEP dive on stacked superconductors and semi conductors creating negative mass (AKA anti gravity) and all that, JUST LAST NIGHT


Forget about antigravity. Let's focus on the anti-aging and anti-death for human.


Just a thought on gravity: Gravity is a force we experience here on earth, and not in space. However, creating a field that counteracts gravity is not what needs to be pursued. The quest that needs to be pursued is the creation of a field; i.e., an environment, that will render matter irrelevant to earth and space. When this is discovered; the manipulation of matter can be utilized anywhere; propulsion is another challenge.


I saw a craft up close back in 2002 above a highway I watched it for around 5 minutes and it was absolutely silent and moving very slow it definitely had antigravity


Anti-gravity doesn't work with general relativity because his theory is incomplete. Free energy devices don't work but only because GR is incomplete. Once GR has been completed anti-G and free energy will be possible.


Our ancestors had it now we have re-discovered it. The reason it hasn’t been released to the public is because of the incisive need for money and power. I believe it will one day be released to the public but under strict control.


Why did USA joined the alliance back on world war 1/2. imagine what hitler and nazis's could bring us with their technology wonders. We could be in space and explore it right now if hitler actually won and could make life easier for whole mankind. The possibilities space exploration could offer us. The development of consciousness is so important for us humans to climb past dimensions and discover new incredible abilities. Now we are still in the earth with full popularity with diseases and wars. Don't know how long we can avoid worse acts or pandemics. Elon musk is our savior. We must find our firewall and cross the threshold if human race is to survive and not go back to the Stone Age
