The PRE-Tribulation Rapture is IMPOSSIBLE according to 2nd Thessalonians

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The Pre-Tribulation rapture is NOT taught explicitly or even implicitly anywhere in Scripture. The only way people keep coming to such a conclusion is through dispensational presuppositions, being taught it, and/or by ignoring Scripture. This is a short video showing one of the clearest passages (2nd Thessalonians 1:6-10) that thoroughly refutes the idea of a possible pre-tribulation rapture.

Please watch our other video linked below for a more in depth refutation.

Does Scripture teach the Pre-Tribulation Rapture?
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Although we talk about a few other things, the main point of this video is to show how clearly 2nd Thessalonians 1:6-10 refutes a Pre-Tribulation rapture. To read this passage plainly and come to a different conclusion is impossible. To rightly exegete it and come to a different conclusion is also impossible. Scripture does NOT contradict itself, to teach a pretrib rapture is to contradict what this passage clearly and plainly states. You can choose to ignore it or try to explain it away but don’t do so and claim you’re allowing Scripture to speak or that you’re “rightly dividing the word of truth” (2 Timothy 2:15).


I’ve flip flopped so many times between pre trib and pre wrath rapture. I think the safest position for me to take is “I don’t know, ” and expect to die a natural death while hoping to see the Lord return in my generation.


Amen! Thank you, I've been trying to get others to see these Scriptures for years. We must read our Bibles for ourselves and not just take people's word for it. If we don't know the Word for ourselves then we will be deceived. Again, thank you!


There are two different events that the Bible shows us. One is the pre-trib rapture. In The blinking of an eye, we shall be transformed with GLORIFIED BODIES and we shall meet Jesus up in the sky (CHURCH), Paul even says "I shew you a mistery" meaning, a mistery that was kept secret until Paul revealed it. There ain't nothing misterious about the Lords coming in the Day of the Lord since the Bible especially the OT is full of prophecies regarding the 2nd advent.

Then there is a post trib rapture where Gods People (JEWS) are gathered from across the 4 corners of the earth by His angels in their CARNAL BODIES.

If you read closeley Chapter one was talking about The Day of the Lord (2nd advent). Chapter 2 is talking about the Day of Christ (church rapture) . Paul says 'let no one deceive you as tough the day of Christ had come (you know like the 70AD heresy), unless the falling away comes first.

Btw you don't need Dispensationalism to show that the Bible talks about a pre-trib rapture. All u need is a pair of braincells.


I am a returning Christian who finally read my Bible for the first time cover to cover this year and am rereading the New Testament now. When I finished my full read through, I had the understanding that we will be taken at the midpoint of tribulation and only then because Satan will make it so hard for any honest believer to live through it to the end. But I am only human so am currently working through some Eschatology study guides to get a better understanding of it. If the Scripture doesn’t say it, then I don’t just believe what any person/youtube preacher says…I do my own reading and study the text until I have a better understanding of it.
I think I have spent almost as much time learning to understand and interpret the scripture as I have reading it.
Thank you for this video! Now I can go watch your video on this that is longer. You just gained a new subscriber. I look forward to working my way through your videos young sirs!


Darbyism communicated via Scholfield to Ryrie, Walvoord, and thousands of preachers! Thanks for your truth brothers...blessings!


First Thessalonians 4:13–18 represents an important shift in the subject matter of Paul's letter. Realizing the Thessalonian believers needed further teaching about Jesus' return (the rapture) and specifically about what happens to Christians who die before Jesus returns, Paul turns to address these vital matters. He wants his readers to know that death should not cause them to grieve like unbelievers. There is a bright prospect of seeing departed believers again. When Jesus returns from heaven, He will bring deceased Christians with Him. At that time there will be a loud command, the archangel's voice will be heard, and God's trumpet will sound. Christians who have died will receive their resurrected bodies, and living Christians will be caught up to join them, to be with the Lord forever.


I think it matters to some if it is a pre-tribulation or mid tribulation rapture. For me it doesn’t matter one bit. My focus is not on the rapture, but on the work to be done before the rapture. We are to occupy and live in righteousness, after salvation our purpose is to spread the Gospel to all people. So I believe that if I am following the Lord with every portion of my being and bowing to His grace and mercy, that I will be saved and by my redemption I am called to good works for the sake of reaching the lost. So regardless of pre—tribulation, mid-tribulation of post-tribulation, it doesn’t matter. What matters is that I follow the word of God and am filled with the Holy Spirit and walk in repentance and grace. I think a lot of Christians get bogged down by the little things that seem big, and miss the fullness of the Gospel and what we should do with what we know. For we are judged by what we know. So what bearing on salvation and what bearing on the Gospel does the rapture have? Absolutely nothing, the rapture is a comfort to the Church, it is a promise of separation from the judgment of God on man. The great tribulation is God outpouring wrath on all flesh that resides on earth… the only path is Christ Jesus, so why worry about tomorrow, have faith and don’t be deceived by the little details. Know your faith and be able to give account of what you believe… but don’t let your hope be in your own understanding.


Amen and thank you for all you do to further the Kingdom of God.


AMEN thanks for spreading the truth I was confused for a long time haha🙏🏻❤️God bless


So glad you brought this up, Brothers.
I can't believe how many Christians have been duped by Darby.




Find me one Muslim who disrespects the Bible like how you disrespect the Quran 0:24


If you start with false presuppositions you'll end up with false conclusions as you can see here.

The word of truth rightly divided shows exactly the opposite!

1. Rapture (John 14, 1-3; 1 Cor. 15, 50-58; 2 Cor 5; 1 Thess. 4, 13-18 - our gathering together to meet HIM in the air - he who restrains is taken out of the way 2. Thesis. 2, 7)
2. Daniel's 70 th week, Revelation of the man of lawlessness, the lawless one (Dan. 9, 27; 2 Thess. 3, 2-12; Rev. 13)
3. The coming back of the LORD Jesus Christ together with HIS bride to this earth (Revel. 19, 6-16; 1, 7; Zechariah 12-14 - the day of the Lord 2 Thess. 2, 8; Revel. 19, 17-21)


Brothers in the LORD GOD JESUS, I used to believe in the pre-trib rapture until I had a dream from the LORD which led me to search the scriptures and I read Mathew 24:29. I could not deny the scriptures and it opened my eyes. It is always good to seek the LORD GOD in truth.

I'm not sharing to boast, but I started to get dreams ever since THE LORD'S HAND came upon me (my head). I'm not claiming to be a prophet, but that's one of the ways THE LORD has been guiding me. I believe Jesus is the same God that reveals himself then and now.

When I was in the Pentecostal church I used to believe in the pre trib rapture because that's what the pastors teach. Then I had an unexpected dream. This was back in 2013. I was lying on my terrace floor facing the sky and expecting Jesus to come (like in a state of euphoria). But then I saw these thick black clouds full of evil forming in the sky and I saw this evil face coming out of it. It was so evil that I felt so terrified and vulnerable lying down there while this evil face was staring. The evil face was not specifically staring at me, but I could see the look in his eyes and it was as if he was staring at me. But anyways, He was so angry and furious and this evil cloud face was coming towards the earth downwards. The next scene was that people everywhere were saying Jesus has come. Even one of the christian friends who was actually lukewarm but I didn't know at the time, because I myself was lukewarm calls me up and says ' Know what Jesus has come' and as she says she is so happy and excited and I'm like 'What Jesus has really come?'
The next scene I take my mother who is sick to Jesus to heal her. As i approached I saw this man was exactly like Jesus and he has some men around him but they were all like bodyguards. Then as i got closer expecting him to heal my mum I saw that he was not willing and did not even care for others. He was of a different spirit. I knew He was not Jesus.

The next scene, I saw people travelling and busy and I saw myself sitting on a train and hiding myself. Then I saw a vision of a man beheaded with the sword and i knew a few more were beheaded as I saw this vision in the dream as I'm im the train. And then I was panicking and I was saying to the LORD....'I'm safe LORD..I'm safe..'

To which I heard the LORD say ' No you are not. They are safe, the ones who were beheaded. They are the ones who are truly safe'

That was the dream.


Those who teach pre trib will have blood on their hands for not preparing the saints.


Great video. When I was being taught by Jesus, Himself. He never taught me a catching away. I had to go to church to learn this doctrine.


...will be caught up in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air.
- 1 Thessalonians 4:17


God’s people need to watch and pray so that they endure, persevere, abide, overcome, and conquer. We rest in the Grace of our Lord Jesus who saved us, is saving us, and will save us in the end. Church of God be prepared to go through the great tribulation while being kept(guarded) by God and for the coming of the LORD Jesus. Live purifying yourselves and with expectancy knowing that He will fulfill His promises to His people!


I’m sad you believe this, but I really love your ministry and love of Christ.
