20 years low carb experience with Eric Westman, MD — Diet Doctor Podcast

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Few people have as much experience helping patients use a low-carb lifestyle to improve their health as Dr. Westman. He has been doing this for over 20 years, and he approaches low-carb medicine from both a research and clinical perspective. Through the years, he's shared valuable insights about the clinical utility of low-carb lifestyles.

With his extensive knowledge, he's helped thousands of patients revitalize their heath. Interested in low carb? Then here's your chance to hear a veteran practitioner share his wisdom.

DISCLAIMER: Please note this episode was recorded earlier in 2019. Since the time of recording, HEAL clinics has unfortunately closed. We apologize for the discrepancy in the podcast content
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I ate high carb, zero fat for decades. Was always cold, anxious, brain fogged, food obsessed, miserable, even suicidal for decades. Lost the best years of my life because idiot government sold out to the food industry and told us lies about nutrition. I wish dr westman had been there when I was a kid. So glad there are doctors like him dedicated to helping us become truly healthy.


I noticed all these critical thinking doctors that actually heal their patients are always the most humble.


I've been eating low-carb for more than 26 years. It works for me. I have no chronic disease, no medications. Just energetic and slim.


I just want to commend Dr. is an exceptional interviewer. Always engaged, genuinely interested in what his guests have to say, is patient in letting them expand on their balanced in his approach. Very rare. Much appreciated.


Really nice to hear two doctors that make such good medical sense. I am a 75-year-old male and I believe the saddest thing in our healthcare system is in my entire life I have never once had a medical doctor asked me what I eat although they usually have a history of every Medication taken since birth. Even when I had a very severe case of ulcerative colitis and I asked the doctor what I should be eating he almost looked irritated when I asked the question and said it doesn't matter you can eat what you like. What did cure my ulcerative colitis was throwing away the steroids and other medications that they had given me and went on strict Atkins didn't happen instantly but over a period of 6 to 10 months my ulcerative colitis went totally away and has never returned.


Keto since 2018. Skin tags disappearing, eye floaters disappearing. Skin clearing in general. Lost 60 lbs. have gained some 15 back. I’m blaming stress, COVID issues and relaxing my vigilance on sneaky carbs. LDL went up a bit. But triglycerides plummeted and HDL improved. My cardiologist said my risk of heart attack is 4%. His PA wasn’t happy about keto so we don’t call it that. I’m off of all meds except a baby aspirin. I get sun whenever I can. As long as I’m out of the sun before 1 pm I don’t burn anymore.I’m 65 have had a pacemaker for 12 years I had a gastric sleeve 10 years ago. I lost 80 lbs but 6 years in I was gaining weight and my A1c was going back up. It’s now 5.0 and my liver function tests are good again. Dr Westman, you were instrumental in helping me see that I could do this. My husband was the catalyst. He wanted to do this. He was 318lbs he’s now hovering 190-200 lbs. he is so much healthier. This is a lifestyle for us. Thank you both for all your information. We are believers


I just want to say, after coming from the vegan plant-based world to this keto realm, all these low carb doctors seem so much more calm than the plant based docs. so refreshing to listen to knowledgeable, calm confident talkers


I started Keto 2 months ago and all I want to know is, WHY IS THIS NOT A REVOLUTION RIGHT NOW? It's not about losing weight but getting healthy and living longer. People need to know the truth, most people are pre-diabetic but you can't convince them they need to change their diet. I'm so glad I woke up.


Drs Westman, Phinney, & Volek are the contemporary pioneers of low carb medicine/lifestyle. They should be heralded for their fortitude to push back on the mainstream agenda.


Dr. Scher is most articulate and skilled to ask the questions in the way anyone can understand. He is such an excellent interviewer.


I've had great result on low carb-keto. Lots of weight lost and never hungry. I'm all in.


I was just told by my kidney doctor that my long-standing CKD is in remission!! My GFR is in the normal range and has been stable for 5 months. He wants me to “continue doing what I’m doing” (keto) and he’ll see me in a year!! n=1


I've been low carb for 12 years and mostly carnivore the past 3 years. The symptoms have been 50lbs lost and stayed off, a flat stomach, loss of skin tags, no more kidney stones, no more colds and endless energy.


Love and Respect Dr Westman SO much! He began this journey when it was definitely not accepted, and I'm sure he caught a lot of grief and flack from other medical professionals. But his work is priceless!! He has brought so much about nutrition to the forefront for people like me who need it for one reason or another. I know with his teachings and videos and speeches, I will be able to do keto appropriately and reclaim my health, my body, my confidence, and my LIFE this year. Praise the good doctor and others like


My hubby has Type 2 Diabetes, 66 years old. He has been on Keto since August '23. His HbA1c was going up prior to Keto..mid 7's. His last HbA1c is now 5.5 ! He has lost over 25 lbs...below his graduation weight at high school. His HDL is up 10 points. His Tryglicerins are way down. His Tri/Hdl ration is now 1.7...which is excellent ! I have been on Keto since Oct. Not as clean as my hubby. I do not have a gallbladder...no problems ! I have now lost around 18 lbs ! I am 62. I am not diabetic, however my Tri/Hdl ratio was over 4....not good !!! Can't wait for my next labs ! Great talk !!!


Excellent! Thanks for Dr. Atkin’s legacy, and thanks for doctors like Dr Scher and Dr. Westman!


This is absolutely AMAZING!!!! So I'm 11 months into my keto/fasting journey, 50lbs lost, best shape of my life. Well yesterday I decided it was the day I quit Vaping(again) I bought my 14mg patches at Walgreens and said, well it always works so let's go. Now I am listening to Dr Westman tell me he knew and worked with the guy who invented the patch! That is just awesome! And BTW day 2 is going well, only fighting the habit, the craving has gone already :)


People that fail, that go back to carbs later, they never went all the way with Keto, they lost some weight, hohum, and the urges came back and stress told them to eat eat eat. I am going all the way, until every last bit of fat is off my body. I could quit now but I love my new 31" waist and six pack. No way in hell I am going back, not gaining one pound, all pounds off were hard fought. I was 92 kg now at 77, goal is 75. I am 70 and feel 20 again. YOU CAN DO IT TOO.


A great conversation between human beings who genuinely care about their work and others


I am SO thankful I was only misled to veganism for a short period (8 months) and it didn’t have a chance to affect my health permanently. Thank you Dr’s for getting the word out and educating us on the proper way to eat! I am a total “carber” for life!
