Is the Government Hiding Proof of Anti Gravity UFOs? | Unveiled

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What's the TRUTH about government UFOs?? Join us... and find out more!

In this video, Unveiled takes a closer look at anti-gravity UFOs! Ever since Bob Lazar blew the whistle on UFOs in the 1980s, the race has been on to prove that there's a cover up... and in this video, we explore the truth!

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0:00 Intro
0:44 UFO Cover Up History
1:58 What is Anti Gravity?
3:00 Bob Lazar Claims
5:30 Modern UFO Study
7:09 The Real Science
8:25 Conclusions

#AntiGravity #CoverUp #UFO #UFOCoverUp #BobLazar #Element115
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Back in 1973, when I was serving my country in the US Air Force, I was stationed at Pease Air Force Base in New Hampshire, I was young and loved racing cars, once I drove to a drag strip (I can't remember if it was upstate New York or in Vermont). At the time I always believed that UFO's were just crazy imagination. Yet after a day at the races, I had to drive my Gremlin X (with a 304 V8, Hooker headers, Accel Dual point distributor, custom dual exhaust) back to the base. I got a really late start, so I was driving between 10:00 PM and midnight, est back to the base, at some point I don't know where but there was nothing but countryside, I noticed some lights in my rear view mirror, they seemed to be getting closer and closer until I realized that this was not a car or a truck as it flying about 20 to 30 feet above my car, I was terrified, I looked up and saw a dark craft about 20 to 25 feet long, with lights at both ends and on both sides, it had no wings but was cigar shaped. The only noise was the rush of air around the craft. I sped up and it stayed right with me, there were times I hit over 80mph and it stayed glued over the top of my car, so I saw a gas station that was closed and it had a pay phone out on the lot. When I pulled into the parking area, it kep going. I was shaking all over, I called the base and asked if there were any new aircraft that were flying around, they wanted my name, location and as much information as they could get, I thought to myself, I'm at a pay phone there's no way they can locate me, so I kept my mouth shut and hung up. I've never forgotten and haven't told many people about it, I didn't want to be labled a nut job, but I'll remember that night all my life. Just one of those things you cannot talk about or confirm, I'll take those thoughts to my grave.


The Reason they're not letting us know is because It's the Key to free energy, free energy cars as well, as Homes.


Actually George Knapp DID find paperwork and people who confirm Bob Lazar's school history and his work for the Government.


Funny this video should come up. I was going to invent an anti-gravity drive--but then things got really busy at work.


They have been experimenting since AT LEAST the 70's with this and Nicola Teslas "Free Energy Technology" was a pre-requisit for many earlier military models of such craft. In a special 4-hour coast to coast show, Richard C. Hoagland discussed Wernher von Braun's secret related to anti-gravity technology and space exploration. Researcher Joseph P. Farrell joined in the conversation in the latter half of the program.
Hoagland presented his thesis that during that during the launch of the Explorer I rocket in 1958, von Braun discovered an anti-gravity effect was taking place. The effect, related to the craft's orbit, defied Newtonian physics and was kept secret, said Hoagland. He explained that he pieced it together using "circumstantial physics."
Farrell outlined Nazi connections associated with the anti-gravity discovery. A "post-war Nazi International" group may have employed alternative physics for a secret space program running parallel to NASA, he stated. Von Braun was obsessed with Mars, (more so than Elon Musk is today) and Hoagland suggested the Nazis believed their ancestors came from Mars, and their goal was to return there. For more, see the Enterprise Mission report Von Braun's 50-Year-Old Secret Part I and Part II.


Yeah just imagine if we didn't need oil. We might all be equal. Big problem for those in power


I used to work for the Army testing weapon systems for electromagnetic treats.

I believe Bob Lazar.

His knowledge of physics and electromagnetic is second to nine.

He has the answer that we were looking for.


I swear I heard Ben Rich answer this question years ago.... Yes of course they are. They have over 9 different types of crafts from different alien types. Most of them shot down n retrieved and reverse engineered. He says, whatever you can think of, they have already done..


ive been inside these crafts not once but twice, the 1st time i was somewhat awake and it was really hazy but i remember being in a room by myself just sitting there the 2nd time I was fully aware what was happening, as I was riding my bike back down from the mountain trails to my campsite i remember seeing a light that was over the mountain i thought nothing of it but as i stopped to get a drink of water there was this slight hum that i heard and it was coming from over the hill i couldn't take my bike because there was no trail that led that way so i left it but as i got close my anxiety kicked in as i seen the craft floating there, the reason for the panic is because the 1st time i knew what happened but i could barely remember and i didn't like that feeling so as i turned around i just seen a flash of light and i was in the craft i wasn't alone though there was me and to what i know a black bear, i remember being taken to the room where they were poking me and what i presume was an Xray but on their scale, before i was riddled with fear and anxiety but they flashed some object over me that literally made me feel like everything was normal i wasn't scared it was a sense of "hey we're not going to hurt you but we are just checking on you" so i just let them do what they did. As crazy as this all seems this has happened i can even describe what they look like in full details on the ones that worked on me, i really never told no one cause we live in a world where if you tell someone something that doesn't fit their reality they deem you crazy so i just left it to myself and never told anyone, as crazy as it drove me that i wanted to tell people what happened i left it couple weeks went by and i see lights sometimes in the sky near my house i feel like i have a deeper connection with them and they just come to see me lmao but at the same time i feel like they did something to me and are just making sure I'm alright idk there's so much i want to get out but a comment section is just too small to explain everything, thank you for everyone that took their time to read this and listening to me


A month ago my daughter and I saw a black dot in the sky fixated and unmoving for a good 30 minutes. Lost sight of it just because it became dark outside. Was quite trippy. I wanted to point it out to another adult at the park but didn't want to sound crazy lol. It was very high up and hard to see but very clearly there. I do live near a military base and airport. But I know it wasn't an airplane. It's position didn't move at all.


Government have no right to hide this information from the public, what are they scared off . Life will absolutely change .


God I can’t wait for the government to confirm Extraterrestrial life, I know they don’t want to, but the public is becoming more and more curious and most importantly actually more knowledgeable about it.


Does anybody else watch the stars moving every night? You have ones that are fixed and others that move around at various speeds and patterns.


I believe Bob Lazar Denton Friedman did the research and found Bob's name in the company directory they didn't have an answer for that also he mentioned Element 115 way back in 1986 and called it unobtainium and when we discovered it on Earth they called it unobtainium and then they changed the name


Actually, this was a nice, non-snarky synopsis. I would add that perhaps the biggest motivation to keeping antigravity secret is the disruption (obsolescence) to the current oil/energy market.


I don't even think this topic is debatable since the military has already filed a patent for an anti gravity vehicle, so I think that makes it evident that they have the technology.


Hiding the existence of the Galactic Government, then yes.


"The Hunt for Zero Point Energy" by Nick Cook tells it all what the USA has been doing for the past decades regarding this subject.


The answer is yes. The government has several ships that make their own gravity.


I have seen multiple UFO's. About 40 years ago I was going to my friends house. It was night time. Few cars where around so I was walking in the road. I noticed a yellow light behind me but no noise. Thinking it was a car I went on the footpath. To my astonishment 3 glowing spheres flew about 10 feet over my head. I watched a yellow, red and green orb about 50 feet in diameter, silently pass in a perfect straight line over me. I was nervous and in awe as they were silent, featurless, and completely smooth like a snooker ball. As they flew over I could feel some kind of static. I could almost touch them. Then within a few seconds the lights dimmed then lit up so bright I could just about see them. They then flew straight up at an incredible speed and disappeared, with no audible sound. Something I will never forget
