The Scientist That 'Discovered Antigravity' Then Disappeared Completely - An Unsolved Mystery

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In the 90's a seemingly breakthrough in theoretical physics would be met with some skepticism. After various experiments would make certain discoveries hard to verify, a key scientist's disappearance may have been at the core of figuring out what is going on.

Ning Li's Papers.

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7/28/2023: WOW Major update on this case done by a journalist in Huntsville. He got in contact with Ning Li's loved ones.

They tracked down the son of Ning Li and showed them this video!

"George was vaguely aware that people were still interested in his mom but he didn’t understand just how interested people were. I played Barely Sociable’s video for him and his two children in his living room along with showing him some of the online discourse and he was able to clarify some things people have speculated on over the years. Most importantly, Dr. Li never left the DoD and never left the country to work for the Chinese government. There is one nugget of information that lines up with Sarfatti’s 2008 interview.

George said that his mother was visited by Chinese officials on one occasion in 2008 when members of the CCP were visiting America. They did attempt to recruit her back to the country to continue her work, but Li had no interest. Li had migrated along with George in the late 80s and had no desire to leave her position. She did attempt to return for her mother’s funeral after she passed away, but George says that she was denied permission.

“I remember that so clearly, ” he said. “She was very upset.”

George also explained how he noticed change in his mom after leaving UAH for the private sector. He says all the secrecy that comes with the job began to change her demeanor and behavior over the years.

“When she was at University, she loved to publish her findings, ” he recalled. “But after she got her top secret clearance, she wasn’t allowed to share anything anymore with anyone. She became much quieter. She would return from work looking worn down with her makeup messed up. It wasn’t like that when she was at the University.”


Apparently the guy who discovered invisibility has also dissappeared.


It’s incredibly common for scientists to maintain an LLC that doesn’t seem to be doing anything. It’s mainly for tax purposes and/or if you’re planning on applying for a grant. It helps with being able to write off supplies and various expenses for your work. It also helps with qualifying for certain R&D grants. Scientists who intend on filing patents will also start a company for that purpose.


Dr. Min Li passed away in 2021, apparently at her son's home in Huntsville, Alabama. She had been hit by a car sometime around or after 2014, and suffered from dementia and Alzheimer's thereafter. Her husband, who was not harmed in the incident, was so distraught that he died from a heart attack shortly afterward. The Chinese Communists did try to recruit her earlier to return to China and work for them, which she declined. As a result, they denied her access to the country, and she was not able to return home for her mother's funeral. Her passing was reported in the Huntsville, Alabam newspapers.


Wow the guy interviewing that scientist was awful. He doesn't even let the guy talk or finish his story without budding in with his own shit.


I have a friend who was getting his masters degree at a pretty big shool in biology. His work was on comparing the health of fish in the states hatcheries vs the health of fish in ponds that see no fishing pressure (ponds on airport or private property). Once he found out that the fish were healthier in the natural ponds his funding mysteriously was cut. He was forced to edit all his data in order to get his degree that he worked so hard for. The science community is completely biased to those with the funding.


I was living near Tuscaloosa when this lady was working on her anti-gravity theories. There were occasional articles in the Birmingham news about her work and it was all very interesting to say the least. I remember her ideas about the flow of electrons on objects and she stated that the reversal of that flow would result in an anti-gravity effect. I thought that this was really going to be interesting and then the story disappeared. I wondered what became of her work but I did not know that she had passed away. Sad to hear.


Dozens of engineers and scientists (and even filmmakers who try to shed a light on the subject) who developed free energy solutions or anti gravity have died mysteriously or disappeared.


That interviewer really just didn't want that guy to finish his answers, had to keep flexing how much he knew.


The moment Department of Defense was mentioned. She isn't gone. She just has a new name and does work behind some tightly locked doors.


Ning Li did not disappear, she left the University of Alabama, started a company, continued her work with federal grants, the research either didn't go anywhere, or went somewhere so interesting it'll be twenty years before we know about it. She died quietly a few years ago of natural causes, at no point were her whereabouts unknown.


There is an eerie cycle of scientist/engineers publishing discoveries, then going suspiciously quiet, then eventually discreditting their own work. This emerged in my early researches some 20 years ago, and was explained to me at great length by one scientist's child. I am particularly interested in "information manipulation" myself, and anything at the edge of science is a rich area of study for me form that perspective. Stuff does definitely get discovered, then twitched away form the public eye. Even amateur investigations in some areas simply brings "trouble" into your life, from unexpected quarters, particulary if you demonstrate interesting results, but first it brings discouragement, you have to be persistent anc good to get "trouble"... It's an odd little "field", that's for sure.


Upcoming Nexpo video: “The Youtuber That Discovered The Scientist That ‘Discovered Antigravity’ Then Disappeared Completely, Then Disappeared Completely - An Unsolved Mystery Mystery”


Dude, your voice makes me feel like after you gave all this info, that you were gonna send me on a mission telling me, "your job is to retrieve this researcher and bring her back to HQ"


The person who discovered this effect was really a Russian physicist named Evgeny (Eugene) Podkletnov. His work is publicly available. Li was attempting to duplicate his findings when she dropped off the map.


I saw a documentary years ago by Stephen Greer. In it, they filmed and interviewed people from MorningStar Labs in Virginia. I called the lab, and after several minutes of speaking with the owner or the person who ran it, I convinced him that I’m not a journalist, I didn’t work for anyone, I was just fascinated by his research. He began to describe to me in detail their efforts to reduce the weight of objects using magnets rotating at high speeds. I asked him if he’d consider counter-rotating magnets, but I think he was so excited to discuss what they were doing he didn’t actually hear me. It was a fascinating conversation, but after doing more research on UAP’s, I keep hearing of counter-rotation of cylinders or magnets being integral to the performance of UAP’s using electro-gravitic power sources. I’m deeply intrigued on what the capabilities are regarding this technology. I wish I had access and the capabilities to discuss this further with experts in the field, but alas, I am just a nerd with no affiliation to any institution or corporation. So I have no choice but to research anything published and draw my own conclusions….


She probably created an anti-gravity device and accidently floated off into space


Repelling objects a mile away? These people are amateurs. I’ve been repelling females for miles around, including Internationally, for the last 40 years!


Heard about a case like this in the 50s. Guy made some sort of antigrav breakthrough then was very quietly hired by military. I think they snatch them up, then pay them very well to conduct their research for the rest of their lives. That never officially goes anywhere.


My first impression was Ning Li may have hurt herself in one of her experiments. She was wanting to make her discovery free to all mankind, and deprive investors any chance in making a profit. If she really did produce eleven kilowatts in an experiment, that’s a lot of power. Enough power to run an electric range at full power, and seriously hurt someone. Ning Li wanting to make this free could have caused her to have a most unfortunate accident. The authorities in power would have hushed it all up, so the research could continue, and investors get their profit. Then ship Ning Li back to China, where her government kept her quiet. And forced her to surrender all her research.
