How to Defeat Lust | Alex Wilson

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Good word. As a married man though I can say with 100% assurance that getting married will not satisfy your lusts. You will need to do work on yourself to bring that part of your sin nature under control BEFORE you get married. It isn’t something you do not want in your marriage.


Everyone keep me in prayer I’m a sinner that’s battling with lust. I am a christian and I often feel ashamed for what I have done over and over again. I pray we all grow stronger 🙏🏽🙏🏽


All I did was say out loud " God, I don't want to be held down with these constant thoughts anymore" and they were gone. No more looking at random tits and ass on the internet, no more thinking about it constantly! Thank God. I was in my late forties when I realized God was real.


I’ve been praying for a partner for quite a while now and nothings really came from it. As I have matured over the years I realised, it’s not just a partner I should be praying for it should be a someone who wants to be obedient to The Father, and that will bring me a relationship that will please and glorify God.
Thank you so much Alex for the words of wisdom here, so much love and thanks to yous all


The Lust And The Sexual Sin Of Porn Keeps On Coming Back To Me! I Can't Betray The Lord And Not To Deceive Him!


Jesus please continue to give me the strength to keep supporting myself and my two autistic children. Because I’m losing hope. My boys require so much from me because they are non verbal. Due to them having many issues in school, I’m homeschooling them. I’m a single mother. These past two years since covid have been hard on me. I lost my job at Forsyth hospital because I declined the vaccine. I have heart disease and I suffer from lupus that’s the major reason why I declined the vaccine. I’m waitressing and I’m grateful but I’m not making enough to make ends meet. Bills are piling up and I can barely afford groceries for my children. I feel like a failure. Every month is a struggle, and now that I’m homeschooling them my schedule is limited. I’m so overwhelmed and ashamed. But God gives me strength. I get harassed and bullied on this app for sharing my testimony and for asking for prayers but prayers are all I NEED. As christians we must have compassion towards one another so please be kind I’m already feeling defeated. BUT! Even as I struggle! I keep faith in God. He is the God of possible! I HAVE FAITH HE WILL PROVIDE! He has this far. THANK YOU JESUS! I will only trust in GOD!


flee do not fight we quite literally cannot sit and fight lust. make no provision for it


Wow, just wow. I’ve struggled with lust for so long and have watched so many videos where people are giving advice to basically “control” it, and those videos are great actually!! But as someone who has a very strong desire to get married I’ve never heard anybody say to be intentional about it and to put yourself out there. It made me realize how complacent I’ve been— just waiting for God to send me someone without doing much work, even though faith without work is dead. This really reasonated with me! Thank God for your ministry❤


Man this is great! I just got engaged and I’ve always struggled with lust. My fiancé knows this and she’s been working it out with me. She’s walked by me always and she no matter what always wanted to marry me and watching this it clicked. It’s hard cause we want to get married now but were saving up for everything. I have to keep honoring the Lord and her in this walk.


Thanks for this video. Ive been struggeling for the longest time now, but i prayed and i made a promise to God. Its been a week and i still havent done the thing i was struggeling with. I thank God for helping me with my addiction.


I dont want to do sex before marriage. Mind you im still a 14 y.o teen and i am battling lust because of puberty, and who gets married at 14. Lust and Pornography have ruined my brain chemistry altogether. I try to repent and yet i still fall back in. I ask for forgiveness but i dont feel forgiven, i feel guilty.I feel like im on my way to hell. Please dont ignore my comment. And i beg you, pray for me.


Thank you for this! I been struggling lately. I want to be the type of person that my girlfriend, family, and kids, one day, will be proud of. Thank you Alex Amen!!


Bro. Alex, what a word! Thank you for your obedience to Christ. The ministry to God is changing lives.
Amen! 💜✝️


Need this 😂😂😂 I’m fighting tho all glory to God🙏🏽


Before I clicked this video, I sighed and said "timely" truly truly Thank God!!


Hey Alex, thank you for this, it really has been a struggle in the last few weeks. I’ve been feeling like there was no way out in fighting this (currently feeling it now), but I know that God is victorious and through Him, I can beat this

Thank you for this video


This really helped me a lot. I struggled with this, with my ex boyfriend. I thought “one day we will” and of course that wasn’t the case. I still feel shame, but this helped me so much. Thank you so much. Amen! Praise Him!


I have been praying this for years, been on dating apps, church groups and nothing. I am praying about it, this is harder than it seems.Don't want to be single but sometimes God wants to isolate us first so we can overcome this and saying marriage is the key doesn't fix a lust problem. The key to defeating lust is to feed your Spirit more than your flesh, submit to God and resist the devil. It's a daily battle. Know the more you feed your flesh the stronger it becomes. Feed your spirit the Word and don't ever give up.


I’ve been struggling with this for a while now and it sucks and I have been a bit distant from God and positivity in the past few days and I’m not proud of it but I want you all to know that with God and with a positive environment anything is possible I pray to God that everyone overcomes this and any other addiction and any other negative situation amen❤️❤️


What a powerful word just as I had prayed for it. Thank you brother 🙏🥹
