Mistakes People Make After No Contact (And How To Fix Them!)

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Hi guys… in this video, I’m going to talk to you about some of the massive mistakes people make after they have finished the “no contact” period.

So let’s get right into it.

By now, I’m sure you’ve heard about the “no contact” strategy to win your ex back. It’s something I talk a lot about in The Ex Factor Guide because it’s such an effective technique.

Generally speaking, the no contact phase lasts 30 days, but to some extent it does depend on your unique situation. During this time, it’s crucial that you have no communication with your ex whatsoever. This means no drunk texting your ex, no liking their status updates on Facebook, and no phone calls whatsoever. Many people think they have a good reason to talk to their ex during the no contact period, but the reality is that you should avoid contacting them at all costs during this time.

If your ex is like most people, after a period of time without you in their life they’ll quickly start to miss you. The negative memories that caused your breakup in the first place will fade away and be replaced by the more positive aspects of the past relationship. Once these feelings have peaked, your ex will be much more likely to respond to your attempts to rebuild a new relationship together.

The time apart from your ex during the no contact period will allow you both to heal, cool-down, and get level headed. It will create a void for your ex to miss you, make them wonder what you’re up to and how you’re doing. At the same time it works as damage control, leaving no room for arguments, disrespect or bad attitudes towards one another. You will both have your space to get organized, fix your bad habits and allow you time create a plan of action to get your ex back.

What you say and how you say it after your no contact period ends is crucial. For example, if you’re trying to win your ex back and you unintentionally imply that you want to get back together for your sake, then it’s not going to happen. This is why it’s so important to work on bettering yourself during the no contact period. You need to find happiness and confidence in yourself before reaching out to your ex again. No matter how much you feel like you need them, you need to portray that while it’d be nice to get back together, you can in fact live without them.

*** More from Brad Browning: ***
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Thanks for everything Brad. I may or may not get my ex back, but you have saved me from a lot of emotional pain; god bless you for that.


After struggling and not contacting him AT ALLl I felt anxiety and depression at some point, when being alone at home especially. I was crying and had a feeling in my head that he'll never be back again. But after watching your videos, I somehow feel a little more relieved and self confident. Not giving up. I'm just sure that if he really loves (not needs) he will surely come back. Thank you Brad and all love to everyone here guys. Remember to stay rad, strong and beautiful, girls!


I really need some help to put my marriage back together


Brad browning... Today I got a bad news... My ex told me that he is into new relationship... He came in this relationship 20days back... Before this 30days no contact rules he used to do flirt with me... Do lil naughty talk sometimes.... But now after 30days no contact periods he moved on and he behave like a just a friend... When my friend asked him, he said it is almost 4months we have broken.. Now there is no chance to get back with her. He told her he won't come back with me.


Hi brad its me again, we talked after a month, i went to his house and ask for closure and he told me that he does not want to have relationship with me anymore he even ask me why did i go to his house. He said he still hurting thats the reason why he cant meet me. We both cried he said he was underappreciated before and he said we can still be friends. And for a week we talk about our happy times together and then we agreed that i will let him go gradually. 2 days a ago we are supposed to meet, however he let me wait for 5 hours he told me he will pick me up in our house because he is on meeting at the moment. I message him that ill just wait him on coffee shop then i found out he is there. The guard said he is alone thinking. Then i texted him and i got mad. He told me he wake up one day and he is still not ready to meet me and he is still hurting. Brad i stayed all night in coffee shop waiting but he didnt come, he even message my mom to pick me up. I didnt want to go home so i book a hotel and he keep texting me not to hurt myself he might think ill suicide or something. He said he will show up to check on me but he didnt. Btw brad he even said that i should not go to his house his father doesnt like me because of my religion and he got stress if he knew my ex is seeing me. I dont know if he is lying to me again. He lied to me many times brad i guess i just move on and try to forget all about us i block him in instagram and he block me in fb messenger i think its better thank you brad you know i was thinking to buy your book EX factor but my situation is hopeless. I prepared many things for our meet up because its our monthsary but i was a fool . :(


No contact worked! Me met today but how can i get him back if he has a new girlfriend who he has much more memories and love her more than he ever loved me


Hi Brad, Im so confused? My ex broke up with me some months now. We had planned on living with each other, she told her grandparents we were going to get married? We were so happy. I noticed that she was becoming more distant so I tried to be more attentive. She said I couldn't give her her space, she came over picked up all her stuff and broke up with me via text. I have been an basket case. We started texting, on and off. She refuses to meet me face to face. The last text she asked what I was doing. I told her I was looking at buying a home next year, finalize my personal affairs and going out to socialize. I made mention of getting some tattoos. Her comment back to me was she texted me that I was having a mid life crisis..Lol, because I was thinking of getting some tattoos and repeated it again, "Yes Your having a midlife crisis and then said "Whatever makes you happy..T? I was upset, I tried to brush it off and I just texted her." Im glad that I could make you laugh..take care". I may have screwed up. I decided to not contact her now for the last 60 days..I really needed to get myself and emotions together. What do I do now?


It's been 60 days. No contact from her. Still follows me on social... Watches everything I do..


Brad, hey man. So my girlfriend of 2 years broke up with me just over a month ago.. I know how everyone says "She's the only one for me" & "I'll never find someone like her again, " but in my case, it's actually true..

See, I dated a girl who treated me like an absolute king. She supported me in EVERYTHING that I put my mind to and wanted the best for me in every single thing I did in life. She would constantly prove her love for me on social media and every minute that we spemt together. Don't get me wrong, I was one heck of a nice boyfriend as well, but closer to the end stages of our relationship, I became a bit of an asshole. I would usually start fights over nothing (I was jealous) & she'd ALWAYS be the one to say sorry. I actually feel terrible just writing this.

Anyway, a lot of stuff happened in her life (her dad got a new wife, etc) and I was just pushed to the side and neglected. I was stupid enough to not be happy for her and got jealous because of the smallest things. The night came where I'd had enough and I told her that I couldn't take her not respecting me and my time anymore, where I spoke through emotion and said stuff that I shouldn't have said. I said sorry straight away, but she told me that she needed some space. The next day, I didn't message her at all. That night, she told me that she'd had enough and ended it.


I only then realised that I'd lost a GEM of a girl.

Obviously, being the sucker that I am, I rocked up at her house with a bowtie, flowers, diy presents, and even a promise ring to try and win her back (after I watched your videos on no contact.)
She let me in, but didn't want to know anything about getting back together and sent me on my way. She blocked me on whatsapp multiple times over the past month, and has been very mean to me whenever I tried to contact her. From what I've seen, she's completely over me and wants nothing to do with me. Where we'd usually talk 24/7, we now never even message eachother.

About a week ago, she finally unblocked me again.
Since then, I didn't contact her until yesterday. I messaged her out of the blue to ask if we can go for coffee some time and to my complete surprize, she said yes! But she said that we'd just meet up as friends and I can't speak about the relationship at all. I think she just wants to catch up (maybe she just doesn't want to feel bad). I'm not going with any high hopes or expectations, even though I REALLY want her back. I'm just gonna go as the most confident and friendly guy I can possibly be.

Any tips whatsoever ? I feel that this might be my last chance, so I really want to make it count!



Hey Brad, we were best friends for a year before he initiated dating. And we dated over a year. I broke up with him because he stopped saying he loves me (said it felt forced because I said it often), made excuses to not meet up (but went to social events), and just became very busy (got a research position that is taking up so much of his time). we both agreed that he needs to grow up and we should take a break. It has been 2 days. I just started the "no contact" method yesterday and will ignore him for at least a month. he already messaged twice and i haven't responded. I want to give him that opportunity to grow and know what he is feeling because he seems confused. In the past year I think I grew up a lot, I am 4 semesters away from graduating, I got an amazing job with so many benefits, and I am productive. He doesn't like thinking about the future much, he doesn't know when he is graduating. He is doing 2 majors and 2 minors. Responsibility isn't the best thing for him. But I do see a change. He stopped skipping classes, got a research position, and is starting to think about the future career wise and I am very proud of him. Relationship wise when he thinks about the future, he always says things like "i think i want to live in NC for a year or two after graduating, they have a good engineering facility" and said of course it implies that I would be with him, that when he refers to himself in the future, he means it as "us/we". Do you think we have a chance of getting back together. I am in no rush. I am just absolutely in love with him, and I want to do things right so the next time we have a relationship, it will be healthy and a new relationship like you said. I took the quiz and I got a 70, but I feel like I really could get him back if I do things very carefully from now on. What do you think?

update: he just posted on facebook saying "i wanted something more". i'm not sure what that means. i don't like his posts or comment, just once in a while i see what he posted. lately it's been things like "be kind", "i wanted something more.", "lord willin i'll survive."


Hey, brad i am continously watching your videos and i like them a lot. Yesterday i broke up with my girlfriend. Its been a day. I deactivated my whatsapp and fb to ensure i dont see her anymore. Our break up occurred because she felt lack of freedom somewhere. She told me that she wants brk up i said okay. I m missing her bad and i even cried a lot today, but didn't care contact her. I have started doubting that whether she loves me or not, since i know that i have fallen and i feel she is the best i can have. Help me


I beg even after 30 days of contact and now she is gone and even says no chance of getting back so i went no contact forever because if I call her i will look like a crazy person


I completed the no contact for 30 days. Messaged him. he responded, I brought up how we met, keep in short and playful. Four days later I message him again he responded. My message was about how grateful i was for our relationship. when I replied again because he asked why? things went cold. I didn't want to go into great detail about my statement. The very next day sent him another message and he never responded. this is gave detail... What do I do now? Do another no contact? he is currently dating. we have been broking up for 6 weeks.


would it work even if she's the one who was cheating? I never caught her however, she started talking about her co worker on a daily basis and angling her cell phone away from me when around me as well as she would take her cell phone everywhere.

I knew that something wasn't right. She slowly became disinterested and finally broke it off but never made an official break up but rather, "maybe we should take a break and if dust settles, maybe we can try to find our way back, if not, we can be friends." Those were her words but not the exact ones.


hey Brad I mess up big time...I've tryed the no contact rule a couple times and finally done it but only lasted 19 days after I gave in to her "I wont talk to you no more text". everything seem ok in the begining as she did miss me and so forth..But I mess up becus during a romantic moment I couldn't get it up smh than said sumthin real stupid like "well I'm just happy to see you" SMH. The moment ended awarkard. and she didn't say it but she was piss. the next morning came and she didn't even say bye....Not to mention shes newly pregant 3 months and I know its mine....Now I feel like an even bigger loser. I can't even talk to her without sounding like I'm putting her on a pedastol...When I was doing the 30 day thing I wanted to gain control and win her back or just win respect so she can atleast want to have sex with me & look at me as potential...I was gone fix things a get a apt cus we lived in the car b4 than but now I mess up the no contact for 30 days. It might not be too late but how can I get respect from her and if possible could I still win her back. And last should I do no contact again? becus I know I just can't keep leaving l...plz Brad sum answer I feel like a Loser


hey Brad.its my first time to hear from you.you have a great job and keep it up.God's blessings, happiness and prosperity all through your life.


Hello Brad! Thank you so much for your videos, much helpful. I do have a question about the non contact rule, so my anniversary is around the corner, me and my ex broke up in a very peaceful way (unfortunately she scared to hurt me I didn't allow for her to dictate the pace of the relationship I guess) and I expect to receive a message for my b-day from her, I don't want to be rude by not responding, I just start the non contact rule a week ago. What should I do?


I’m on week 4 of no contact and I spoke to my ex yesterday about my late uncle she wanted to send her condolences and was the only time she seen me emotional will this effect no contact for me?


I have finished the no contact period and he's still not contacting me. He's coming online daily but not contacting me. I'm feeling ignored 😟😟😟


Hi Brad, Thank you for your video. Me and my ex have been broken up for 5 weeks now. I stated the no contact for about three weeks now. We broke up because I found out he was talking to another girl and the day after we broke up he went on a date with her. I know that he's been asking about me through mutual friends but it seems like he's completely fine with the break up. I'm really confused on what to do.
