Why So Many People Have Gone Missing in Bermuda Triangle

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The Bermuda Triangle is responsible for dozens of deaths and strange disappearances over the years. Could that part of the Atlantic Ocean be cursed or is something else going on entirely? Check out today's epic new video that closely examines some of the mysterious deaths caused by the Bermuda Triangle.


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I sailed for nearly 2 years in the The Bermuda Triangle and surrounding areas on an Oceanographic Research ship, we had a magnetometer, gravity meter, various probes and sensors for sea measurements like salinity and temp by depth, loran, sins, and sat navigation and all kinds of other cool stuff. If anything was weird at all from that time was how seldom the gear broke down... In any event I go with the natural causes, in that part of the ocean you can go from windless and flat seas to a major storm and back again all inside an hour and hit with no warning. I could see it taking down ships and planes.


Bermuda triangle before internet : 💪

Bermuda triangle after internet : 💩


The truth is the sea is a dangerous place. It's just that people are only interested in the cases of disappearance inside the triangle while ignoring the rest.


The Bermuda Triangle, along with the slightly less-known "Devil's Sea" south of Japan, are notorious because the ocean currents make a sharp right turn from going west to going geographical northeast. That severe turn could result in weather in the area going from calm to very stormy, sometimes in a matter of minutes. I believe that the residents of the Bahamas experience this a lot almost year-round. Before modern navigational aids and modern weather radar, planes and ships would get caught in these sudden changes to severe storms and that may explain why many planes and ships were lost.


Me with a Bermuda cruise already booked for next year: 👁️👄👁️


I remember listening to a paranormal podcast that had a guest who grew up in Bermuda. According to him he never even heard of the triangle until he came to the USA.


Why did i click this vid thinking I'd get an actual answer? Well that's just me, i always get my hopes up lol.


While serving in the Navy from 99-03 every time we went in that direction we always seem to have engine problems. Without fail something would give out even if we just replaced it before leaving home port.


The Bermuda Triangle has no more or less accidents for any similarly stormy area in the world with as much passenger and cargo traffic as it gets. Miami is a large US city with a bustling port, Puerto Rico has lots of shipping and passengers going to and from the US and so does Bermuda (its a big tourist spot) Basically the Bermuda Triangle is an area that has a lot of ships and planes going through it on a daily basis and has been like that since air travel first became popular and the world started becoming more connected. Its also an area that has lots of powerful thunderstorms and afternoon heat storms that just pop up (grew up in Melbourne, afternoon heat storms are when the humidity gets driven so high you can feel it, and within a 10 minute period you can go from boiling in the clear skies to drenched under a forming thunderstorm, in the 40's-60's those kinds of storms would have been nearly unpredictable and almost always unexpected)


No German U boats in the Bermuda Triangle? All you can accurately say is "NO German U boats were DETECTED in the Bermuda triangle. The Germans had several extremely talented U boat captains.


"They went down and went down hard" the problem with this is during the war, the TBF Avenger is known to Float for up to 30 minutes after ditching, while filled full of holes after combat. these were not involved in combat, so should have been able to float much easier. There are stories of TBF pilots getting into their life rafts without even getting their feet wet.
The Mariner had a nasty habit of exploding without warning, for reasons no one ever figured out.


This video taught me nothing new. Just more unresolved, uncompleted explanations. Thank you!


We flew through the Triangle on a trip to Bermuda a couple of decades ago, No incidents to report.


I think the Bermuda Triangle is an electromagnetic field


I was in the area while serving in the Navy. Weird weather patterns go on there. No real problems went on but it felt eerie. I live near Lake Michigan and supposedly some of the same thing happened here. Who knows.👽


I was told that the issue was a combination of weather and the earth emits a naturally occurring phenomenon of strong magnetic fields that disrupts navigational and electronic devices of any kind in that particular area of Bermuda.


Another great Video.
In the next i want so see a whole Video about the nevada triangle.


All crafts LOST in the triangle heard "4 8 15 16 23 42" right before disappearing...


every since I learned about rouge waves I figured that maybe a few of the boats or planes were taken out by rouge waves since they can appear and disappear before a ship or plane could send any form of a distress signal


I live in San Juan, Puerta. One of the ponts. I haven't hear news here about the Bermuda Triangle since maybe the 80s.

That said, this is the best video I have seen about it. Lot of information.
