How To Train Obese Clients

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In this QUAH Sal, Adam, & Justin answer the question “What is the best way to approach training obese clients?"

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Mind Pump 1527: The 3 Step Solution To The Obesity Epidemic

Mind Pump 1207: Five Ways To Lose Weight Without Counting Calories

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“How To Train Obese Clients"
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Im obese, I was in shape, and now im just effed because i let myself wallow in depression and become a lazy fatass. Im really working on getting healthy, eating well, doing strength training, all that. Im too broke for a personal trainer so i really appreciate people like you that are looking out for the rest of us. We really need more of the world to care about health and nutrition and to spread the word.


You can tell the quality of a channel by how civilised the comments section is. This is a nice place to be if you're facing one of the hardest tasks you'll ever face.
Thank you.


As a morbidly obese person who's going in completely blind on my own for a massive lifestyle change, this was genuinely so helpful. I'm down 57 lbs, with a LOT still left to go. I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do food wise, but whatever I'm doing has been working, at least. I'm going to try to incorporate a lot of these tips, even the colored stickers around my home for physical activity. I loved this video!


Can I just say, I appreciate the compassion that you both have shown. I went through a depression spiral during covid, lost a lot of loved ones and started emotional eating. Now, I'm trying to get back in shape and some people can be cruel.❤


Love this advice, I started taking my brother to walk with me in the morning and he’s a bit over weight since zoom classes and it was hard for him at first but we started small, slow pace, taking breaks, but hopefully little changes can help him get and feel healthier.


Just came across this. Really enjoyed it. I am currently working with a great trainer who meets me where I am, yet pushes/encourages me to get in better shape. He does not focus on the weight, but on my fitness. Helps me to improve my diet and life style. Wants me to set my goals to daily life. Be able to pick things up off the floor walk up stairs without becoming breathless. Thanks so much.


The main objective for obese people :- change your lifestyle, if you are sedentary.


I started by just buying groceries more on the perimeter of the store instead of inside. I didn’t take things away but added more protein and veggies. Like he said it naturally made me eat less junk because I didn’t have room. Then as I got smaller, it made it easier to go on walks and things like that. So much of it is about gaining ENERGY. I was tired all the time.


Not obese, but love the message here. These clips always have golden nuggets.


Hey guys! Just found your channel and thank you for supporting those of us who are overweight and looking for good workouts. I have Type II diabetes and my doctor always pushes me to do cardio but I have noticed that my glucose is waaaayyyy lower when I do strength training. Now I have to research. Thank you for the information and tips


Dope shirt sal. And high quality info as usual.


It’s the lifestyle that you need to incorporate, your living arrangements, work environment, relationship with family, , finances, kids family, gotta learn to tackle one thing at a time


Took me over 20 years to figure that out for myself.


I needed to hear this!! Currently going through withdrawals


Solid advice but one of the main problems is people don't want to play the long game. They want it off immediately.

It's one of the main things that annoys me when trying to help people with their body. Everyone wants instant results


Love these quick these short lol videos but I feel like they’d be better off on a clips type of channel so it’s easier to navigate your podcast catalog


I got obese on purpose to try these training tips...thanks


Wow, so as a morbidly obese woman that was an athlete in my teen years and then a traumatic event happened. Now I am the weight of 2 of what I want to weigh and it's above the insurance weight chart guidelines but when I start to lose weight I find I have higher anxiety and eventually sabotage myself. I have recently moved to a place where I have to walk my dog and in spite of bone spurs, arthritis, and bulging discs I do it every day. I hurt so bad when I am through and just want to cry. I am not willing to take opiods or addictive pain meds but I feel like I may be too far gone to get back.


I was never obese but a bit overweight at 220lbs 5'11". Lets just say you can recomp your way to stupid gains and live "in easy mode" for a good year and a bit if you just eat at maintenance rest, ensure protein needs are met and you train hars enough. Yeah you dont look good the first months in but i much rather start on the chubby side and see progress faster than having to forcefeed myself.


For me, i was extremely sedentary as a teenager, but as an adult, my job requires me to be on my feet 9-10 hours at a time, and it took some time (and orthotics) to get used to, but at my job i walk 6-7 miles a day, up and down stairs constantly, but my diet is so out of whack that even though i have become a lot healthier than before, my weight hasn't chanced much because of my diet being poor.
