How To Use The NEW FAB Unreal Engine Plugin! (Tutorial)

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Hello guys welcome back to another video. In this video I will be showing you how to use the new FAB Unreal Engine Plugin. FAB is the new Unreal Engine marketplace and Quixel Bridge Replacement. In order to download any Quixel Megascan asset, you'll need to use the FAB plugin. Let me know what you guys think about FAB in the comments down below! Don't forget to leave a like on the video and consider subscribing.

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Fab being the perfect illustration of "if it ain't broke don't fix it".


Being an old guy not liking change much😂😂, but of course will struggle, just keep the kids ears plugged, through and learn this new method.

So a great big thank you for this video, it will make the transition easier.


I really find it problematic how quixel changed their basematerial for objects and material instances stopping users from having easy access to features like scaling or rotating materials. Ofc you can reimport the old master material and put the textures in there. But doing this for every mesh takes maybe 30 seconds a mesh. If you work with hundrets of assets this might be up to an hour of extra work.
Also, and that is THE WORST. The ORD Texture has been replace to a ORM texture. So displacement information to get via fab... NOPE THAT IS GONE. You just get a metalness map... which is only useful with reflective materials... so just a small part of the materials.

Also many plugins - such as easymapper - layed out their mastermaterials to be used with the typical quixel ord maps. Which totally worked and was a blessing... Until now.

+The textures now have a weird code-name which makes browsing for them in the content browser a hard thing.


They should also add a 'garbage' filter 🤣😉


This is exactly what I needed! Thank you sooo muchhhh!!!. I'm just worried I hope they add the older versions soon too as I'm working on a project in 5.0.3 and can't really add anything to it yet.


thank you i was ready to say the heck with unreal and epic after 15 years of useing unreal


No worries if you have an older platform even 4.28 you can download the Fab files to your computer and then just import them into your Q Bridge Mega scans


Do you think they will add plug in for UE4 versions? Most all my projects were created in 4.24 & 4.27 which is my current one. I installed 5.4 opened it twice to play around with, but as stated current projects are in 4.27.

I mentioned in earlier comment I'd struggle through learning using FAB well that struggle took about 10-15 minutes.

Again thank you for all you helpful advice and guidance it is much appriciated.


Thank you so much finally someone explaid that shit
Love u bro <3


Great video, thanks for showing how everything works! Btw how will the monthly featured free Unreal Engine content be available with Fab? Is Fab going to have a different filter to show the items that are exclusively free for the current month, or do we have to find them ourselves from Fab or from the Unreal Engine blog?


Loving this as a Linux user so far! Before, we had to jump through hoops to get assets added to our projects, but now it's all just within the engine. If anyone else uses Linux, the plugin needs to be manually downloaded in the same place where you download the Linux version of UE5.

I am curious, though as I swear they mentioned this before. But we will be able to add a local repository of assets to Fab as well at some point, yes? I have a ton of Synty Studios assets I purchased from their website, so being able to add them locally would be super.


The whole thing where I have to search for megascans in FAB and then it isnt categorized like it was no neatly is a mess. What are they thinking


Random question:does using any asset from fab / unreal engine ( paid assets or free assets ) make them own revenue from my project in the future ? Or the revenue only for using the UE engine?


I am pretty sure that time will add in more and more of the legacy marketplace stuff, just need to give the developers time for them to get their stuff updated. As for the permanently free stuff, I am hopeful that Epic will transfer them over eventually over the next few weeks. You may want to hold off on the video updating for awhile.


I thought I'd try the Fab plugin on UE5.4.4 - Yeah it installed but when I tried to package for Android (VR) it failed. So I just disabled the pluging and I can package again.


I found a way to download all of quixelbridge assets but I also heard that quixel bridge won't be free anymore next year. I don't get the difference bewtween quixel bridge and fab. They are simply moving quixel assets inside fab plugin, isn't that right?


Now if the FAB plugin had allowed us to import INDIVIDUAL assets from asset packs, that would have been worth re-inventing the wheel for! Missed opportunity. So for now, I still have to add entire asset packs to a dummy project (asset picker) and migrate from there to get the single asset I want. (unless anyone uses a better approach?)


10:50, so am I supposed to add the 17000 megascans individually to my library to access them in 2025, or claiming them is just enough ?


Great video, thanks!
One question - I tested downloading some of the Quixel surfaces (ex: Mossy Stone Wall) and I noticed that they don't have ORD textures - only ORM.
How do you handle Displacement? - in this example the (M)etallic map B-channel is 100% black. There is no Height map included either.
I did notice that if you download the GLTF from FABs website, the .zip file DOES include a Height map.
(I'm thinking about all the basic Quixel Master Material tutorials out there that were based on the ORD texture from Quixel - I guess those will need to be adjusted. LOL).
