what is the biggest problem in physics right now?? (a beginner friendly explanation!)

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learn about the biggest current challenge (IMO) in physics ! we'll learn what it is and why it matters, and you'll get some helpful context to better understand this wild challenge!
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I am so fascinated with your hairdo. It's crazy amazing. Also loved the old school chalk board. This was a fun lesson.


In 12 years of study, I have never made a perfect circle with all the geometric stuff and you made iit with free-hand.


2:35 WOAH. That may be the most perfect hand-drawn circle I've ever seen. Is that normal for you?


How could it be that I haven't come across this channel before today!? 🤔


When Pope Benedict asked Giotto to prove his worth as an artist Giotto drew a perfect circle, freehand. Perfection. It's a powerful message.


Your level of funniness + attractiveness + smartness is off charts...


I love the explanation, and the craziness lol


Additional comment about the thing I was smiling at. Then we go "foom" 😅❤. You're human about this and it's refreshing. Keep up the good work 💪


I have to comment on the current state of this subject as it's just too much fun atm.

The reason we see friction between gravity and the standard model is, the laws of gravity, described by Einstein's general relativity theory, are geometrical. Whereas, the standard model is governed by quantum mechanics, whose mathematical rules seem to clash with the smooth nature of spacetime geometry predicted by Einstein.

However, it turns out this might not actually be the case. What's so exciting about theoretical physics at the moment is, we're getting a lot of clues, provided by recent research, that suggests gravity and quantum mechanical laws could actually be intimately connected to each other in geometric ways that we did not expect at all.

In other words, right now is one of the best times for anyone to study physics!


So Jenna Levin's theory means that gravity is the macro manifestation of stuff happening on the micro, or on the quantum level, maybe fundamentally having the so called " spooky action at a distance " as the key to the riddle ? Is this what you mean ?


However difficult you think gravity/standard model is complicated, I raise you turbulence as being the hardest thing to understand. Add onto that friction.


No, the quantum gravity connection is exoteric. We progress well without konwing it, we don't even know whether it will be a problem in the end. Instead, the most fundamental problem is that we don't know the reality (ontology) underlying quantum mechanics. Nature deals with it every day the whole day and we have no clue. We remain baffled by quantum entanglement and can not understand it.


Relativity and standard model are just parts of a bigger picture - I suspect all models, even string theory which remains observationally unproven, have some elements that are correct and we dont know which parts or how it all comes together.
I suspect the key is related to Susskind/Maldacena ER=EPR.


I clearly know nothing about the topic of gravity, I tought that it was "explained" by the mass (Higg's Boson) distorting space-time, so gravity would be only the shape the space-time around a mass.
Thanks for the video and the oportunity to talk more about it!


Wow, seems like a pretty weighty discussion...


I'm an amateur theoretical physicist, and I'm about to publish a book on kdb titled 'The Reasoned Reality'. The book touched on concepts like: Reasoning, components of Reality, Numbers, The universe, Nothingness, The Grand unified theory, p vs np, and the general mathematical truths underlying reality. You should definitely check it out.


Is the relationship between gravitational attraction and mass absolutely linear? Can we rule out synergy -- force increasing once a "critical mass" is reached?


2 minutes in ~ ok, we agree. The conflict / contradiction between Einstein's General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics.
Honourable mention goes to the Hubble Tension. My personal suggestion there, who says the rate of expansion, the rate of change of expansion, is the same everywhere and every-when? We have inflation ~ then a plateau, then the expansion seems to have started to speed up. Now we can't agree on what the rate is. What on Earth (figure of speech) makes you think the expansion is a constant? So you've got a 7% or 10% or something variation, depending on how you measure it. Call me Occam's razor but what makes you think the expansion or the acceleration in expansion, is the same at all times and all places? [Roll Eyes] Yes, a homogeneous universe is a good starting point, unless you have evidence it isn't. Well what do you call this? It has feathers and it waddles and it floats. And it has been known to quack. I suspect it's a duck...


How much would I weigh if I stood at or near the center or the Earth? All of the mass would be above me! At what point would the mass above cancel out the mass below?

Q2: How many charm quarks do you have to ingest to become so quarky?


Always waiting for your videos, they are very interesting and fun👏👏👏
