Joe Rogan discusses Meat, Saturated Fat, and Cancer with Dr Rhonda Patrick

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Joe Rogan discusses Meat, Saturated Fat, and Cancer with Dr Rhonda Patrick
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Lots of people became healthy on a long term carnivore diet, lots of people became healthy on a long term vegan whole food diet. Whats the common denominator? They all cut out refined sugar.


Crazy to think in 2021 we don’t have a consensus on what diet is the healthiest - literally two opposite view points - meat or plant based diet.


And then there’s natural red meat vs processed, like hot dogs, ham, bacon, etc


So I went from vegan a couple years ago to paleo in spring of 2022. I felt ok on the vegan "diet", but now that 95% of my diet is natural foods, not grains, not pea protein, I feel fantastic. My psoriasis has cleared up, I have more energy, etc. I have a really simple solution for everyone out there. Ask your parents what your grandparents ate. I sat down with my mom the other night, and she told me. The only processed food my mother's parents ever ate, was oatmeal and cream of wheat, which my grandmother ate. They grew up during the depression. My grandparents, my mom's side, lived into their mid '80's. My dad's parents were both passed on by the time they were my age, I'm 54. My mom told me they ate 3 meals a day, they cooked everyday, no dessert, no candy in the house, no sugary cereal, just shredded wheat biscuit. They ate hamburgers, chicken, eggs and bacon, steak(cheap steak). My grandfather, never allowed any of the processed crap in his house. And this was back in the '30's thru the 90's. What killed him was his smoking, when he got cancer, he was 83 years old. And he still lived for a couple of years. Real simple.


Joe "meat is basically water and amino acids" Rogan


Excellent talk on how so many studies can be taken out of context, misinterpreted and lead people astray. As much as i appreciate scientific studies I take them with a big grain of salt as i do everything else


As a vegan, I actually liked a lot of what she had to say. There's a reason why most of the big vegan health advocates now draw a distinction between a 'vegan' diet, and a vegan 'whole foods, plant based diet', and that reason is a lot of what they were talking about. Coca cola is vegan. Oreo cookies are vegan. Pasta, bread, and other high glycemic index foods can all be made vegan, but that doesn't mean they are automatically good for you because they don't contain animal products. There is a lot of heavily processed vegan crap food out there, so just going vegan is not enough to make you healthy. For that, you have to acquire the taste for vegetables, and make them the bulk of your diet. Whether you are vegan, paleo, keto, or whatever else, that seems to be the common factor in being healthy- eat your veggies, and lay off the processed crap. Maybe exercise a little too.


I just watched this while literally stuffing my face with wendys


People actually laugh at me when I tell them fat from meat isn't unhealthy and refined carbs are.


So summarized what she is concluding is: saturated fat and protein are not bad, as long as you are exercising regularly. Refined carbohydrates (Sugar) is always bad exercise or no exercise, but has less impact with exercise.


LDL isn't the problem. High fasting insulin caused by to many carbs in an insulin resistant person leads to inflammation. Inflammation in the arteries lead to lesions which the body tries to repair by plastering over with cholesterol. The process is much more complicated but that is the quick and dirty explanation. Your triglyceride / HDL ratio is much more important than your LDL level in predicting cardio events. Under 2 is good. 2-4 is high, and over 4 is very high risk. A low ratio is also predictive of having more large fluffy particles instead of small dense LDL.


Ever since someone said Rhonda looks like Sid from toy story I can’t unsee it 😂


I went carnivore...and lost improved..felt better with ezcellent carbs no


Carbs increase Triglycerides which is no bueno. The problem with eating fat with refined sugar is that the sugar caramelizes the cholesterol.


When the video description matches the thumbnail


Where do I sign to let dr Patric run all sorts of tests and/or experiments on meself?
P.S. I am willing to get a toomah!


you cnt stay alive without essential fats ( both sat and unsat) but u can survive without sugar, this alone tells u everything.


Anyone know the study that shows replacing saturated fat with refined carbs that she was talking about?


Sugar - bad, sugar with saturated fat - VERY BAD.


I would love Joe talking to a WFPB guy like Dr. Greger - i think their standpoint as not as far from each other as one might think, except their views on meat.
