When is the Rapture? Pre-Trib, Mid-Trib, or Post-Trib?

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This video has been years in the making. I was drawn to eschatology because it brought so much division in the church. And because of that division, it created confusion about the topic, making many other people avoid studying it. This topic is incredibly important to me because it is an amazing part of God's character we completely miss in the popular theories and when we avoid it. I hope this encourages clarity and an interest to study. After all, Revelation is the only book that has a blessing to it: Revelation 22:7.

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I am sure about one simple thing, that is...there will be tribulation.



WOW! I rarely comment on YouTube, but I have to give God some praise. Revelation has always stumped me, because of how it seems to stop, go onto another event, and then pick back up again. Thank you so much for clarifying how Revelation is written. And thank you for the time and effort you put into your study. This will obviously take me some time to read all the coinciding verses you have found, but I cannot wait to start! I think this video may very well be an answer to a prayer 😊


NEWS CONCERNING THE RAPTURE! The beheaded christians from revelation 20: 4-5 have gone through the great tribulation and take part in the first resurrection. In the rapture of 1 Thessalonians 4: 16-17 the dead in Christ will rise first, before the living will be caught up together with them. This means that the rapture can not be before the tribulation!


People mix up tribulation and Gods wrath I think that’s where the confusion comes from. Tribulation in Greek is thlipsis (persecution) and wrath in Greek is ogre (punishment).


It is so nice to hear a truly Biblical explanation! Thanks for helping us to understand and make sense of this difficult subject.


So much confusion out there about pre-trib, mid-trib, post-trib... Know what I think? It doesn't matter 'when' Jesus returns. If we are in relationship with Him as our Lord & Savior we have nothing to fear. PERIOD.


Impossible. The church must be taken before the tribulation. The Bible is clear that if you take the mark of the beast you will go to hell. Since it is impossible for a Christian to be unsaved then we wouldn’t be able to be here to take the mark. Some Christians would be gullible enough to take it if given the chance. The saints referenced in the tribulation are people who become saved after the church is taken and during the tribulation.


One thing I have learned is that God gives you scripture to back up scripture. That was the first time I have heard anyone use it to break down the progression. I will be reading those passages. Thanks.


Dude you crushed it with your presentation and verbage, my wife's been a mid trib believer for the 18 years we've been married and I've been pre, your explanation was well received, encouraging and absolutely fascinating


I completely agree. It took me 30 years to get where you are. Thanks!


Just stock up on supplies for someone whenever it's needed if we're not here, they're gonna need it. 👍🏾


God bless your effort bro!
HE is coming for us, that is for sure 🙏🏽
But it’s pre tribulation after my years of study ...
shalom !


I always think of it this way: Why should I care about the Tribulation if I'm not going to be here for it? Why do I need to know all of this stuff that will happen if it doesn't pertain to me?


Well said. I think I am on the same page as you, Eric. I will use all your scripture references to check it out so it will become much clearer in my head. I read the scriptures, that is, the whole Bible over and over again so as to let the full council of God's word to soak in. This enables me to get a much clearer picture. The Holy Spirit teachers and guides us. God bless and thank you for this video.


the rapture takes place with the resurrection, which is first, so the real question is,
when will Jesus raise us from the dead.


My experience is much like yours. I believed the pre -trib rapture for over 40 years until I did a study of the scriptures w/o any other books, commentaries, or sermons - just the Word of God. The pre-trib view is the biggest hoax ever foisted upon Christianity. The whole pre-trib theory rests entirely on the doctrine of immanency. Even a cursory reading of the scriptures does away with that doctrine. Matt 24 and 2 Thess 2 are two clear examples that there are events that must take place before the day of the Lord.I note that you believe the rapture will take place after the 6th seal. That puts you squarely in the post trib camp. The description of the 6th seal and Matt 24:29-30 are describing the same event. I believe you are correct in this. The two main rapture passages clearly state that the dead in Christ will rise first. Rev 20 tells that the dead in Christ will arise after the tribulation in the 1st resurrection. Therefore, the rapture cannot take place pre-trib, mid-trib, pre-wrath, or any other pre-event. There are a growing number of people who have once believed in pre-trib that have now done a study of their own and are now post-trib. God bless.


Matthew 24 : 29 After the Tribulation Jesus returns


8:00 When people's fear cloud their judgment, that is when the false prophets and christs will thrive. This is important to note.


I have the same story. We should set up some sort of conversation podcast as I believe God has given detail to His return to many in part so that we would both lean on Him and be in fellowship to get resolution. Instead, we often argue in an echo chamber to no avail. If we could all talk with a loving heart and a reverence in real time, I believe we could move mountains.


I'm in the same boat, something just doesn't add up when I listen to pre-trib proponents. So I prayed to God to please show me when the rapture is supposed to happen. (I don't mean the day, just the timing of events)
Then I heard in my spirit, "go look up tribulation in the bible"
Wow, I put in the word tribulation in the search bar at bible gateway, and this is what I found:
In every instance, the very last time tribulation is mentioned in any translation is this one scripture:

Revelation 7: 14 And I said to him, “Sir, you know.”
So he said to me, “These are the ones who come out *THE GREAT TRIBULATION* and washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb.
