Does Meat Really Heal? Show me the Evidence for the Carnivore Diet

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Over the past year, many anecdotal reports have been released claiming that the carnivore diet alleviates symptoms of autoimmune disease, depression and leads to weight loss and improved health. Is there scientific evidence to support these claims?

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I have had a seizure disorder for 34 years (since college). A keto diet was definitely helpful in reducing my seizures but on a carnivore diet, my seizures are gone. Not just improved. Gone.


TWO YEARS now as Carnivore, and my chronic back pain and arthritis of ten years are STILL gone. That's better than any scientific study EVER made me feel!!!


I had auto immune and tried vegetarian, vegan, raw vegan, paleo, keto, and now carnivore for over a year . I feel by far the best carnivore taking no supplements and eating animal organs... every marker in health has greatly improved for me ....


40+ years of chronic IBS gone from going carnivore. And because of that, depression and anxiety are fading. So yeah, meat heals some of us.


I was vegetarian and then vegan for most of my adult life. I went low carb on the advice of my primary care physician and was on it for a little over a year. I lost 25 pounds, lowered my triglycerides, and improved other blood markers. However, I still had joint and muscle pain, along with IBS, so I decided to go carnivore. Within two days of eating only animal foods, my muscle and joint pain was 90% less and has continued to improve. Abdominal bloating is completely gone and I can suck my stomach in without any pain. Whether it's "cured' or not is just semantics; as long as I am symptom free, I'm happy. I would not be arrogant enough to say that everyone should eat this way, but it works for me.


blood pressure was 180/120
2 weeks carnivore is now 135/88
no meds
my doctor is furious


Certainly works for me. That is all the anecdotal evidence I need!


IBS gone one month in on Carnivore Diet...end of story. Symptoms did NOT change on Vegan diet for one and a half years. In fact beans, spices, salads and raw veggies made me worse. Thank goodness Jordon Peterson and his daughter spoke out. Now I can anticipate a better future...what more could I want? What do I really care about some study for???? I'm an individual with a life to live and I'm way better on Meat than Veggies.


My wife and I have (both 52 years old) have been on 20g or less "carnivore" diet for about 110 days now and the benefits are outstanding and many. We could never go back to eating all those carbs ever again....


Yes! I’m on Carnivore diet, I lost a lot of weight, all my inflammation are gone since I’ve been strict carnivore for 7 months 😎💪🏼


Its not only the limiting of sugar though, its also the restriction of plant oils that are high in inflammatory omega 6 and gluten and other lectins which are inflammatory as well . Removing the axis of evil


I've been a carnivore since January this year, and must I say, I don't remember the last time I felt like this: Amazing! No more depression, better mood, more energy for reps, stamina, motivation, and glowing skin. Thank you for sharing Doctor! 💪


I dont want to die anymore, in fact is not that I just dont want to die, I want to live, thats enough for me


In only 3 months on Carnivore I've greatly reduced my lumbar osteoarthritis pain from the daily 8-9 range down to 1-2. This has been a literal life saver for me.


Really like this video, however I have to disagree that carnivore diets are new. They are in fact older or even ancient diets that have been all but forgotten with the widespread use of agriculture. I am beginning to strongly suspect that these rising modern diseases are, broadly, diseases of agriculture, which is why returning to our natural carnivorous dietary pattern has promoted widespread healing. Time will tell :)


I’ve been on a 90% carnivore diet, primarily redmeat, and for the first time in my 39 years I’ve lost 4 inches off my waist, and 15 pounds, and that’s just in six weeks. My joints also have significantly improved. Just my two cents, but I’m very grateful that somebody asked me to try it, and I am very excited about my improved quality of life!


I've been carnivorous for about a month. I feel better than when I was 18. I don't need the science trials because I don't trust it. I don't even trust science trials that support my view. But I do know for me personally I feel better than my 2 months on keto which also improved me greatly. My joint pain from a car accident is gone, I'm losing fat and gaining muscle, I'm sleeping better, as well as sleeping easier among other positive things. I've literally gained zero negatives that I've noticed so far. I don't just eat red meat like Sean Baker though. Liver, eggs, and most dairy along with some other stuff. I'll do this way of eating until I somehow develop enough negative effects to outweigh this mountain of positives.


People ask for proof for a way our ancestors ate but will shove processed foods in their mouth all day no questions asked


I have been eating all kind of meat, milk/cheeze and seafood as my main diet since childhood! I am 66 yo and my health is top notch! Fruits and veggies has never been something we had unless the few seasonal ones. I grew up in scandinavia.


Its actually True, I have seen it in my own personal life. Arthritis? Gone. Itching? Gone. Digestive disorders? Gone. Depression? Gone. High Blood sugar? GONE. My last blood glucose test was 68.
Even my scars are fading. The Carnivore diet has been the single biggest factor in my good health ever. For Pete's sake, Since starting carnivore, my Beard has grown about an inch every two weeks.
