The Biggest Problem Catholics Have

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Ray Comfort pleads with a Catholic to realize that she has a major problem that unfortunately most Catholics are unaware of.

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FINALLY! Someone who, when asked if they think they're a good person, says "no". This young lady is closer to understanding the truth than many. You cannot approach God without a humble heart.


At least she's honest about it. So many people, including churchgoers, try to hide it and act like they're good Christians.


She has a humble teachable spirit. I love that she told Ray, "Thank you for spreading the Word!"


That girl melted my heart, what a sweetheart. May she find peace with God❤️


Religion cannot save, but your *Relationship* with *Jesus Christ* can!


She is probably one of the most transparent people you have interviewed.


This young woman has a tender heart, the first step to hear God's voice.


“Thank You For, Spreading The Word!” That last sentence she spoke! Wow! Amen!


Love how she's always smile whenever she speaks.


What a beautiful women, I was Catholic, I didn't understand what being born again meant either, despite going through all the Sunday School classes, first Communion, confirmation, going to church every Sunday. It wasn't until I understood Christ and put my faith in Him that I was born again, and set free. Praise God for the work He will do in this girl's heart after this meeting.


she's so humble
I'm gonna be praying for her everyday


She's so pretty and sincere
She has a wonderful spirit 🙏🏾


I had a dream, about 1 to 2 years ago, I had a dream that I was running away from people dressed in black, covered in all black. I was running so fast to get away from them. I then ran into this stadium, and went into a room. When I came into the room there was a light, and all the people that were running after stoped suddenly. I then stopped and turned, I said to myself “why did they stop running” I turned back to look, and the sky was parting. I had never seen such a beautiful thing in my life. It was like colors of space in the galaxy. And then a white light. The light was blinding. I then looked the the right of myself, and an angel stood next to me. He had on armor. And I said to him “ Am I going to heaven, is God coming to save me?!” And he didn’t answer me. I saw then A man on a white horse. I couldn’t really see his face. But I knew who he was. He was JESUS. Remember the Bible says that the Lord will come down on a white horse. So when I saw him I was shocked. I was asking him “ are you here to save me, am I going to heaven?”. When I woke up, I jolted out my my sleep. I was immediately in tears. I am sharing this with you all because I am a Christian. Every morning I pray, I can’t get up without praying or else I feel like I’m not good inside, I also spread to word on tumblr, everyday when I read plans on the Bible app. I love God with every fiber in my Body. God says to confess your sins to one another. I struggle with sexual sin and I don’t want to idolize anyone. There was a time when I gave my life up to Christ, and I was struggling still with sexual sin, I prayed for forgive every time, but I still ended up doing it over again. I told God that I don’t deserve to be a called a child of him. I ask of you please to pray for me. I pray that God heals me. I feel lost at times. The enemy tries to fill my thought with lies and tries for me to curse God, and make me think against God, and tries to trick me in saying things that I don’t mean. Please pray for me. Amen


The difference between her and most of born again christian is that she is honest and not a hypocrite.


I was born Catholic and I’m now born again. I’m now a disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ and making other disciples of Jesus and talking to Jesus 24/7


What an open, sweet young lady. Very honest. I pray that she will be saved.


I think she initially thought "born again" meant reincarnation, which would make sense why she said no.


I love when Ray says, “It’s not enough to believe in a parachute, you need to trust it. Trusting Jesus means letting him have full control over your life. I still control my life in so many ways. I do it unconsciously. And things never work out. When I say, ‘God, you guide, I’ll follow, things fall into place. It’s so weird! But so true and magical. I love my God. God, help me trust in you too. I need that most.


Is she the biggest problem Catholics have, or what is it?
I see a humble human, conscious of her sin, weak in the flesh, but working on it. Kudos to her strife through this life.


She is humble and honest, just a matter of time before she's touched by God's grace
