If you’re a good guy that’s been friendzoned #friendzone #datingadvice #goodmen

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Friendzone= work horse. She will use the man for everything except when it benefits the man.


I’ve never been friend zoned. It’s a state of mind that you have to accept. If you’re not willing to be friend zoned then it doesn’t happen to you. It just means you have to be willing to lose girls. There’s plenty though. It’s not a big deal.


If you leave me in the friends zone, you gon catch me in your friends phone.


Funnest part is when you've been friend zoned they get mad when you do meet some one with interest in you.


Yeah, don't screw around. If you're interested, shoot your shot. If she doesn't give you a yes, move on with your life and look for someone who is interested.

Being an actual friend is fine. But the friendzone is a toxic place that includes the boyfriend duties without any of the boyfriend benefits. Don't let yourself get stuck there or you take yourself out of the running for something real.

As a sidenote, if a girl pulls back when you push, or pulls when you try to move on. She knows you're in the friendzone, and likes to keep you there. Cut all ties and ghost her. There is no room for friendship.


The worst part is when they actually DO know you deeply. And for all their talk of you being an amazing guy, you’re not even worth an hour of their time to so much as give things a try. It’s always the ones who know you the most that that deem you the most worthless.


Its called the FOOL ZONE not the friend zone👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻


Friend zone=no longer friends. Don't like me like that? i'm perfectly ok with that. Not everyone can or should be required to love me, but you're not about to get bf benefits without girlfriend responsibilities.


Every girl that friend zoned me, I blocked and deleted their number asap. I don't need the BS, the drama. I don't want to be a shoulder to cry on when Chad and Tyrone use them like toilet paper and flush them down the toilet.


I prefer to quietly slip away from the Friendzone, she takes you for granted/relies on you - then one day you're just gone.


It hurts way less to be rejected and walk away than stay "friends" with the person that rejected (friendzoned) you! Have some self respect and walk away and find someone who really loves you! The friendzone is a mental prison!


Needed to hear this. Thank you! I met an older group of Argentinians n I told the 2 older women of the group of my experiences in dating, how I used to be called ugly in my youth & 20's, getting rejected by a woman I liked, to progressing in my teaching career as a special ed teacher for mod/severe students, to dropping weight n trying to get fitter. I showed a pic of the woman that rejected me, n both said that she was "beautiful" BUT! that so was I, especially my "Golden heart" for helping disabled children . One of them even said "even if that girl rejected you, it wasn't because of your "looks" or how you see yourself. You're a very attractive man, n she is too. BUT! Her mind is lost n wrong n she can't see your heart of Gold. Don't take it personal n see yourself as being 'ugly.' You're not! It's just that she's a woman with a clouded dark heart n mind, who can't see a good hearted man like you. One day, a good hearted intelligent woman will see your heart."

Those were powerful words. I'm not going to care about being "rejected" or "friendzoned" any longer! They're just foolish bad decisions from an incorrect poor girl.


To guys being friendzoned: she's not "not ready for a relationship". She already knows you're a good guy. But not attracted to you. Believe me, she's been fucking chad while whining to you about 'men are this, men are that'.

Just ask yourself: if you know you're better guy than Chad, do you really want to be treated like a backup plan? Have some self respect and block her, find someone else, perhaps overseas. Good luck out there


I was ignorant about the friendzoned too.

I did believed being FRIENDZONED means Real friends "

Not long time ago I did learn

Keep you as an orbiter/backup plan.

A singelmom who friendzoned me 11 years ago suddenly believed we could takes our friendship to the next level.

Little did She know I Friendzoned her back 11 years ago "


Yep... you can be a good guy AND refuse to be friendzoned. The two are not mutually exclusive. If a woman you're interested in that way tries to friend zone you, walk away. Let her know you know your value and find someone else.


Got rejected by a girl I see all the time and honestly didn't expect to say no. I've been single so long that I just brushed it off. Now she's even more flirty than before and I don't understand. I'm just trying to stay away from her, I don't like the head games.


You are spot on as usual! If you don't "do it for them" or what ever the phrase is these days ... Move on.. if you want to be "friends " with them fine but don't wait just move on to someone else.


I never Simped like that. When they said, "let's be friends", I'd say, no thanks, andcoff I went, living my life. They can find a friend somewhere else. Women and men can't be friends, really. I know that, but women think differently. And I know why. They use their friends for free meals, attention, listeners, and provide no return value.


It is not "She may never be ready for that." It is "She WILL never see you that way." NEVER.


I remember a friend of mine was in this situation.

I would tell him, Kindly, that he should look for other women, but he would shrug it off and continue going after this one woman.

Year after year, I would see how pityful he would be.

One day I got angry and yelled at him, "Bruh, you're a wuss, she doesn't like you, your not her type, your embarrising yourself and your acting like one day she will turn around and finnaly see you."

He got angry and fired back, "Haven't you ever heard of good things come to those who wait?!"

I laughed my A$s off and it pissed him off. After a while I asked him, who told you that lie.

I remember he got real red in the face and told me his mother told him that.

I called him a psy and googled the quote on my phone, THE FULL QUOTE.

"Good things come to those who wait, but only the things left from those who hustle."
