Anti-Gravity: The Secret Space Race | Weird Science | Earth Science

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Anti-gravity: The Secret Space Race.

Gravity, we've all heard of the word, but do you realise it might be able to be manipulated. So much so that the race to be able to control gravity started. This doesn't mean the pathway to the finish line is easy. Dr Josie Peters and the team explain more.

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I'm reading a book about anti-gravity, I just can't put it down.


I'm just a layman. Most everything I know about physics comes from popular science articles and random videos. Still, every shred of information I've encountered suggests that, of the four fundamental forces, gravity is the least understood. That begs the question: "How can you hope to control something when you don't know what it is?"


The substance needed is located in Frostbite Falls, Minnesota. It is known as "Upsydaseum."


An object approaching an intense gravitational field (like a Black Hole) experiences time-dilation, the object therefore appears relatively slower to an external observer.
An object approaching an intense anti-gravity field (like a UFO) experiences time-compression, the object appears relatively faster to an external observer.

A UFO is only making break-neck maneuvers relative to us. Inside the craft, they see us in slow motion, and those 'break-neck' maneuvers are actually trivial maneuvers to them.

My hypothesis is that gravity occurs when an object (like the Earth) absorbs spacetime; a spacetime vacuum, pulling in all forms of energy towards its center.
In contrast, I believe that anti-gravity is a spacetime emitter. A craft that increases it's anti-gravity field appears to shrink to an external observer, however, from the inside it actually assumes an increased volume. Space and time literally become compressed in an anti-gravity field.


Richard Feynman postulated that a chair was a nifty anti-gravity device, and likely the only sort we'd see.


"It’s not impossible; it’s just we don’t know how to do it."


I would love to hear your take on Dr. Salvatore Pais' patents. :) Keep up your great work! Regards from Germany


I saw once some videos made by John Hutchinson who used a modified Tesla coil to move objects by tuning into their resonance frequency. It was pretty futuristic to see.


BBC should interview Glenn "Tony" Robertson who worked for NASA on this research, get the full story of what went on there...


"When a distinguished but elderly scientist states that something is possible, they are almost certainly right. When they state that something is impossible, they are very probably wrong. The only way to discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible"
-Arthur C. Clarke


When studying physics at university, I came up with a new perspective on the phenomena of gravity.
I have an experiment that uses spinning fields to create areas of time dilation and space contraction (relativity).
In these "nodes" gravity appeared reversed.


If we've got it we sure as hell aren't going to tell you about it and we sure as hell aren't going to tell anybody that we've got it.


When the engineer seems more concerned about the "futuristic design" than the outrageous technical hurdles...


I believe it’s possible as it explains the movement in the recently disclosed tic-tac UFO incidents.


I know this thing doesn't exist. But I'm sure that's the same thing that rattled my home as it hovered 30ft above my head for 30 seconds. Then shot off with a very distinctive Zumm/Vumm noise in May 2021!


There has been research done in the US in this field more recently, even to the point that patents were awarded. One researcher, a Chinese national, working in the US, has even fled back to China taking what she learned with her. It may be that antigravity technology is more plausible, and closer than we think. After all is said and done, gravity is actually a fairly weak force (we routinely defeat it using magnetism).


Perception is everything. Instead of thinking of it as anti-gravity, look at it as pro-gravity. In other words, instead of trying to cancel gravity, all you need to do is learn how to create gravity. The force of gravity depends on displacement of space. Space is not just an empty void. Space has its own properties and dynamics. When space is displaced by mass or other means, the force of gravity is space trying to close the hole created by the substance which is caused the displacement. If the displacement is caused by a large mass of matter, like a planet, the space which is displaced still exists, but now it is outside of its normal place. There is now a condensed ripple in space, occupying the area on the outside of the matter that has displaced it. The magnitude of the force of gravity depends on how large the mass is, and how dense it is. The ripple in space, of the displaced space, is where gravity exists. If the density of the matter is high, like a black hole, the ripple in space will be more dense also, and the force of the push to close back in on itself will likewise be stronger. So, we need to create technology that will displace space as completely as possible. And be able to project the displacement in the direction the vehicle needs to travel. I may be wrong, but I don't think G-forces are applicable when the force of gravity is causing the acceleration and maneuvering.


The tic tac UAP encountered by commander Fraver sure does show that anti gravity transportation is very possible.


I was feeling down today, but watching this has been uplifting.


If we can not understand gravity with our laws of physics, we may have to rethink them. Maybe if we allow for some sort of aether, we will find out that gravity is like a soundwave. It may be no force at all. Instead it's a compression of the medium we currently think does not exist.
