Attention! What the Church Doesn't Know About the Rapture | Pre-Tribulation Rapture - Get Ready!

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In this video, we dive into the important topic of the pre-tribulation rapture and what it means for us as believers. Many in the church aren't fully aware of all the details and realities surrounding this biblical event. We'll explore the Scriptures and look at the signs of the times to make sure we're ready for the rapture when it happens

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Whether it's pre or post or whatever we must believe that Jesus is returning for His Church. Amen. The truth is we must believe it and be ready all the time. Don't be caught up in any debates on pre, post or whatever. Be ready as Jesus taught as to be like the 5 wise virgins with oil in their lamp ready for our bridegroom Jesus Christ. Amen.


i will keep you from the HOUR of trial that will come across THE WHOLE WORLD


Many Believers are going to be shocked and may not endure it.


Growing up, I was always hearing about the rapture. Every time I read the Bible I pick up on something different. In 2014 I remember realizing that we were going to go through the trib. Yeah, try sharing that with some diehard Pentecostals😂.
But I did share, even though they didn't want to hear it. Thank you Rabbi !!! It's all there if people will just read it with an open mind.


Imagine many who will caught up in the tribulation knowing they’re not taken according to their hope. How devastated will be for many aren’t prepared physically, mentally and spiritually. Peter denied Christ while he was with him and imagine millions who will denied him in those terrible days. We need faith more than Peter to endured to the very end. Thanks for sharing brother. I never believed in Pre Trib Rapture and I’m regard as weird one among my friends because of believing what they don’t believe 😢


He that endures till the end the same shall be saved,


I was baptized in the Holy Spirit in 1991, we must read the word to enter in and be born again to be enlightened with Gods testimony that there's no doubt anymore!


If the rapture does not come before the tribulation, then we will all have to suffer God's wrath along with the unbelievers.
Does not the word of God say in 1 Thessalonians 5:9, God has not appointed us to wrath?
Again, why would God make His church whom He loves suffer through the worst time in the worlds history?
And why would the last generation of believers have to suffer this, when no other one did in all of time?
Does not He who restrains have to be removed before the antichrist can be revealed, which is the Holy Spirit that is in us?
To many questions that are raised for me to believe what your preaching.


Being born-again is a change in a persons relationship with God. An almost stark contrast from the way life was lived before. It's a regeneration of the human spirit that comes from above. It's a trust that one has in their own righteousness, transferred unto the Lord. It produces praise and glorifies God not self. Blessed is the Lord. Amen.


The Rapture is definitely pre there's no mid rapture or post rapture! 🙏🔥


We will be going through the tribulation. God will pull us out before His wrath


Amen praise the Lord Jesus Christ! Always have oil in your lamps ❤️‍🔥


In Revelation it says we are to Endure, Endure what if we are gone? We are not gone we are


Keep the commandments and the one true God will bring you into truth, and you will have life!


“And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: And your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, And your young men shall see visions, And your old men shall dream dreams:”
‭‭Acts‬ ‭2‬:‭17‬


I told my husband a while back, " Oh, is that the excuse you are going to give God?" I got the hand in my face, "Don't talk to me about religion!"
Being unequally yoked is a challenge. Claim 1 Cor. 7, believers. ❤


I was shown the truth about the pre-tribulation rapture 20 years ago by a friend. I studied it a lot and began to see that he was right. One important thing that many Christians fail to unferstand is that all scripture must be understood through the lens of the Lord Jesus. What He says in Matthew Chapter 24 is what all other scripture about the end times must be understood through. Jesus lays it out, and clearly thete is no point where He indicates a pre-tribulation rapture. Several verses in other books of the Bible are used to support the pre-trib, but when they are read and understood using the map of the last days that Jesus gave us, the pre-trib does not hold up. Sadly, the rapture has become a common teaching that we cannot seem to escape from. It permeates Christian teachings today.

I have always believed that God made a way for His word to be available to us through the centuries. This is why the Book of Revelation is still with us despite those who sought to cut it out of the Bible. Just beware of all of these modern revamps of the Bible, for just like with the church, Satan has crept in and weakened it.


Si nous ne sommes pas des étudiants de la Parole, nous sommes en danger d'être conduit parce qu'il semble "bon" plutôt que ce qui est biblique. Si nous n'étudions pas la Bible, nous sommes alors candidats à la tromperie. Shalom depuis la France 🇲🇫


Amazing, a saved, Born-again Believer & follower of The Lord Jesus, crave going thru the tribulation more than being Harpazo.


Thank you. The Bible never said we would miss the tribulation.
